Robocop (1987) question


Now you enter...the shredder
Jun 11, 2010
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Saw this last night. Like the grittyness and animatronics to it. Hollywood these days are way to PC to allow something like this to be made.

Robocop, was he meant to be slow? Or can he move as fast if not faster than a human?

At first he moved like a typical robot but when he was being attacked by the giant robot and a mob of cops, he totally ditches moving like a robot and had relexes like a human. Same gos when he dodged that van that drove into toxic waste.

If anyone can clear this up, that be great.
I can't remember that detail but the movie is kinda overrated. Gritty, good and yes controversial by today's standard.
He has good reflexes but he is slow as shit

Just means his actions are fast so he was able to jump out of the way in time
Let me add on to what I said

Robocop has a computer as a brain..He is able to assess the situation and make quick calculated decisions
Back in 1987, tough guys walked like they had a load in their pants. But when it was time for action, Robocop didn't worry about appearances. He went to work.

The novel makes this clear.
Wait until you feel his moves when he gives you a full body cavity search. I've been trying to get arrested again. Talk about milkin the prostrate. LETS GET THIS SHIT STARTED!
As he realizes his humanness he becomes more agile.
Robocop, was he meant to be slow? Or can he move as fast if not faster than a human? If anyone can clear this up, that be great.

The original from 1987 is still the best version. To give the idea of a robot I think he was made to move a little slower than humans. When it was convenient, the director made him move a little faster. He was faster than humans in drawing and firing his gun. Regardless of speed, he got the job done. All the other enemy robots moved at about the same pace. The easiest way to kill him was to aim for his face where he had no protection, but nobody thought of that.
Wtf? I literally just got done watching Robocop for the first time in like 25 years.

First of all, I have no idea what you mean by Hollywood being too PC to make this movie today. If this movie were made today, all you anti-pc culture people would bitch about how the gang was multi racial "just to appease the liberals". Or about how they made the corporation out to be the bad guys. Or about how Robocop's partner was a chubby woman because "they wanted to appeal to the feminists and fat acceptance crowd". You guys find anything to bitch about, and then bitch about black people bitching about racism more than they actually bitch about it. It's insane.

To answer your second question, he moved slow because in that scene they wanted to show how robotic he was. Then in the scenes where he moved fast, he did so because it was necessary for the scene to work. It wasn't all part of some grand narrative about Robocop having superhuman speed or a lack thereof.
Wtf? I literally just got done watching Robocop for the first time in like 25 years.

First of all, I have no idea what you mean by Hollywood being too PC to make this movie today. If this movie were made today, all you anti-pc culture people would bitch about how the gang was multi racial "just to appease the liberals". Or about how they made the corporation out to be the bad guys. Or about how Robocop's partner was a chubby woman because "they wanted to appeal to the feminists and fat acceptance crowd". You guys find anything to bitch about, and then bitch about black people bitching about racism more than they actually bitch about it. It's insane.

To answer your second question, he moved slow because in that scene they wanted to show how robotic he was. Then in the scenes where he moved fast, he did so because it was necessary for the scene to work. It wasn't all part of some grand narrative about Robocop having superhuman speed or a lack thereof.

Saw this last night. Like the grittyness and animatronics to it. Hollywood these days are way to PC to allow something like this to be made.

Robocop, was he meant to be slow? Or can he move as fast if not faster than a human?

At first he moved like a typical robot but when he was being attacked by the giant robot and a mob of cops, he totally ditches moving like a robot and had relexes like a human. Same gos when he dodged that van that drove into toxic waste.

If anyone can clear this up, that be great.
You lost me here.
Yes he's faster than a human.

He's often not, but that's because he likes to play it Mr. Cool Ice.

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