Schaub's Comedy Special: Gringo Papi

Alright I finished

First half was maybe a 4 or 5/ 10 which is really good for Schaub standards but the last half was a 0. I laughed maybe 5 or 6 times overall but I'm also stoned right now so the dumbest things will make me laugh.

Overall: 2.5/10 ..I remember turning his first special off so at least this was an improvement
It's only 25 minutes long but I had to stop at 10 minutes.

There are gay jokes (surprise, surprise) and Messican jokes.

I got from 0:45 to 1:45 and it's exactly as cringe as I would have suspected. Has he come out yet? There is literally no way he is a straight male.

And he certainly isn't a comedian, wow. Good for him - not hating on anyone's success. If there are ppl willing to pay for this then more power to him. I had to stop after 60 seconds.
His opening joke about an anti-vaxxer refusing to get the jab because, "My body is a temple," while eating nachos was pretty funny.

It quickly devolved into bad gay jokes and how much he hates his wife and kids.
Yeah that's like the last two years when you would see fat lards sitting in drive through ordering 12 cheeseburgers and sodas... While wearing those silly face masks.
TS sure posts a lot of threads about Schaub. Must be his boyfriend, or something. I wouldn't watch anything involving that shitstain if you paid me.
It's only 25 minutes long but I had to stop at 10 minutes.

There are gay jokes (surprise, surprise) and Messican jokes.

Just the title of the special is cringe enough for me, no need to hear the bad jokes.

Tell us another gringo papi story.

How does this guy get work? He can barely talk

Schaub is living proof that its not what you know but who you know that pays the bills.

He gets paid to talk, how can he continue to get paid to talk when he cant even talk.....

Yikes Papi.

I'm gonna watch

OMG he's picked up the laugh more than your audience trait, also copying Chappelle with the wanky knee slap with the microphone. I'm actually cringing watching this.

I refuse to watch that

Imagine watching Brendan Schaub do standup.

I'd rather listen to Woodley rapping


I made it 2.5 minutes and was wondering when the jokes were supposed to start...

I can't wait to not watch this

How did you not turn it off at the 1:36 mark?


dude is embarrassing.
Does he have kids? That’s the worst part if he does - children being raised under a roof with this clown doofus.

I wonder if if one day he will look into the mirror and realize he’s a hack