Economy So DC is concerned about migrants all the sudden.

Looking like the Texas governor is getting noticed. His idea to ship illegal aliens to DC might be working. Wonder if the Democrats will rethink their open border policies due to the pain being felt from illegal aliens flooding into the capitol.

Greg Abbott's 'publicity stunt' busing illegals from Texas to Washington, D.C. ... is working


....Seems the illegal migrants are filling the Washington shelters now and she "fears" they are being tricked? Notice she didn't offer any specifics about such trickery, which is a fancy way of saying there hasn't been any trickery. Illegal border crossers are being offered free bus rides from Texas to Washington and a lot of them are taking the governor up on it, heading for the free stuff there after paying $7,000 to cartel human smugglers for the crossing. Cartels make money, cities and states lose money, and migrants get to stay in America for free.

Bottom line here is that her city's shelters are being flooded with illegals, the cost is has got to be enormous, the shelters can't keep up, and now she's whining. Yet this is precisely what happened in Texas in its border towns, and now that Gov. Abbott is "sharing the wealth" with Washington, D.C., she's out complaining about migrants "being tricked" since she dare not complain at all about the actual problem of an open border that incentivizes illegal crossing.

Where was she when Joe Biden was (and still is) shipping illegal migrants all throughout the country, to places like Ohio, or Florida, or Maine, or Hawaii, using the real trickery of doing it in the dead of night to avoid complaints from the public? Seems that kind of busing is O.K. for others, just not Washington, D.C. That exposes her as a hypocrite right there.

Here's another instance of her hypocrisy -- this item from 2016 can still be found on her own mayoral website:...
None of this happened lol.

Looking like the Texas governor is getting noticed. His idea to ship illegal aliens to DC might be working. Wonder if the Democrats will rethink their open border policies due to the pain being felt from illegal aliens flooding into the capitol.

Greg Abbott's 'publicity stunt' busing illegals from Texas to Washington, D.C. ... is working


....Seems the illegal migrants are filling the Washington shelters now and she "fears" they are being tricked? Notice she didn't offer any specifics about such trickery, which is a fancy way of saying there hasn't been any trickery. Illegal border crossers are being offered free bus rides from Texas to Washington and a lot of them are taking the governor up on it, heading for the free stuff there after paying $7,000 to cartel human smugglers for the crossing. Cartels make money, cities and states lose money, and migrants get to stay in America for free.

Bottom line here is that her city's shelters are being flooded with illegals, the cost is has got to be enormous, the shelters can't keep up, and now she's whining. Yet this is precisely what happened in Texas in its border towns, and now that Gov. Abbott is "sharing the wealth" with Washington, D.C., she's out complaining about migrants "being tricked" since she dare not complain at all about the actual problem of an open border that incentivizes illegal crossing.

Where was she when Joe Biden was (and still is) shipping illegal migrants all throughout the country, to places like Ohio, or Florida, or Maine, or Hawaii, using the real trickery of doing it in the dead of night to avoid complaints from the public? Seems that kind of busing is O.K. for others, just not Washington, D.C. That exposes her as a hypocrite right there.

Here's another instance of her hypocrisy -- this item from 2016 can still be found on her own mayoral website:...

But we've been told by the Left in here that illegal immigrants are good for the economy....
Accidently sorted by new posts and thought the OP was referring to this man:


None of these places like DC want to deal with the actual problems resulting from unchecked illegal immigration. They're a bunch of NIMBYs masquerading as advocates for this, until it's in their towns and neighborhoods.
What a surprise. The people in favour of these things are not the people who have to live with these things....

The second it appears in their neighbourhood they change their tune.

The epitome of virtue signalling and luxury ideas

NIMBYism is in every other person. Most people here want housing for the homeless but when it's in their neighborhood then they get all butthurt.
Once the bad hombres make it to DC maybe the White House will give a shit.
It's fine. Those migrants will want to go home after living in a shelter.
He’s obviously a racist bigot ! He might as well be Trump, cancel him!!! AOC is putting on her all whites and her pro photographer is on their way to NYC to cry…

Except he isn't complaining.

He's saying asylum seekers have a right to be there and New York has a responsibility to do the right thing, provide proper food, shelter and education.

He's saying they could use federal assistance.

Keep in mind I don't like this guy at all and think he's been corrupt as hell in a very short time, but this story isn't what you think it is.

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