Economy So DC is concerned about migrants all the sudden.

The sheer hypocrisy of these people.... its staggering. I don't think I've seen people be more hypocritical in my life. I don't think they even see it.
It's a waste of time calling them hypocrites or using the "if the roles were reversed" argument. They already know they're hypocrites and don't care, so it's not like pointing it out is going to change their mind.
The sheer hypocrisy of these people.... its staggering. I don't think I've seen people be more hypocritical in my life. I don't think they even see it.
Growing up in south AZ it’s like about time seeing hypocrites being exposed. You can have multiple opinions about this, if I lived in Mexico and it was bad of course I would try to sneak in USA. Now that’s not all that’s happening at the border, lots of drugs, human trafficking ect is happening also. That being said and understanding doesn’t mean we can just let people flood into USA. I think it’s a strategy, they think that will help with votes over time especially from Latinos. But right now more and more are voting for red and it’s continuing that way.
Growing up in south AZ it’s like about time seeing hypocrites being exposed. You can have multiple opinions about this, if I lived in Mexico and it was bad of course I would try to sneak in USA. Now that’s not all that’s happening at the border, lots of drugs, human trafficking ect is happening also. That being said and understanding doesn’t mean we can just let people flood into USA. I think it’s a strategy, they think that will help with votes over time especially from Latinos. But right now more and more are voting for red and it’s continuing that way.
I don't disagree but I have to say, I'm taken aback by people who are not only elected officials but people of color as well saying they don't want that kind of people ruining their neighborhood. Even with all I've seen over the past few years, I'm still surprised a person would say something like that. I'm not surprised they think it, I'm surprised they say it so boldly.
I don't disagree but I have to say, I'm taken aback by people who are not only elected officials but people of color as well saying they don't want that kind of people ruining their neighborhood. Even with all I've seen over the past few years, I'm still surprised a person would say something like that. I'm not surprised they think it, I'm surprised they say it so boldly.
I hear what you are saying I don’t think they are thinking of the individual but a flood of people that will change a lot of things in that area. Those people usually get underpaid and work hard yes but people get pissed when rich people start building house by them and taking over the neighborhood it prices they out eventually. If that makes sense
It's a waste of time calling them hypocrites or using the "if the roles were reversed" argument. They already know they're hypocrites and don't care, so it's not like pointing it out is going to change their mind.
That part
I have to admit, this whole thing is hilarious, and those governors should be granted an extra term for ingenuity.

"They turned us into a border town."

What is that supposed to imply? What is wrong with border towns?
Nothing if the borders are controlled. I lived my first 10 years in one that never had any problems. Hell, the neighbors would come to the university for education and books. All legal like, with passports and all.

Then 2015 happened and between 4 to 800 000 uninvited guests showed up from a continent away so the government built a wall (fence) and started patrolling it. Then they were called xenophobic racists. But no more uninvited visitors.

Now those same people calling them names are paying uninvited guests to leave the EU, or quietly working to deport them, as those guests are fucking up their neighborhoods. Hell, they're even funding Greece's efforts to control the influx to the tune if 800 000 000 Euros. Sound familiar?

Nobody likes uninvited guests. Nobody likes outsiders changing their societies. Nobody. Don't believe me? Ask the countries bordering Syria or even Mexico. The people saying otherwise are delusional fools who always change their tune when reality comes knocking on their doors. Always.
So last night I am driving late back from my sons college Football game. My wife and I see 2 busses Texas plates with cops in front and back. 1am. It is not just DC. Whatever your leanings are, right, left, deny this is an issue and Biden is shitting the bed with it is just insane. Our homeless problem is ruining cities.....but sure let more people in to suffer.
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Odd aint it? Sanctuary cities, not wanting to be sanctuary cities?
They made us a border town, that says it all, its the new flyover state
The sheer hypocrisy of these people.... its staggering. I don't think I've seen people be more hypocritical in my life. I don't think they even see it.
This is hilarious to be honest. Props to Texas and Arizona for doing it as it's cheaper for them to bus them to these states and cities that claimed they were "sanctuaries " for immigrants.

It's NIMBY shit on a state scale.
Genius idea. Good for them.

The Dems/left wanted this, now let them have it. And it's hysterical how fast they're buckling.

It sucks that these poor, desperate people are now fodder in a political war, but that's on the Dems/left who encouraged them to come join the ideological conflict here.
champagne liberals.
I say why stop at giving them a reality check with immigrants : there are plenty of junkies and homeless that they've been cozying up for a while. Throw those in the mix and see just how fast the virtue signalling and grandstanding get silenced.
It sucks that these poor, desperate people are now fodder in a political war, but that's on the Dems/left who encouraged them to come join the ideological conflict here.
I'm not sure it actually sucks for the poor desperate people you are talking about. They made it to the US and the ones getting on the busses are volunteering to do so. From what I saw it is majority rule of the passengers when it comes to the destination the bus goes to. They can also get off the bus when they make a stop if they want. Sounds like a win for everyone, except for the mayors that are bitching.
I'm not sure it actually sucks for the poor desperate people you are talking about. They made it to the US and the ones getting on the busses are volunteering to do so. From what I saw it is majority rule of the passengers when it comes to the destination the bus goes to. They can also get off the bus when they make a stop if they want. Sounds like a win for everyone, except for the mayors that are bitching.

I suppose that's a fair assertion. It remains to be seen how things turn out for them. But it's certainly not a win for the cities these people are flooding into.

However, generally speaking, I'm simply not in favor of making pawns of poor people, and find the fact that the Dems did it rather appalling (especially considering they like to present themselves as the supposed champions of the disadvantaged).

At least this way they're eating some of the shit they brought upon states like Texas.
They are illegal migrants. Calling these line jumpers migrants is disrespectful to families who actually follow our laws.

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