some hair loss

I do remember reading somewhere that constantly wearing hats may promote hair loss. (Can never give up my Boston Celtics flat brim though :wink:)

I would definitely talk to your doctor, but the big thing linked with male pattern baldness is DHT - dihydrotestosterone. There are herbal remedies that "block" DHT, the newest being Mytosterone (made from the same guys who made Aminogen). Not sure how much that would help, but you did post this in the diet and supplement forum, so I figured I'd throw a supplement out there. Not sure where you can buy Mytosterone on its own, but it is in Muscletech's CryoTest.

That being said, you really should talk to your doctor.
Exact same boat as you bro. I notice you're in La Mirada, I'm like 15 minutes away. We should get together and start a club/suport group called BAD, Bald American Dudes.
I just started a few things recently.

Nizoral shampoo (it says to use once every 3-4 days)
Caffeine shampoo (on every other day)
Coming from a veteran like yourself that means a lot. Kudos on your good sense of humor also.

I don't find a hackneyed 1 liner about commiting suicide funny. Call my sense of humor what you will, but this isn't the HW's. Consider trying to at least marginally contribute to a thread or just not posting in it.

I'm not a veteran of this site and I never pretended to be. Posts/Starting date refers to posts per day, not veteran status.
I don't find a hackneyed 1 liner about commiting suicide funny. Call my sense of humor what you will, but this isn't the HW's. Consider trying to at least marginally contribute to a thread or just not posting in it.

I'm not a veteran of this site and I never pretended to be. Posts/Starting date refers to posts per day, not veteran status.

Sorry mom. Most people could read between the lines and realize that Im saying there is nothing to do about hairloss so dont bother stressing about it. Most people prolly understood that. Its guys like you with thin-skin who degenerate threads cause you feel like you need to be the P.C. police, and save the world from such injustices. In short, get a life.

The myth of MP baldness coming from the mother's side is still pretty common.

It's not a complete myth. Some cases of male pattern baldness have been linked to gene variations on the X chromosome (the one donated by mother). That's not to say that baldness can't be also influenced by other genes, some which could come from the father, but those have yet to be discovered, to my knowledge.
My hair starting falling out when I was 18. My solution was to find a chick and get married so now I don't have to worry about it.:) An older guy with a shaved head looks like a badass, an 18 year old with a shaved head looks like a neo-nazi.
Sorry mom. Most people could read between the lines and realize that Im saying there is nothing to do about hairloss so dont bother stressing about it. Most people prolly understood that. Its guys like you with thin-skin who degenerate threads cause you feel like you need to be the P.C. police, and save the world from such injustices. In short, get a life.

That part about not marginally contributing to a thread? Did you read that? Now you're calling me your mother, and I need to get a life?
My hair starting falling out when I was 18. My solution was to find a chick and get married so now I don't have to worry about it.:) An older guy with a shaved head looks like a badass, an 18 year old with a shaved head looks like a neo-nazi.

Sage advice, this man knows what's up.
It's not a complete myth. Some cases of male pattern baldness have been linked to gene variations on the X chromosome (the one donated by mother). That's not to say that baldness can't be also influenced by other genes, some which could come from the father, but those have yet to be discovered, to my knowledge.

My bad. I meant that towards those folks that believe if your mother's father is/was bald, you're 100% likely to be bald as well.
That part about not marginally contributing to a thread? Did you read that? Now you're calling me your mother, and I need to get a life?

Yeh I read it dumbass, did you read where I explained how I was contributing with comic relief?
You dont get jokes, you dont get sarcasm..and, ya prolly dont get laid. Have a nice day dumbass.
Get your blood tested to make sure it's not a disease or vitamin deficiency. Unfortunately it's probably male pattern baldness. I've been losing my hair very slowly for 4-5 yrs

Welcome to balding man. It's depressing isn't it? It's actually been said that it comes from both parents sides now. My Mom's mom and dad both have/had major hair loss, so I'm screwed. I'd suggest you start buying Nioxin system and use it now. If it';s not much loss, you can probably keep it where it's at and possibly promote a little re-growth. I've noticed I've got some fuzz growin' in areas again.

There's also another cheap shampoo you may want to supp with as well on various days - I think it's called Nizarol or something. I've yet to use it, but will get it eventually. The Nioxin is expensive, but possibly worth it.

Rogain and Propecia work but once you stop taking/using it, it's back to serious falling out for you. If you can afford it and want to use it everyday, Rogain may be the way to go. Propecia is oral, and I've read some not so fun side effects from it.

Good luck!
just hit the gym hard and shave that shit and buy some cool hats. acceptance is key. the look of going bald isn't what turns off the ladies as much as it is the loss of confidence in men that are going bald.