Step by Step UFC is going full Hipster

J Crew doesn't make you a hipster.

This is what hipster looks like:
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Most of the 1950's grandma glasses in the above photos are fake. That is usually a good indicator you are dealing with a hipster shithead and you should mock and belittle accordingly.

The only part of hipsterdom that truly annoys me is the insistence on liking something based on how much, or how little, other people like that thing. Loving something because it's "indie" or "underground" and hating something purely because it's mainstream is fucking annoying and lame. Stop basing your own opinions solely on the views of others, ya gahddamn hipsters.

This isn't this guys fashion sense though, that is what people are poking fun at. It is a lazy, no originality carbon copy of how my grandpa looked in the 1960's, you're damn right I'm going to cast judgment on it. It worked for the 1960's but when adult men binge watch a season of Madmen and start doing shit like this, it's needs mocking. I do the same to all of the fake biker gangs that have sprung up after Sons of Anarchy became popular too so don't get your neckbeard in a bunch. I am an equal opportunity offender when it comes to poking fun at grown men who play dress up and emulate fictional characters they see on TV.

Let me see a picture of you. You sound attractive and original. A one of a kind gem untarnished by society.
Going hipster - making ugly people less ugly in hopes of finding some kind of higher social status

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