Social Super Size Me scam

They really don't live long. They may look older on TV, but they're mostly in the 25-35 range. Being THAT obese(even 400lbs), is not a recipe for a long life. You'll rarely, if ever, bump into a 60 year old who weighs 400+ pounds. I would imagine they have a lower life span than hardcore drug addicts. The body taps to extreme excess weight. There's no getting around your vital organs being crushed and overworked.

Sure, but there's some 1000 pounders who made it to their 50s and 60s. I have no idea how a person can even live a day in that condition.
Project Veritas first please.

No one in the history of media has been as full of shit as them.
Project Veritas literally just record people incriminating themselves and the organizations they represent. Seems the ones full of shit are the subjects of their investigations and the closed minded people who don't like to see the truth.
tubby b*tch confirmed ^^^^^

your obesity is even more dangerous.

absolutely. Unfortunately we live in the era of zero personal responsibility and accountability. it's always someone else's fault.

Do you believe in addiction? A lot of foods in the supermarket are as addictive as drugs like cocaine. Sugar for example uses the same pathway in the brain. Then you add in the 24/7 advertisement of these foods and you have a huge problem. Can you imagine a coke addict trying to ditch it while it's at every single corner store and they are bombarded 24/7 with advertisement about how good it is? It's a losing game for most people.

Humans are deterministic creatures and our biology dictates are behavior. A lot of big people are actually also malnourished with a lot of vitamins even though they eat an overabundance of calories. It's actually disgusting how evil the food industry is.

Why are we fatter than every single generation before us? Did humans have personal accountability then and somehow we have magically lost it? It doesn't work that way.

If I was the ruler of the world I could make everyone normal weight within a few years with just a few bans.
Well sure, but their food has the sort of caloric density that you can easily eat thousands of calories without actually eating a lot of food.
This is spot on. I just got done eating chicken, broccoli, spinach, sweet potato fries, and 16oz of water. Completely full can't eat anymore.

Two pieces of pizza with a small sprite would be double the calories than what I just ate and I'd probably still be hungry (extremely high chance I go for a 3rd slice).

Really easy to get fat on calorie dense food. Go to the store and buy nothing but lean meats, veggies, protein powder, Greek yogurt and drink nothing but water. See how easy it is to eat 4000+ calories a day of that
His dick stopped working? Yeah, I don't think a month of Maccas could manage that for a healthy male. Not even if you were drinking the used lard mixed with the soft drink concentrate.
Stacking on 11 kilos in a month would take some doing, but it's what, an excess of @85,000 calories for the month or 2833 excess calories per day? Not that hard on a strictly Maccas diet.

Edit: Undercalculated the calories.
Yeah, and there was always skeptics, but the average person isn’t going on a forum and picking it apart from every angle. People are just like “did you see that documentary?” “Yeah that was crazy” and then they move on with their lives.
Never understood how people can eat such massive amounts and become extremely obese in The United States. For me, no matter how hungry, there just comes a point where eating any more food feels so disgusting that I don't even want to think about it. Then you see some of these people being able to chug down litres of coke, dozens of burgers and bags of potato chips every single day, eventually growing to enormous size.

It's a medical miracle to me that these 1000+ lb monsters have lived as long as they have, while I feel like I might keel over from half a bag of chips. Some people's bodies can just withstand an insane level of abuse.

I would say people that can get that big are genetically gifted tbh. It's amazing to me. I feel off when I gain 5kgs on holiday binge.
This is spot on. I just got done eating chicken, broccoli, spinach, sweet potato fries, and 16oz of water. Completely full can't eat anymore.

Two pieces of pizza with a small sprite would be double the calories than what I just ate and I'd probably still be hungry (extremely high chance I go for a 3rd slice).

Really easy to get fat on calorie dense food. Go to the store and buy nothing but lean meats, veggies, protein powder, Greek yogurt and drink nothing but water. See how easy it is to eat 4000+ calories a day of that

Exactly. That's why it was so easy to be thin every generation before us. You can't overeat normal food and you actually feel sick eating more than you need.
I would say people that can get that big are genetically gifted tbh. It's amazing to me. I feel off when I gain 5kgs on holiday binge.

The massively fat guys who can move and in some cases even do athletic stuff have always impressed me. There was a thread earlier about the farmer who was 7'6 and weighed 1000 lbs, who was apparently still able to work the farm and pulled off some prodigious feats of strength.

People like that are just mutants and defy all logic. How does one even move around that amount of weight on a daily basis?
The massively fat guys who can move and in some cases even do athletic stuff have always impressed me. There was a thread earlier about the farmer who was 7'6 and weighed 1000 lbs, who was apparently still able to work the farm and pulled off some prodigious feats of strength.

People like that are just mutants and defy all logic. How does one even move around that amount of weight on a daily basis?
Yokozuna was a WWF wrestler in the 90s and was athletic "enough" at 600 lbs. Unfortunately he died at the age of 34 after ballooning up to 800 lbs (he wanted to be the heaviest pro wrestler of all time).
Yokozuna was a WWF wrestler in the 90s and was athletic "enough" at 600 lbs. Unfortunately he died at the age of 34 after ballooning up to 800 lbs (he wanted to be the heaviest pro wrestler of all time).

The guy could move around like a cat in his prime.

There's been a lot of huge guys pulling off crazy stunts in pro wrestling. Vader would do backflips and land on his feet at 400+ pounds.
Do you believe in addiction? A lot of foods in the supermarket are as addictive as drugs like cocaine. Sugar for example uses the same pathway in the brain.

"An article suggesting that sugar should be considered an addictive substance, and could even be on a par with abusive drugs such as cocaine, has sparked a furious backlash with experts describing the claims as “absurd”.

"Hisham Ziauddeen, a psychiatrist at the University of Cambridge, said that the rodent studies had been misunderstood by the authors, and added that a review of the matter he co-authored last year did not support the idea that sugar was addictive to humans."

"Ziauddeen added that it was not surprising that even rats hooked on cocaine might prefer sugar, pointing out that many animals would naturally look for sweet things, not cocaine."

"Maggie Westwater, a co-author of the study said that the anxious behaviour sometimes shown by rodents after eating sugar was far from a clear sign of addiction. “Since such ‘withdrawal’ often occurs in the context of extended fasting, we cannot say if the behaviours were precipitated by previous sugar consumption or by hunger,” she said, adding that unlike for cocaine, rodents would not seek sugar if it was paired with an unpleasant event, like an electric shock"

"Tom Sanders, emeritus professor of nutrition and dietetics at King’s College London said that it was “absurd to suggest that sugar is addictive like hard drugs.”
this thread full of bro science lol

The humans are the fattest they have ever been in human history yet we also have the most nutritional knowledge in human history. Humans have never at any other point in history had to actually think about what they put into their stomachs. You just eat until you are full because the your body would react to the food you eat. It is really difficult to overindulge in normal food.

It's the modification of food that has changed the human body weight trajectory. Every single food is modified to be more addictive and has added chemicals that most humans can't handle.

Exercise also only gets you far. It's comical to me seeing people post about their 1 hour in a gym session next to their 5k cheat meal thinking it has any relation. Weight training 5 times a week has minimal effect on weight loss.

Many want to think matters like this are something they can easily control, or are a matter of character. Life is simple, do less of this, do more of that. Human bodies are pretty similar in general, but people have lots of variables about their genetics that make many things problematic. Acting like these conditions are rare is irresponsible. There is plenty of available data about this nowadays despite the general penchant for reductionist viewpoints. There's nothing simple about biochemistry.

Back in the day we hashed a ton of this out in the Dieting and Supplementation section of this board, which was where I first started modding. There were some epic threads with some very very knowledgable posters. Might want to check out those archives. The "Zero-Carb" thread was the most epic.
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"Tom Sanders, emeritus professor of nutrition and dietetics at King’s College London said that it was “absurd to suggest that sugar is addictive like hard drugs.”
I don't even disagree, but that stupid bitch Tom Sanders doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

"An article suggesting that sugar should be considered an addictive substance, and could even be on a par with abusive drugs such as cocaine, has sparked a furious backlash with experts describing the claims as “absurd”.

"Hisham Ziauddeen, a psychiatrist at the University of Cambridge, said that the rodent studies had been misunderstood by the authors, and added that a review of the matter he co-authored last year did not support the idea that sugar was addictive to humans."

"Ziauddeen added that it was not surprising that even rats hooked on cocaine might prefer sugar, pointing out that many animals would naturally look for sweet things, not cocaine."

"Maggie Westwater, a co-author of the study said that the anxious behaviour sometimes shown by rodents after eating sugar was far from a clear sign of addiction. “Since such ‘withdrawal’ often occurs in the context of extended fasting, we cannot say if the behaviours were precipitated by previous sugar consumption or by hunger,” she said, adding that unlike for cocaine, rodents would not seek sugar if it was paired with an unpleasant event, like an electric shock"

"Tom Sanders, emeritus professor of nutrition and dietetics at King’s College London said that it was “absurd to suggest that sugar is addictive like hard drugs.”

Good catch. I've been using that line for a while. Guess I was wrong.
I eat once a day and get plenty of exercise. I eat clean, prepare all my own meals and never eat junk.

I don't say these things because I lack discipline, I say them because they're true.

That's dumb

That may be the smartest thing I've ever heard about @Loiosh.

OMAD - One Meal A Day, a more intense form of intermittent fasting, has many benefits.

Rather than give my opinion about fast food, or participate if in the discussion if its 'healthy' I will pass on this interesting historical information that too many are completely unaware of -

How lobbyists made breakfast 'the most important meal of the day'​

"failure to sit down to a “complete breakfast.” But health research has proven that skipping that fried egg or bowl of cereal does not, in fact, lead to weight gain, health issues or underperformance.

Our reverence for breakfast is actually relatively recent. Before the late 19th century in the US, breakfast didn’t have any particular importance ascribed to it. But all that was changed by a small group of religious fanatics and lobbyists for cereal and bacon companies.

Historically, breakfast didn’t come with its own list of prescribed foods, says Abigail Carroll, author of Three Squares: The Invention of the American Meal. People simply ate whatever they had around for breakfast, which was often leftovers from the night before.

By the 1800s, what Americans think of as a farmer’s breakfast started showing up at the table.

Eggs have always been a popular breakfast food, says Heather Arndt Anderson, author of Breakfast: A History. Chickens lay eggs in the morning, and egg dishes are easy and fast to prepare. Meat that did not have to be slaughtered that day and could keep was also incorporated. Chicken was never a breakfast food, points out Arndt, as no one is going to kill a chicken first thing in the morning, but cured meat from a pig that was previously slaughtered could be.

In the late 19th century, however, people began to worry about indigestion as the Industrial Revolution saw people move from farm labor to factories and offices, where a lot of their time was spent sitting or standing in one place. Heavy farm breakfasts before work got the blame for indigestion, a major preoccupation at the time, and a lighter version became the ideal.

Entire Article -

So one of the reasons, just one, the western population has had a significant increase in size & weight over the last century is because we switched from 2 meals a day, to 3 meals a day.
Saw Super Size Me back in 2004 when it came out. Damn good documentary. Not sure what was "scam" about it. I'm typing on a iPhone mini. Anyone got the cliffs? Why is it being called a "scam"?

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