Tank Abbott vs Matua is the best stiff KO of all time

This right here. A lot of people didn’t see these, but holy fuck. Lindland after the Belfort ko looked like he was dying. Like in the sense that you turned away or covered one eye. And it lasted a good 5 minutes.

Then Lawler did it to him again like a year or two later.

The best part is Tank mocking Matua for being stiff as a surfboard. Mahalo.
Funniest thing about Tank Abbott is how he has one of the most well-rounded backgrounds you'll see in MMA but convinced everyone he was an untrained barroom brawler. Collegiate wrestler, trained amateur boxer at a gym that produced world champions...and a 600-pound bench press...? If that is what the average barroom brawler has, then I guess every bar needs a Swayze-level cooler.

I get the feeling from the gif’s I’m seeing that most people here don’t get the meaning of “KO’ed stiff”.

It’s being KO’ed and the body goes rigid, as if they were having a minor seizure.