Movies Terminator 2: Judgement Day > The Terminator

Sorry kids T1 > T2 by a mile....only reason I can guess thatT2 comes up is that it got watched first by when they were kids and now held in their memory like their first boob grab or the mullet they had in the early 90s. But I'll back up my reasons whey T1 >T2

10: Edward Furlong is annoying as fuck in T2.....Stupid whiny bitchy kid....he actually deserved to be terminated (Did you call me Dipshit....GTFO and go watch Friends or something)
9: Weak story: The best logic they could come up with was "they didn't send just one...they actually sent two terminators"....which then set up more..."well actuallly they sent three..."...come on
8: Recycled so many of the same scenes (give me your clothes, terminator truck chase, Terminator using voice trickery"....again...weak
7: Rated R > PG 13......watered down and diluted violence......weak tea
6: Bull shit cringe scenes: Terminator giving a thumbs up, now I know why you cry?....come on man!
5: Police scene: GTFO that t2 shooting cops in the knees comes anywhere close to Arnie going to the police office and systematically going from room to room wasn't pure gold Jerry

4: How do I look?" " Like shit, boss." " Yo mama!"

Nothing even comes close to this "real comedy" in T2

3: Tech noir scene

Perfect timing...Sarah's look of despair, Arnie locating his prey.....with perfect 80s background (and amazing 80s club dancing) ....yes and again tried for redo in T2 at the psych ward but with lesser results

2: First Mover have to give credit where credit is due....and by being first, it pushed the boundaries, was a nice tight scrip, could have worked on it's own

1: T1 has Bill FUCKING PAXTON:

Now having said that, I also loved T2..........they chose perfect actor for T2...but there are more than enough flaws that people put on rose colored glasses to ignore simply cause they like a tech demo that orignated in the Abyss and then carried over to T2.

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