The first person to eat blue cheese

Legend has it some kid was eating a cheese sandwich in a cave when he saw some hot chick and went to bang her, leaving half his sandwich behind. When he came back months later, he found his sandwich was moldy.
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But that's the whole thing though, right? Our revulsion to eating things based on our other senses (especially our sense of smell) is an evolutionary mechanism to prevent us eating things that would actually kill us. It's why there there isn't really a tradition among any culture of eating shit. Yet with blue cheese, someone said "fuck it", and started gobbling that shit down.

Someone's gotta be the taste-tester. Many a cavemen died figuring out what we could and couldn't eat.
Not much better than letting a slab of pungent blue cheese melt in your mouth.
Was prob the same guy who first milked a cow

What a freak
@lsa as a cheese connoisseur. can you weigh in on this topic?
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How hungry must that person have been?

Also, how good of a salesman must he have been? "Hey, I know this looks and smells like it will literally kill you, but I promise it's really good". And he was one of the few salesmen in history to use his powers for good. God bless that absolute madman.

Don't care, because Im just glad he did - it's fucking beautiful shit.
Blue cheese on toast? Wonderful.

It's a taste you have to get used to though.
Figuring out what kind of mold on food is actually edible mustve been an experience
Haddock is the food that confuses my smeller and taster. But there is a lot of stuff humans consume that make me ponder. Mushrooms for instance.
I would assume everything humans have ever consumed was a coin toss at some point. We survive by trial and error.

Props to all the first consumers that found out the hard way that what they ate would kill them.
I discovered putting blue cheese crumbles on a baked potato. It's gooooood. Sometimes I'll add a little A1 sauce. <BC1>
The first person to eat it was probably starving or on a dare.
The first person to eat it twice is the one to wonder about.