The Next Low Carb Nutrition Thread

Just an update on my low-carb diet adventure:


56 lbs lost since June 9th.

The giant spike is from vacationing and is all water weight that i lost in less than a week after returning to regular nutrition.

Typical day for me:

complete multi
complete calcium
150+ ounces of water
4 eggs, cheese, bacon for breakfast
4 tbsp flax meal, 2 tbsp peanut butter + cinnamon and stevia for lunch/snack
meat (varies, but usually chicken or beef), fiber vegetable/nuts, cheese for dinner
IF from dinner to 11 or 12 AM.
^how many cals are that?
sounds like 1/4 of what i eat.

Not much, but i'm also quite obese as you can see from the chart.

Each egg is like 100 calories or so? cheese is like 100 a slice. The flax is 80 calories per/2 tbsp. peanut butter is like 180 cals per 2 tbsp. I'm probably consuming less than 2000 a day.

I once tried to eat my BMR in food - and kept telling myself it would pay off, but I realized BMR is bogus for those who are obese. I'd have to eat about 4x as much as I eat right now to eat my BMR, and that's not even counting what should be my "Walking" cal count.

What I know is, this way works.
i see your great motivation and you managed to lose a good amount of (obviously abundant) weight, which is great.
i just asked, because my guess was that you are on a cal deficite, which you are.
how do you feel?
is the diet affecting your well-being?
I once tried to eat my BMR in food - and kept telling myself it would pay off, but I realized BMR is bogus for those who are obese. I'd have to eat about 4x as much as I eat right now to eat my BMR, and that's not even counting what should be my "Walking" cal count.

What I know is, this way works.

What formula where you using?
i see your great motivation and you managed to lose a good amount of (obviously abundant) weight, which is great.
i just asked, because my guess was that you are on a cal deficite, which you are.
how do you feel?
is the diet affecting your well-being?

I feel great. Have more energy than ever. Also love the fact that im rapidly losing weight. I would feel like I was starving when I first started, usually starting around 8 or 9 pm, but now I feel content throughout the day.
One thing I oft think of when I read threads on this topic is if I am losing a ton and not in ketosis does it really matter? I know some of you are borderline obessed with ketosis.
Nah, it doesn't matter.
I have a question about blood glucose testing and foods.

I have been doing tests to get a baseline, morning before eating, second drop of blood and usually is in the range of 95, average of 98 over the last 9 morning tests. This is while in ketosis according to keto stix so my monitor has a range of about 40.

Last night I did a test and ate a small amount of bread and a small amount of mashed potatoes, 28 carbs of white flour based bread and 14 carbs of potatoes, a total of 63 net carbs for the day. I know this is high but for a keto diet but I am mainly trying to test my response to these foods. I have eaten 60 carbs and still urinate ketones several hours after and the next morning, 99% of the time I eat 20-30 carbs a day.

After eating the meal with the bread and potatoes I tested 1:55 after the fact and my blood levels were 95, so this seems to be the right range, this morning I tested 103. I don't know if it's just the inaccuracy of my monitor or if there is a reason it would jump 8 points.

Is there a general method you should use when testing food tolerances, how much can your blood glucose spike and be acceptable or how much does it spike to know you need to stay away from that food.
So I'm currently on a caloric restriction albeit a very minor one so that I'm able to increase strength while losing weight very slowly. I'm losing a bit less than .5% of bodyweight per week. Right now it's all caloric restriction... I eat pretty much whatever I want (though it's mainly whole foods, whole grains, brown rice, legumes, etc...) with some refined carbs in moderate amounts.

For those in the know regarding low-carb diets (ahem... Sinister) is there any type of simple carb guidelines you'd recommend for me? I thought about eliminating all refined carbs altogether, but I don't think it's practical for me.

Is there a very simple carb cycling or daily carb maximum intake you'd recommend for someone looking to drop bodyfat?
I don't have an answer for your question, but where's the protein/fats?
Yes, I may have taken your post wrong, but it seemed like you were saying you mainly ate carbs.
So I'm currently on a caloric restriction albeit a very minor one so that I'm able to increase strength while losing weight very slowly. I'm losing a bit less than .5% of bodyweight per week. Right now it's all caloric restriction... I eat pretty much whatever I want (though it's mainly whole foods, whole grains, brown rice, legumes, etc...) with some refined carbs in moderate amounts.

For those in the know regarding low-carb diets (ahem... Sinister) is there any type of simple carb guidelines you'd recommend for me? I thought about eliminating all refined carbs altogether, but I don't think it's practical for me.

Is there a very simple carb cycling or daily carb maximum intake you'd recommend for someone looking to drop bodyfat?

Generally speaking, less than 100g of insulinogenic carbohydrates per day. Where you go from there is up to you. Again that's a very very general number. People have different tolerances when push comes to shove and you want to really dial-down, but that's a bit of a different ball game.
Generally speaking, less than 100g of insulinogenic carbohydrates per day. Where you go from there is up to you. Again that's a very very general number. People have different tolerances when push comes to shove and you want to really dial-down, but that's a bit of a different ball game.

I aim for zero carbs because I know that it is almost impossible to eat zero carbs. Aiming for zero I find I am able to keep my carbs under 60g each day.

Could I go highter, probably. But I am not all that interested in finding out where that line is drawn in the sand for me. Instead I try and stay far away from that line and I avoid simple carbs if I can.

My carbs come from Natty Peanut butter, cashews, salad, etc.... trace carbs.

Just an update on my low carb nutrition.

Since JUne 9th I have lost 63 lbs (437 to 374)

The spikes are from a vacation, an evacuation and the occasional cheat meal. I have found that I am EXTREMELY sensitive to carbs, if I do a cheat meal I will usually gain 2-3 lbs of what I assume is water weight (since if you add up the calories.. it doesn't make any sense otherwisE).

Genetics sucks.
Just an update on my low carb nutrition.

Since JUne 9th I have lost 63 lbs (437 to 374)

The spikes are from a vacation, an evacuation and the occasional cheat meal. I have found that I am EXTREMELY sensitive to carbs, if I do a cheat meal I will usually gain 2-3 lbs of what I assume is water weight.

Genetics sucks.

When I eat carbs on Saturday as a carb up my weight will go up by 3-5lbs.

For this reason I only weight myself once per week and I do it when I wake up Saturday morning BEFORE consuming any food.
Apologies to the other (original?) nemesis. Just wanted to say that I've been a lurker for a while. Started Muay Thai 5 weeks ago, added BJJ in last week and recently finished reading the 130+ page low carb thread. Great information in there. Have lost close to 30lbs this summer and started keto last week to help get rid of the other 25 I want to lose to get me down to 155lbs which would be the lightest I have been since high school. 36 yrs old now. Good stuff guys, and a shoutout to Sinister for all of his input.