The PR Thread!

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I love this thread, nice work everyone

Two notable PRs:
90 bucks on a bottle of bourbon (50 dollar PR)
24 years and still breathing (200lb PR)
You should change your name to Ourbon for the day.
You should change your name to Ourbon for the day.

It'd be more accurate since I'm neither black (the hip-hop markets association with the word "urban") nor did I live in an urban area until recently.
I scored a 185 lbs clean and press today at the gym. Cleaned it up from a hang and it felt pretty heavy, but I pulled it so high I didn't need to dip down much to get under it. Once I had it lined up for the press, I knew I could make the weight but it wasn't easy to lock it out. But I locked it high and held it for a while feeling good, then put it down with no trouble at all.

BW was 178 at the time, and I foat around 175 but I had literally just eaten a cheat meal.

Tuesday I did 5x5 bench with 195, 185, 190, 185, 185 which was silly but I didn't have a spotter and I was riding that line between knowing when I might fail, but also trying to put the most on the bar I could manage. I bet I could 1rm 205 now with no problem, my goal is 225 ASAP.

This is my 2nd week lifting in 2 years so, I'm happy (as long as I'm not mentioning my squats).
Damn fine work, Fight_Song!

Front squat PRs today: 90 kg x 3, 95 kg x 1
Way above legal depth? No. High? Yes.
You're 4-6 inches above parallel, round here we only count squats where the lifter breaks parallel, that's still a lot of weight to be shifting around, but any PLing fed where that passes needs a beating.

Fight_song - use a clean grip if you can, if you can't try using a pair of straps wrapped round the bar and then hold onto them, this way you don't have to have quite the same level of flexibility (I've got a a FUBAR wrist and this trick has really helped me recently).

Everyone else - good work, very nice pressing from Fatso.
I finally hit 3 plates on deadlift which tied my friend PR. This was a 10 pound gain, then I realized that it would be 10 times better to break his PR with another PR. so i threw on another 10 and tried but failed the first time. Then gave it 3 minutes, went balls to the wall and hit it. Everything went red, and i had sparklers in my eyes, and i couldnt walk straight or even stand up. But i smashed that fucking PR. Old PR was 305, new one is now 325!!!

Iv only been deadlifting for just over a month, so i thought this was good, i might add it was sumo, if that means any difference to you. My buddy has been deaflifting for about 6 months, so it felt good.
2" axle clean and press - 210 x 3... ridiculously eeeaaasy. I should be good for 230 - 240 if I work on hitting a new max for a few weeks.

300lbs stone to ~44" !!
300lbs stone to ~44" !!


I'm just still trying to figure out the technique for atlas stones. :redface:

I know the theory behind it. But putting it into practice is tough right now.
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