The racial discourse in the War Room is truly shocking

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Yeah, I remember him making that thread. Basically bragging how he calls people the n word and is proud of it.

No surprise the only action the mods took was to delete the thread. No dubs were given or anything. You can gets dubs for calling someone a retard or something, but make a thread bragging how you love using the n word and nothing will happen.

the thread was about whether or not somebody that uses the N-word should be fired from his job and have all his wealth taken from him. try to pay closer attention next time.
Yeah, I remember him making that thread. Basically bragging how he calls people the n word and is proud of it.

No surprise the only action the mods took was to delete the thread. No dubs were given or anything. You can gets dubs for calling someone a retard or something, but make a thread bragging how you love using the n word and nothing will happen.

Had he gotten dubs or a ban, it would have just made him even more bitter.
If you don't like someones opinions, try to use logic and change it.
I've been on Sherdog for a while and although i don't post as much as I used to I do lurk and I've never seen outright racism tolerated here like it has been over the last year or so.

As someone who has personally benefited from the discussions on this board I sincerely hope that the moderation here gets this under control some time soon...

Yeah, I thought they'd get it out of their system and that'd be that.
It's been persistent though.
Really does make the whole place feel more like a scum pit.
Had he gotten dubs or a ban, it would have just made him even more bitter.
If you don't like someones opinions, try to use logic and change it.

I know you mean well, but using logic on racists just doesn't work. I'm 37 years old. I've seen/dealt with racism all my life. Racists won't listen to logic or reason.

The only thing that will change a racists mind is when they change it themselves.
I know you mean well, but using logic on racists just doesn't work. I'm 37 years old. I've seen/dealt with racism all my life. Racists won't listen to logic or reason.

The only thing that will change a racists mind is when they change it themselves.

People change all the time.
Not everyone, but some listen to good reason.
who gets to judge what is racist?

once a thread about cousin-marriages in the muslim world was deleted. It
People change all the time.
Not everyone, but some listen to good reason.

Yes, people change, but it's wishful thinking to think a forum post will change a racist. I admire your positive attitude to this, but racists just don't work that way.

As I said, a racist won't stop being racist because of a conversation they had on a forum. Racism is bred into people. It's passed on through the family, think of it as a phobia. A person won't lose their phobia of something because of forum post, it'll take a lot for them to get over it.
Antiracism is war against reality. Everyone prefers to be among their own kind, all else being equal. Even those who pretend otherwise - and it's easy to see by the company they keep. As a rule, people feel they're on friendly turf when among people that are like them on the outside - even within the same laws and culture getting into a group of people different from self feels disconcerting. This is why in a multiethnic societies people move to neighborhoods that feel the most familiar even if it is not in their best material interest to do so.

There are also quantifiable differences between different populations and some policies which get good results from one people don't get them from another. Dismissing the reality that people really are different from each other in ways that matter prevents the ideologically blind from seeing reality and dealing with it as it is. This results in extremely bad political judgments and bad consequences for everyone affected.
Yes, people change, but it's wishful thinking to think a forum post will change a racist. I admire your positive attitude to this, but racists just don't work that way.

As I said, a racist won't stop being racist because of a conversation they had on a forum. Racism is bred into people. It's passed on through the family, think of it as a phobia. A person won't lose their phobia of something because of forum post, it'll take a lot for them to get over it.

Maybe I am a bit delusional as I don't take things in general too seriously.
As in racists being racist... that is what they do. Unless they are getting physical, I don't mind it too much. Maybe if it involves opinions harming kids. That is sad.
if mods got rid of the bigots, trolls and all around pieces of shit in this subforum, there would be like 10 of you left. I wouldn't go around calling for heavy moderation unless you're prepared for the culling.
Antiracism is war against reality. Everyone prefers to be among their own kind, all else being equal. Even those who pretend otherwise - and it's easy to see by the company they keep. As a rule, people feel they're on friendly turf when among people that are like them on the outside - even within the same laws and culture getting into a group of people different from self feels disconcerting. This is why in a multiethnic societies people move to neighborhoods that feel the most familiar even if it is not in their best material interest to do so.

There are also quantifiable differences between different populations and some policies which get good results from one people don't get them from another. Dismissing the reality that people really are different from each other in ways that matter prevents the ideologically blind from seeing reality and dealing with it as it is. This results in extremely bad political judgments and bad consequences for everyone affected.

Pure projection.
Instead of censoring racists, why not ignore them? Let the world see their folly and at the same time not being dragged down to their level.
this thread is the epitome of the typical hypocritically intolerant liberal mindset .. try and censor/destroy anything you disagree with .. but post as many racist white cop/or white anything bashing threads as you please .. they have no problems with those threads and why would they .. those give them raging hard ons .. op, where's your thread complaining about all the evil whitey bullshit threads ?
Let them blow off steam on forums like this so they don't go out into the real world, say these things and win themselves an all expenses paid trip to the emergency room. Health care costs are expensive enough as it is.
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So some here support not being allowed to have a different view then them.

"If you don't think like me you shouldn't be allowed to speak."

Well at least this is not some liberal arts collage where the above statement is the law and practice.

I understand this is a private board and has rules but so far the mods have acted with reason and allowed debate on issues.

Some people get their feelings hurt if people disagree with them and believe those in authority must be required to protect their feelings.

The War Room Gun-toting neocon? Tree-hugging lib? Duke it out in the War Room.
There is either a rule against racism or there isn't.

You can't have a rule against racism and not enforce it.

If there is no rule against racism, then fine. But, if it says in the rules no racism, then actually enforce the rule.
I know you mean well, but using logic on racists just doesn't work. I'm 37 years old. I've seen/dealt with racism all my life. Racists won't listen to logic or reason.

The only thing that will change a racists mind is when they change it themselves.

Uggh, this guy..racist this, racist that. What we have here folks, is someone who is actually glad that there is racism out there in the world. Its his vehicle to vent about his own miserable life while giving himself a sense of importance
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