Titanfall 2: Post info here

The SP mission where you go back and forth through time to get through the the level is one of my favorite levels in any game ever.
The SP mission where you go back and forth through time to get through the the level is one of my favorite levels in any game ever.
That was very very trippy! Great level.
I liked it but wasn't blown away. I saw some gaming forums say it was one of the best campaigns in FPS history so my expectations were too high.
Gameplay wise it was excellent but I didn't care at all about the story. Definitely worth a try but since it's so short, I wouldn't pay over $10 for it.
Really? Wow. Titanfall two was the only game that I ever replayed through the campaign on every difficulty setting. I absolutely loved it.
Good SP campaign you say?


I may pick this up. It's kind of dawned on me recently how little FPS I've played the last few years when for most of my life it's been ever-present

One of the best FPS SP campaigns ever. The game is on Christmas sale right now on Playstation Store for only 4£.

I played the shit out the MP and it was fantastic, both the gunplay and Titan gameplay. Also, weapons balance is fantastic.
This game has me legit laughing. On the second to last mission and it's possibly one of my favorite games now. What a gem. Paid $7!