Trigger a giant fanbase with a single sentence....

Male circumcision is mutilation.
It is weird how uncut is considered gross but we are born that way and cutting a piece of your weiner off is considered a societal norm. I think this is because most tv shows have jewish writers so anytime the characters mentioned an uncut weiner they react with disgust and that influenced society.
Male circumcision is mutilation.

It is weird how uncut is considered gross but we are born that way and cutting a piece of your weiner off is considered a societal norm. I think this is because most tv shows have jewish writers so anytime the characters mentioned an uncut weiner they react with disgust and that influenced society.

If you announce you're against all forms of child genital mutilation, you'll get attacked from all sides.
- The Godfather is a boring series.
Clint Eastwood is a better person, better actor, did far better movies than Marlon Brando.
Daniel Day Lewis is overated. My man-crush, Val Kilmer is far better actor.
The oscars sucks. Michael Clark Dunkan should've won for the Green Mile.
Kevin is bitch is a trash director and writer. Should've never touch He-Man.
The space sherifs from Toei would kick the Jedi ass. Spielvan was using a double laser saber in 1897. So the untalented writers from Star Wars stole the idea.

I hate the humans from the Jurassic World movies. How a bunch of imbeciles can match dinosaurs?
Lou Ferrigno really won his return.
Hulk with Ferrigno and Bixby was far better than the Disney versin. Ang Lee movie was really good.
Ben Afleck can do a better Batman movie than Nolan.
Devitto was far better as Penguim, than Phoenix was as Joker.

Heey. Marvel fan, base. Spider -man always carried Marvel on his back!
Jan 2017 to Jan 2020 was the Greatest period in American History, everyone had it good and we now see that
Donald Trump was good for exposing the media in this country.

And I think that guys kind of a POS; but I appreciate the fact he isn’t Joe Biden.
All of the Godfather movies suck.

Almost all Disney fans are insufferably defensive of the company to the point that it is almost pious. They worship a corporate giant and think that the company actually cares about them. Disney only wants your money and they've cultivated a cabal of rabid fans through nostalgia felating and political grandstanding.