Television TV or movie inaccuracies that bother you

20% where? Maybe Filipino and Asian mixing

Lol, how are you not aware that Filipinos are Asian? Also you're dodging the question. Where did you get under 1% from? Did you pull that number out of your ass? I've got multiple siblings in interracial marriages and I know of many more. It's fairly common. Either you don't live in the U.S. or you live in some backwards town.
When a TV or movie character is holding a coffee mug or other mug for some kind of drink, and they pretend to drink from it and it's completely obvious that there is no liquid in the mug at all. Just from the way they "drink" from it. I see it all the time. the director should TELL the props guys to ACTUALLY put coffee or tea or wine or water or whatever in the mug.

Actors fail constantly to convincingly "drink" from a drink container. It does bug me slightly (not much, just a bit).
Stupid prison escapes. There's never been one in TV or a movie that's realistic.

The worst ones are when the main character does it easily & quickly, as if he's escaped from a dozen prisons.

The 2nd worst ones when there's something that's practically impossible, but the main character can do it because he's the main character.

For example - The Shawshank Redemption.
I worked at a piping manufacturer for 2 years and I've seen alot of piping being destroyed... but never pierced. I saw a 50' pipe dropped 30 feet from a crane... and it warped to the point one portion was oval-shaped rather than circular... but even that didn't come anywhere close to it being pierced.

Give a strongman, like The Mountain from Game of Thrones a 60 pound sledgehammer and 2 weeks to pierce a 24" pipe... like what Andy had to pierce and crawl through to escape... and he'd at best put a small dent in it, but I can guarantee you he'd never pierce it.

So, in the finale of Shawshank Redemption, Andy being able to pierce a pipe with a piece of concrete from the wall... and it'd crumble within a few hits... inbetween lightning strikes... with his skinny arm... and make a hole in it large enough to crawl through...?

1000% impossible. Guaranteed.
Well maybe pipes weren't make back then like they are now. Also the whole premise of his escape was based on corrosion. That's why he could pick through the concrete wall in the first place so the pipe probably had a rust spot. It's still real to me dammit!
Lol, how are you not aware that Filipinos are Asian? Also you're dodging the question. Where did you get under 1% from? Did you pull that number out of your ass? I've got multiple siblings in interracial marriages and I know of many more. It's fairly common. Either you don't live in the U.S. or you live in some backwards town.
look up the statistics or go outside your house lol. Most races marry or are with their own race unlike what Netflix or modern movies try to portray. The normal is the same race couples not interracial. You having family in interracial marriages doesn’t mean it’s common, surely not common enough for as much as it’s portrayed on tv, why do you think people ask why it’s so portrayed in movies and entertainment so much?
look up the statistics or go outside your house lol.


What statistics? I've given you the statistics. I specifically looked them up to respond to your comment because of how ludicrous it was. Where are you getting under 1% from? Should I go outside and talk to the white and Asian couple next door? You're literally talking out of your ass. And yet again, you've failed to address any of the questions posed to you. I'm not gonna waste any more time on you until you address the multiple questions you've been asked.
Well maybe pipes weren't make back then like they are now. Also the whole premise of his escape was based on corrosion. That's why he could pick through the concrete wall in the first place so the pipe probably had a rust spot. It's still real to me dammit!

I got into a heated back-&-forth about that escape scene with someone here years ago, and it got to the point we were actually looking up the actual piping manufacturing details of the prison the movie was filmed at.

Long story short - Yes, the piping actually was prone to corrosion, but at the bottom of the piping, not at the top. And corrosion is a weakening of metal, but not to the point it'd shatter with the force of a human hand.

Corrosion, namely rust, effects a the top tenth of an inch deep of metal, and the thickness of the pipe in the movie was over 2"... as evidence of the movie scene itself.

And... in the movie the pipe was pressurized, as shown when Andy punctured the pipe @2:17, meaning the pipe was of sound structural integrity.

So, I was trying to keep my initial summary of the ridiculous escape short, but the further you dive into the details the more and more ridiculous it becomes.
Most races marry or are with their own race unlike what Netflix or modern movies try to portray.

The first half of your sentence is the first factual thing youve said here. Yes, most people marry within their own race. But that does not mean under 1% of marriages are interracial. That's a completely ridiculous claim not backed up by any statistics whatsoever.

Modern movies do not portray most marriages as interracial. What they have done is started showing interracial relationships more often, which they never used to. That's the phenomenon you are noticing. But you have some weird fixation on race combined with ignorance that drove you to pull some ridiculous number out of your ass. Lol at arguing interracial relationships are rare in 2024 when black guys going for white girls and white men going for Asian girls are memes at this point.

What statistics? I've given you the statistics. I specifically looked them up to respond to your comment because of how ludicrous it was. Where are you getting under 1% from? Should I go outside and talk to the white and Asian couple next door? You're literally talking out of your ass. And yet again, you've failed to address any of the questions posed to you. I'm not gonna waste any more time on you until you address the multiple questions you've been asked.
You do realize Hispanics are considered white so it’s not interracial
I got into a heated back-&-forth about that escape scene with someone here years ago, and it got to the point we were actually looking up the actual piping manufacturing details of the prison the movie was filmed at.

Long story short - Yes, the piping actually was prone to corrosion, but at the bottom of the piping, not at the top. And corrosion is a weakening of metal, but not to the point it'd shatter with the force of a human hand.

Corrosion, namely rust, effects a the top tenth of an inch deep of metal, and the thickness of the pipe in the movie was over 2"... as evidence of the movie scene itself.

And... in the movie the pipe was pressurized, as shown when Andy punctured the pipe @2:17, meaning the pipe was of sound structural integrity.

So, I was trying to keep my initial summary of the ridiculous escape short, but the further you dive into the details the more and more ridiculous it becomes.

Well if you've already done this song and dance I'll let it be because you're not changing your mind.

Also Maybe I should play Andy if they ever do a remake. You can bet your ass I'd shatter that pipe with my bare hands.
You do realize Hispanics are considered white so it’s not interracial


That's what we need walls for right? To keep whitey out? Lmao even under the complete fantasy that everyone who identifies as hispanic should be considered white, interracial marriage still wouldn't be under 1%. You would need to convince everyone that Asians and black people are also white. Lol I'm done. You're an idiot not worth anyone's time. Case closed.
Well if you've already done this song and dance I'll let it be because you're not changing your mind.

It really isn't a matter of opinion to anyone that's worked with large piping.

Also Maybe I should play Andy if they ever do a remake. You can bet your ass I'd shatter that pipe with my bare hands.

Practice your bare hands by folding these in half so they're shaped like taco shells.

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It’s always the wife and kids followed by group of strangers in apocalyptic situations. You never see the protagonist checking up their parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and other families/distant relatives when shit goes down.
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When someone gets choked out or knocked out and they’re asleep for like hours. I’m like damn did you choke them out or put them in a coma?

Also you don’t see this as much these days, but when media mixes up Asian cultures. Shit like Subzero in mortal kombat being a ninja… from China.

That's what we need walls for right? To keep whitey out? Lmao even under the complete fantasy that everyone who identifies as hispanic should be considered white, interracial marriage still wouldn't be under 1%. You would need to convince everyone that Asians and black people are also white. Lol I'm done. You're an idiot not worth anyone's time. Case closed.
I’m not sure what your argument even is. You’re literally denying interracial is rare compared to same sex couples. The way it’s portrayed the tv would make someone think no white people are together lol. All you have to do is either go outside or google the statistics.
The first half of your sentence is the first factual thing youve said here. Yes, most people marry within their own race. But that does not mean under 1% of marriages are interracial. That's a completely ridiculous claim not backed up by any statistics whatsoever.

Modern movies do not portray most marriages as interracial. What they have done is started showing interracial relationships more often, which they never used to. That's the phenomenon you are noticing. But you have some weird fixation on race combined with ignorance that drove you to pull some ridiculous number out of your ass. Lol at arguing interracial relationships are rare in 2024 when black guys going for white girls and white men going for Asian girls are memes at this point.
Where do you live? I’ve never heard of any white men going for Asians lol wtf. White men prefer their own women or Latinas and most black men might prefer white women but 99% of white women prefer and are with their own race. Look up the statistics, interracial is more common than 1970 but it’s still rare and only a small percentage, otherwise they wouldn’t try to normalize it in modern tv. Most races stick together and prefer their own race, it’s tribalism and who they can relate to more.
The first half of your sentence is the first factual thing youve said here. Yes, most people marry within their own race. But that does not mean under 1% of marriages are interracial. That's a completely ridiculous claim not backed up by any statistics whatsoever.

Modern movies do not portray most marriages as interracial. What they have done is started showing interracial relationships more often, which they never used to. That's the phenomenon you are noticing. But you have some weird fixation on race combined with ignorance that drove you to pull some ridiculous number out of your ass. Lol at arguing interracial relationships are rare in 2024 when black guys going for white girls and white men going for Asian girls are memes at this point.




Sheesh.... well I had no idea I was conversing with a legit prison guard.

That's one job I can't imagine ever taking.

By the way 3 years ago I was an UberEats driver and I had a delivery to the county jail here in downtown Wichita, and I have a wicked sense of humor so although I've never been arrested I walked in basically saying "Woah, it been a while guys. You're looking great! This brings back so many memories!" and that's how I learned no one working at a jail has a sense of humor. ;P

I've been checking out this Infographics video about one of the most insane prison break in North America.

That's may be worth making into a mini-series on HBO.

To be fair, me and my sergeant would have laughed. Not too many others though. We both quit the same week, he had about 2 more years on the job than me (only 18 months), so I guess people with a sense of humor don’t last.
Where do you live? I’ve never heard of any white men going for Asians lol wtf. White men prefer their own women or Latinas and most black men might prefer white women but 99% of white women prefer and are with their own race. Look up the statistics, interracial is more common than 1970 but it’s still rare and only a small percentage, otherwise they wouldn’t try to normalize it in modern tv. Most races stick together and prefer their own race, it’s tribalism and who they can relate to more.
White dudes love Asian girls.
- When they show someone driving, the driver is moving the steering wheel excessively while the car is going straight. It's obviously the car was being towed. Chris Tucker is a blatant offender

Old cars did have some slack steering though. I've driven cars where you had to move the wheel like that to keep driving straight

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