Tyron Woodley responds to Dana mocking the degree of "he wont fight because his thumb hurts"

Has he got a really bad over-bite/weak chin hidden under that beard? He looks like he would have.

Edit, just found a photo. He looks load less stupid when he's clean shaven!
Definitely not freaking Woodley.
Outstruck Wonderboy? Till? Lawlor? Hilarious. lol

He dropped all of those guys and they couldn't land any significant damage on Woodley. As someone else said, you come across like a hater and lack objectivity in your analysis.
Do you not understand how striking is scored in MMA? Effective striking is code word for damage. You still haven't answered the question I asked you, if Woodley isn't a great striker at WW then who is?

Anyone thats not woodley.
Dana is coming off really bad here, as the promoter your job is to promote your fighters, especially your champions.

He is allowing his personal feelings to create a grudge against Woodley, and his ego is getting the better of him here.

Is normal
So multiple guys Woodley has KOed and/or dropped.

Yes. Because I have eyes and brains and the outcome of the fight or landing one shot with mma gloves doesn't make someone a better or a good striker.
Woodley never seems to talk back to Dana, which he should.
Yes. Because I have eyes and brains and the outcome of the fight or landing one shot with mma gloves doesn't make someone a better or a good striker.

You should use your eyes and brain then if you have them. Saying shit like every WW other than Woodley is a great striker is retarded.

Did Woodley fuck your girlfriend or kill your pet or something?
You should use your eyes and brain then if you have them. Saying shit like every WW other than Woodley is a great striker is retarded.

Did Woodley fuck your girlfriend or kill your pet or something?

Like I said, he's nothing special. He will lose soon. That's all. Let's agree to disagree. Chill the fuck out.
Like I said, he's nothing special. He will lose soon. That's all. Let's agree to disagree. Chill the fuck out.

If you don't like when people call you out for trolling then don't troll. There's no need to get angry.
'Scared to defend' whooped every challenger won all the trap fights KO'd their latest attempt at a golden boy. Sure thing Dana. I'm sure hes real scared of pillow fist cobly.
I think Dana's strategy is to start a public feud with tyron in order to promote him as a hero. could be? so people would tune in to watch Woodley fight. lol maybe not.
Personally I think Woodley isn't all that great, seen better, i think he will lose soon. Still vividly remember Nate knocking him the heck out or Rory schooling him. That guy is so self-entitled, if you listen to him talk, you'd think he was kidnapped from Africa, from his family mother grandmother kids grandkids and grand grand kids and was subject to slave labour for 100 years without no pay.

"Racism doesn't exist." - Every lil dork ass white kid with a weeabo avatar
Dana's not a fan of any champ who can't sell PPVs and Woddley's whopping 130K last time are MM numbers.
They didn't seem to want him to be able to say he did well - based on the card they attached his fight to.
uhh no. pretty obvious to anyone that isn't a gsp fanboy. gsp in his interview with joe said he wants no part of Woodley. scared and scarred.

Scared of selling 10000 payper views maybe
"Racism doesn't exist." - Every lil dork ass white kid with a weeabo avatar

Racisms do exist and shouldn't.

What also exist is successful black dude acting like a victim from 50's and crying while drowning in their millions.

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