UFC 207: Amanda Nunes vs. Ronda Rousey PBP (Discussion)

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Just saw the fight. Textbook Ronda fight. Nothing changed since she got her ass beat by Holly. Hands low, stiff as a board, walking in a straight line, no head movement or body movement at all and blocks punches with her face. She had a year off to learn boxing, wrestling and kickboxing. You know, to improve her game...all she did was got fat, cried on Elen and made a movie that nobody cares about. Thank you coach Edmond.
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Noonez is a garbage champion but I couldn't have been happier to see Ronda get embarrassed for a second straight fight.
How is that? She has a great personality. She needs to train that English now lol.
Head movement! Head movement!

To be fair her head did move...

I'm still baffled how the Holy humiliation taught her NOTHING. She came in the fight the same way as she did time and time before. The competition evoled but she didn't and she still expected the same outcome as before. Once again, THANK YOU COACH EDMOND.
Man, I almost cried, Ronda really didn't understand what was going on...
It must have been embarassing for her...
Pls Ronda change your camp or something... start from the top5...
I'm still baffled how the Holy humiliation taught her NOTHING. She came in the fight the same way as she did time and time before. The competition evoled but she didn't and she still expected the same outcome as before. Once again, THANK YOU COACH EDMOND.

She tried to get Holly down, repeatedly, and was unsuccessful. There have been a number of videos that showed how Holly was doing all the right things.

Against Nunes, Holly tried to clinch, failed, and took huge punches trying. She was messed up. She practically tried to dive into the clinch, and ate more punches. Hard punches.

Yeah, I think Ronda might have done better with a real camp that could teach her better entries in MMA, but Nunes looked like she was throwing serious heat.
She tried to get Holly down, repeatedly, and was unsuccessful. There have been a number of videos that showed how Holly was doing all the right things.

Against Nunes, Holly tried to clinch, failed, and took huge punches trying. She was messed up. She practically tried to dive into the clinch, and ate more punches. Hard punches.

Yeah, I think Ronda might have done better with a real camp that could teach her better entries in MMA, but Nunes looked like she was throwing serious heat.
Yeah, but against Nunes she didn't even get the chance to set up her throws because Nunes started throwin thunda right from the opening bell. Even after Nunes caught her with a couple of punches she still continued to her same strategy go forward, eat a bunch of punches, grab a hold of her, do some judo magic and improvise from there. As soon as she grabed Nunes she just threw her away and continued to punch the life out of her. Take a look at Ronda's posture and guard stance in all of her UFC fights. Always the same Meerkat stance and hands slightly under her chin/head. Even after she learned her lesson from Holly she still continued to do the same and not defend intelligently.

I'm not saying Amanda won because Rousey sucks, I'm saying Rousey didn't do any changes or accommodation to her gameplan. I mean, she saw what happend to Miesha. I'ts not like Amanda suddenly started busting Capoeira moves.
Yeah, but against Nunes she didn't even get the chance to set up her throws because Nunes started throwin thunda right from the opening bell. Even after Nunes caught her with a couple of punches she still continued to her same strategy go forward, eat a bunch of punches, grab a hold of her, do some judo magic and improvise from there. As soon as she grabed Nunes she just threw her away and continued to punch the life out of her. Take a look at Ronda's posture and guard stance in all of her UFC fights. Always the same Meerkat stance and hands slightly under her chin/head. Even after she learned her lesson from Holly she still continued to do the same and not defend intelligently.

I'm not saying Amanda won because Rousey sucks, I'm saying Rousey didn't do any changes or accommodation to her gameplan. I mean, she saw what happend to Miesha. I'ts not like Amanda suddenly started busting Capoeira moves.

Meerkat stance, love it. Please tell me it's actually called that.
a lot of hate here as usual. Ronda fucked up big time by thinking she could actually stand with Nunes. If she played cat and mouse and let amanda exert energy and force action she could have been oportunistic and perhaps caught her in a clinch which is her ONLY way to win a fight. Terrible terrible fight iq. It has nothing to do with coaching. You think Edmund didnt spar countless hours with her and ronda didnt have pro level sparring partners? This is all on Ronda, she done fucked up.
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