UFC to sponsor LGBTQ Pride March in New York

So you're keeping track of who attends Pride parades?


It was hard not to notice that dude walking down the street in Anchorage. Or the guy with the pink cowboy hat and boots with nothing else but briefs on. If you want that to be what people equate with being gay, so be it. I happened to be stationed near a city where two of them were held and although you don't see them in the paper, that's the kind of people who show up and stand out at these Pride marches.
Will Uncle Dana be there to deliver some F-bombs? (Not that F-bomb)
Don’t really care. Bugger whoever you want as long as they are a consenting adult. Life is too short to be upset by the decisions of others. Doesn’t impact my life or my interest in the ufc/mma. Gay it up.
And here we go UFC WME going full SJW cuck
Big announcement: they will be adding another B and I to the ridiculous acronym too.
Well they are sort of hurting the gene pool.
Well, to be fair, US army did hurt gene pool a lot by using agent orange, nuclear weapons, but military parades are perfectly fine, and you never hear about someone being offended by it. Weird.

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