News Victoria Lee passes away aged 18

This is heart breaking news. My heart goes out to the Lee family. They are a beautiful family.
With their whole family looking like MMA prodigies, I wonder how much pressure was applied to them as children?
The little brother is a beast too. This is really hitting home for a lot of people.
Sad story. She seemed to have it all: very pretty, talented and rich.
With their whole family looking like MMA prodigies, I wonder how much pressure was applied to them as children?
The chances of having 4 children that love mma so much that they want to do it professionally is incredibly low. But nearly all children want to make their parents happy and proud of them.
Not surprising to hear about what's happening in the aftermath. It must be brutal for the family right now. Very sad.
I hope it's not uncalled for or in poor taste. But what exactly happened to her ?

RIP & my sincere condolences
I hope it's not uncalled for or in poor taste. But what exactly happened to her ?

RIP & my sincere condolences
Based on the information her family chose to share, most are assuming she took her own life.