Elections Vivek Ramaswamy: Republican party is "party of losers."

What's hilarious is that he blames the GOP establishment. Every single member of the GOP establishment said back in 2015 that this would happen. Trump would yield short term wins because he was different. But that his particular brand of politics wasn't going to be able to sustain the party. And it ran the risk of reversing inroads that the party had made with minorities and women.

Fast forward a couple of years and the MAGA crowd has no real weight to themselves outside of using Trump as their figurehead. They can't win without him. They can't govern on their own. The "establishment" read the tea leaves pretty fucking well and it's taken almost a decade for everyone to start seeing the problem with chasing that short term victory.

The "establishment" didn't have the balls to do anything about Trump and lined up behind him in 2016. They are also worse on foreign policy. It's arguable their terrible policies are what led to Trump.
Honestly I can see his appeal this election the same way i can see the appeal Trump had in 2016. Not saying he's anywhere near as popular but he's a giant middle finger to the current establishment, especially when he's saying stuff like that. His double diss of Nicki and DeSantis got a chuckle out of me too.
Stil not voting for him tho
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They got Roe vs Wade reversed and things are looking promising for the 2024 elections
The party is fucked for sure. I think a big part of the problem is people like him and trump. They admittedly aren't Republicans but using the party as a platform for themselves. Of course it creates division in the party
He is the type who will double-down on extremism. Because he believes fascism is the answer. You dont allow the plebs input on their Governance, you just assume power and rule them.

I forget who but I saw someone saying that they believe his overall plan is hoping that Trump is forced to drop out and then he'll rise to the top because he's not at war with Trump and avoids insulting him. Seems like his best bet honestly but even then I see DeSantis taking over.
He's a prime example of someone talking bullshit but saying it with confidence, so people believe him.

And the cherry on top:

"He then takes a swing at the NBC News debate hosts, saying the event should instead be moderated by Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan and Elon Musk."

of all the things he said, how would this be a cherry on top? that is easily the most agreeable thing he said. Not that those guys would necessarily do it, but they would be infinitely better choices
of all the things he said, how would this be a cherry on top? that is easily the most agreeable thing he said. Not that those guys would necessarily do it, but they would be infinitely better choices
Oh, totally. Let's have someone like Joe ask them what they think about Bigfoot? How big do you think his dick is? He'll get to the bottom of the important issues.
Oh, totally. Let's have someone like Joe ask them what they think about Bigfoot? How big do you think his dick is? He'll get to the bottom of the important issues.
I think he is intelligent enough to come up with questions REPUBLICAN voters want to know about. Which is infinitely better than people from NBC who ask questions that are important to Dems. But even if he did, that would be better than questions democrats are going to ask. There is no reason they should have let NBC host the debate
What he says is as crazy as what Paul would say, but I think Paul really believed it.
millions believe it 'cause of him
RP laid the seed in '07

Ron Paul Ideas were fantastic, sadly he was a bumbling poor speaker
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