War Room OT Discussion v2

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damn, wtf.

I just posted this the other day - I hope it had nothing to do with his request

Not related to that. He and I chatted before he bounced. RIP rip.
Well, I hope you find a site where people know how to appreciate a bunch of tweets.

I'm actually a little curious as to which ones.
"Somehow I think there are worse things than being spied on by the one government that actually values our freedom."

"Ron Paul 2012 says most of our tax dollars go to the government."

"Versus" verses "verses."
Don't pussy out on me now Marvin.

But hey, if you wanna cut loose all the relationships admiration you've worked to develop here then I guess this is goodbye. Clearly the rest of us don't mean shit. :(

You guys do mean something, which is why I'd like to keep in touch with you. I just don't want what has been posted here to carry over to my career. Let's just say one of the factors is that this site doesn't use port 443, it uses port 80. If someone wanted to find out who you were, and zir knew what zhe was doing, it would be pretty easy.

I'll PM you more.

Best protest ever.

It's like if Dana got mad that a PPV didn't get enough buys and decided to punish fans by making the next 10 events free.
Protest? Is that a thing now? I mean, I understand, the quality of this forum has tanked hard recently, but that's not why. I asked a mod in early October to delete my account, but they couldn't because of the temp ban.

I wish you well.

I'm down to relay any non troll messages for sodapop.

Thanks dude. Knew I could count on you.
mean, I understand, the quality of this forum has tanked hard recently, but that's not why.

I think it tanked during the campaign, as we had trolls flooding the forum with home-made campaign ads and troll tweets, dozens of threads of right-wing outrage porn (college student at Bumfuck U. says something crazy, let's echo chamber our misery about it for pages), wild CTs, etc. Since the election, we have people pathetically lowering themselves to defend an obviously inept president. My preference is for more serious discussions of policy and ideas, and less vitriol, team-building, and pictures. So a bunch of posters who bring down the quality of the group from my perspective throwing a collective hissy fit and limping away is a great outcome.
You guys do mean something, which is why I'd like to keep in touch with you. I just don't want what has been posted here to carry over to my career. Let's just say one of the factors is that this site doesn't use port 443, it uses port 80. If someone wanted to find out who you were, and zir knew what zhe was doing, it would be pretty easy.

I'll PM you more.

Protest? Is that a thing now? I mean, I understand, the quality of this forum has tanked hard recently, but that's not why. I asked a mod in early October to delete my account, but they couldn't because of the temp ban.

I wish you well.

Thanks dude. Knew I could count on you.
Did you find Seth Rich's real killer yet?
I think it tanked during the campaign, as we had trolls flooding the forum with home-made campaign ads and troll tweets, dozens of threads of right-wing outrage porn (college student at Bumfuck U. says something crazy, let's echo chamber our misery about it for pages), wild CTs, etc. Since the election, we have people pathetically lowering themselves to defend an obviously inept president. My preference is for more serious discussions of policy and ideas, and less vitriol, team-building, and pictures. So a bunch of posters who bring down the quality of the group from my perspective throwing a collective hissy fit and limping away is a great outcome.
Sorry for my use of an image.
In Sweden's most enriched city (Malmö), the Islamic State used some kind of device to air their recruting song for 30 minutes straight on a commercial radio station today.

What's even more scary, is that that song is far better than the commercial songs that get all the airtime on that radio channel.
Fuck off, you’re leaving too??

We go from two Sodapopinskis, both with 10+ year old accounts, to none when (@Jack Reacheround changed his name) in a matter of a few months?


That fucking gif encapsulates my exact feeling when Kobe Bryant elbowed Mike Bibby back in like 2001 or whenever that happened in the conference finals.
In Sweden's most enriched city (Malmö), the Islamic State used some kind of device to air their recruting song for 30 minutes straight on a commercial radio station today.

What's even more scary, is that that song is far better than the commercial songs that get all the airtime on that radio channel.

@lecter , I got a new laptop and it makes a weird noise when I turn it on. Now sure if it's a scratch sound and if it's going to ruin the harddrive. What should I do?!

@Falsedawn @Ruprecht
@lecter , I got a new laptop and it makes a weird noise when I turn it on. Now sure if it's a scratch sound and if it's going to ruin the harddrive. What should I do?!

@Falsedawn @Ruprecht

Does it sound like grinding? Could be the hard drive spinning up or a fan. Kinda hard to tell without knowing the noise
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