Law Were they lying to us this whole time?

There is winning, and then there is winning. I think it is weird to think that Ukraine was going to win, but to shit on Russia by fighting them to the last Ukrainian so Russia loses their taste for conquest for a minute? That seems pretty doable.


So just let all the Ukranians die? Sounds very pro-Ukraine.

When I say forever I mean for as long as they want. Russia was in Afghanistan for 9 years, the U.S. for two decades. The war ends when the superpower decides it's had enough, regime change is impossible, and it isn't worth it to stay.

Regime change is possible, we've engineered several. It's just always a catastrophe of unforseen conseqences.

I guess 'unforseen' is the wrong term. Unheeded.
When I say forever I mean for as long as they want. Russia was in Afghanistan for 9 years, the U.S. for two decades. The war ends when the superpower decides it's had enough, regime change is impossible, and it isn't worth it to stay.
HUUUUUUGE difference between the two though.

Russia / USSR collapsed and didn’t even have enough money to bring home their troops. Many had to be trucked home in the back of German military vehicles. Driven by the Germans. Arriving home to a new food regulation that involved the military being authorized to eat canned dog food. Some learning a sibling or two had died in Afghanistan without them ever knowing they were ever sent.

America was much different. We left on our own accord own aircraft to enjoy any food we wanted upon arrival, having parties with our families and a decent economy.

Is that what Russia wants again? I don’t think Russia can stomach that in the 21st century.
So just let all the Ukranians die? Sounds very pro-Ukraine.


I am an American typing from the safety of my keyboard from the center of the Empire. If Russia wants the heat, then they are going to get the heat. All they have to do is retreat to their 2015 border to make it stop.
I am an American typing from the safety of my keyboard from the center of the Empire. If Russia wants the heat, then they are going to get the heat. All they have to do is retreat to their 2015 border to make it stop.

And who cares how many Ukranians die?

Ok then. I guess your open indifference is better than all the liars pretending to give a shit.
I SWEAR that for over a year now, my Youtube feed and social media showed Ukraine war videos WITHOUT me searching for them. Like maybe 2 videos a day of how Russia was losing the war. I never cared for this shit. I only use Youtube mainly for music. I never look for any political bullshit. I remember seeing on my feed multiple videos of Russia running out of soldiers, their groceries were empty, they had no food, Ukraine stopped them in their tracks, Ukraine pushed them back to Russia

Now all of a sudden, I hear that Ukraine is losing? WTF happened to over a year of seeing Russians getting decimated on my social media? Was all that just propaganda bullshit?

Youtube is a pretty shit source for news, trustworthiness can vary wildly based on video source.

Ukraine lost a lot of ground early in the invasion and has been slowly gaining it back, other areas have seen back and forth fighting without major permanent gains for either side. Most sources indicate that Russian casulties have been quite high and the war plus sanction is putting a major strain on the Russian economy and armed forces.

That being said, it's not going to be over any time soon. Trying to oversimplify it into "who's winning" like it's a football game would be like trying to say whether the US military or the Viet Cong were "winning" on a month to month basis during the Vietnam War.

Right now it's a war of attrition, Russia is losing a lot of resources while killing a ton of Ukrainian civilians and destroying as much infrastructure as possible.
Regime change is possible, we've engineered several. It's just always a catastrophe of unforseen conseqences.

I guess 'unforseen' is the wrong term. Unheeded.

Not via invasion with NATO funding Ukraine. Russia turned all of Ukraine against it with their actions. It's not going to end until the two sides come to an agreement.
And who cares how many Ukranians die?

Ok then. I guess your open indifference is better than all the liars pretending to give a shit.

Either Russia gets fucked up now, and gets their blood lust, ego, and love of conquest fixed now, or they will just keep rolling until it is. At Ukraine, no one I know has to fight. They fight in Moldova, I know a couple people. They do Poland, maybe I know someone who goes to fight there.

It is like a street fight. Wrestle until youre both tired and then get knocked out, maybe the winner walks away. Get knocked out at the start at the height of your opponent's adrenaline and energy, maybe he curb stomps you. Dangerous to lose a fight to fast.

Better them than me.
Then what happened in the 80s in Afghanistan?

I understand the old saying, “ never underestimate Russia’s ability to suffer”. But this time they don’t have a Soviet Union to collapse (soften their fall) on.

There has to be some long term effects after this is all over. And I see both Russia and Ukraine taking an L even if one side surrenders.

Seems like a likely scenario will be a NK/SK type situation where there will be a DMZ and state of constant war between both sides.

Doesn't look like Russia is going to be able to make any forward progress any time soon. Ukraine still has potential to eventually push them out of Crimea by interdicting supply lines.

This will still be a devastating loss for Russia as it could cost them a large portion of their navy. Without some agreement from NATO, it's stuck in the black sea and useless at best, or worse at the bottom of the ocean because they don't have access to any deep sea ports.
"Support for continuing to fight is stronger in regions farthest from the ground war and weaker in parts of Ukraine where people are closest to the action," Gallup said, noting that backing for the war effort is highest in places such as the country's capital, Kyiv (83 percent), and in the West (82 percent).

Even in Ukraine the people actually seeing the fighting want it to stop. It's just people who aren't seeing it that want it to keep going.
Either Russia gets fucked up now, and gets their blood lust, ego, and love of conquest fixed now, or they will just keep rolling until it is. At Ukraine, no one I know has to fight. They fight in Moldova, I know a couple people. They do Poland, maybe I know someone who goes to fight there.

It is like a street fight. Wrestle until youre both tired and then get knocked out, maybe the winner walks away. Get knocked out at the start at the height of your opponent's adrenaline and energy, maybe he curb stomps you. Dangerous to lose a fight to fast.

Better them than me.

America has been getting fucked up for two decades. Did it temper their bloodlust?
Am I getting old?

I don't know wtf an ASMR video even is lmao

It's like, just white noise and stuff that's soothing to your ears.

Pouring rain, ear cleaning, that kind of stuff. It's also not distracting like music or a podcast so it's nice to listen to when you've got to focus and feels nice if you've got sensitive ears.
America has been getting fucked up for two decades. Did it temper their bloodlust?

Where has American been getting fucked up for two decades?

Russia lost more men and material in the first two weeks of the war than America has as the global world police for the passed three decades, let alone the passed two. Hell, you can probably even include Vietnam and even the Korean war soon.

There is zero parity between Russian and US military performance in recent decades.
HUUUUUUGE difference between the two though.

Russia / USSR collapsed and didn’t even have enough money to bring home their troops. Many had to be trucked home in the back of German military vehicles. Driven by the Germans. Arriving home to a new food regulation that involved the military being authorized to eat canned dog food. Some learning a sibling or two had died in Afghanistan without them ever knowing they were ever sent.

America was much different. We left on our own accord own aircraft to enjoy any food we wanted upon arrival, having parties with our families and a decent economy.

Is that what Russia wants again? I don’t think Russia can stomach that in the 21st century.

The USSR was in the process of leaving Afghanistan years before the collapse. Point is both countries failed there and it would be foolish for anyone to try again.
America has been getting fucked up for two decades. Did it temper their bloodlust?

Brah, I had a friend who sent "feels good to be American" after we blew up that Syrian airfield. I can't even remember if it was Trump or Obama.

I think watching the Taliban retake everything they lost did make us all feel stupid though lol
Not via invasion with NATO funding Ukraine. Russia turned all of Ukraine against it with their actions. It's not going to end until the two sides come to an agreement.

According to the poll I cited earlier, 30% of Ukranians want to negotiate. You can assume the number is higher but propaganda gonna propaganda.