What do you hate about the left and the right?

Left: Has become an opposition party. No practical ideas. No leadership. Anti-Trump, Anti-white, and that's basically it. The most sickening part of this has been there stance towards War-mongering. I was a liberal when they were anti-war, anti-intervention, etc. Now it's the Democrats calling the Republicans pussies for not wanting WWIII with Russia.

Right: Tucker Carlson, Shep Smith, and Geraldo Rivera, Ben Shapiro. Come to think of it, a lot of our stars on the right are downright abhorrent... but then I remember what the left has.. and it's not that bad on second thought.
Right - everything
Left -Right light- not left enough - Eisenhower and Teddy Roosevelt would be commies today in democratic party with rightward shift left has done.
I'd rather hang out with the right instead of the left.

The left is just too dull for my liking.

But you are correct; victimization is the hallmark of the American character right now.

Ironically, the LESS of a victim someone actual is, the more compelled they are to declare their victim hood. The logical conclusion of this process is Donald Dump, a born billionaire and absolute braying chauvinist jackass who holds the most powerful position in the world, yet CONSTANTLY whines about how UNFAIRLY he is treated.


Why do we have only two choices??

even in systems where you have multiple parties, they generally boil down to 2. most small parties realize they "cant win," so they ally themselves with the lesser of evils party that can win. kinda like libertarians already do with republicans, and socialists already do with democrat.
Left: Has become an opposition party. No practical ideas. No leadership. Anti-Trump, Anti-white, and that's basically it. The most sickening part of this has been there stance towards War-mongering. I was a liberal when they were anti-war, anti-intervention, etc. Now it's the Democrats calling the Republicans pussies for not wanting WWIII with Russia.

Right: Tucker Carlson, Shep Smith, and Geraldo Rivera, Ben Shapiro. Come to think of it, a lot of our stars on the right are downright abhorrent... but then I remember what the left has.. and it's not that bad on second thought.

Right = bought by the NRA

Um.... you sure about that?

I could pull up the total contributions of the NRA to Republicans for the last 20 years.... and compare that to total contributions that unions have made to Democrats for the last 20 years.

But, guess which one completely dwarfs the other? And its not even close.

NRA makes contributions to Democrats too, FYI.
I hate EVERYTHING about the right wing. The party is absolute garbage.

On the left, well I wish they would get some new blood in there. Some younger people with a better vision for the country
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Right = bought by the NRA
The NRA's only power comes from its ability to mobilize voters.

Is your problem that politicians on the right are more responsive to their voters?

I don't implicitly hate anyone.

These are the ideological underpinnings that in my estimation are worthy of resisting from each major political faction:

The left:

The left will immediately take as a given that the whims of the collective should always outweigh the rights of the individual. Their undefined "need" is somehow claim check on the rights and property of others.

As the saying goes:

"You can't get someone to understand something that they're being paid not to understand".

Given that the very ideological underpinning of political leftism is the state controlled redistribution of wealth, this is why so many on the left pretend to not to understand the basic axiom:

"Taxation is theft"

For a leftist to truly understand that axiomatic truth, is to no longer be a leftist.

The right:

The incessant warmongering from the likes of Lindsey Graham and John McCain is absolutely despicable.

Warmongering is the ultimate betrayal of conservative principles. There is no government program bigger than War. War is simply big government projected abroad.
That regardless of which party that are running the show, the MIC gets to wet their beak. The war on terrorism, the war on drugs! Meddling in other countries, waging war on lies and geopolitical interests that costs innocent lives!

The left:

That your identity (color, gender, certain religion) triumphs merits.

The shutdown of free speech.

Emotionalism, feelings are more important than rationalism!

Fueling divisiveness by focusing on issues like men in bathrooms while people are being locked up for petty drug related crimes.

The right:

Religious hypocrisy

Tax reforms should focus mainly on the middle class and not the upper class.