What is the best SNES game of all time?

Zombies Ate My Neighbors
2 player
Killer Soundtrack
All monsters and horror villains included in game.
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Super Mario Kart

I've never played Super Metroid or Zelda: A Link to the Past
Couldn't afford a SNES, so I just played basketball in my free time instead.
1. FF2 (4)
2. Super Mario World
3. Zelda - A Link To The Past
4. Mario Kart
5. Lufia 2

I'm big into JRPG's but for some reason never played Chrono Trigger, not sure why.
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The video game that came with the system... Super Mario World.
Seriously though, Super Mario World was the best pack in game of all time. So, so good.
1. FF2 (4)
2. Super Mario World
3. Zelda - A Link To The Past
4. Streets Of Rage 2
5. Lufia 2

I'm big into JRPG's but for some reason never played Chrono Trigger, not sure why.
Wasn't Streets of Rage 2 only on the Genesis?

You should definitely play CT. If you like Lufia 2, I think you'd love CT. WAY better IMO (and I liked Lufia 2).
I'd have to go with Super Mario World, played that game on a regular basis as a kid, beat it countless times and was pretty damn good at it (not that its a hard game). I remember going to other people's houses and they were struggling with it, I always though wtf, this game is pretty easy. That's a game that I would never get tired of playing.
Damn this thread is full of nostalgia. I'll be that weirdo who says Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, even though it's looked down upon.
I also loved Bass Master's Classic and Bassin' Black Bass (I believe it was called?) two epic fishing games. I am not much of an outdoorsman but they were a staple growing up.
Wasn't Streets of Rage 2 only on the Genesis?

You should definitely play CT. If you like Lufia 2, I think you'd love CT. WAY better IMO (and I liked Lufia 2).

Was it? Possible, if so then remove Streets of Rage 2 and replace it with Mario Kart.

I've been told CT is AMAZING, however when I was a kid and had all these consoles I was the only one who played JRPGS. So I had to discover them on my own, sadly Crono Trigger never came up until I was much older, I'm unsure if it's actually worth playing right now considering all the updates in gaming.
Seriously though, Super Mario World was the best pack in game of all time. So, so good.
No, THIS is the the best pack in game of all time.


Was it? Possible, if so then remove Streets of Rage 2 and replace it with Mario Kart.

I've been told CT is AMAZING, however when I was a kid and had all these consoles I was the only one who played JRPGS. So I had to discover them on my own, sadly Crono Trigger never came up until I was much older, I'm unsure if it's actually worth playing right now considering all the updates in gaming.
Chrono Trigger has aged wonderfully.
We forgot a game that should be mentioned in here...


Loved the arcade version and they did a pretty awesome job porting it over the SNES.

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