White QB privilege in NFL - New Article

It's been obvious to the naked eye that black quarterbacks are treated with less trust than white ones.

Way better in 2017 than 2000. There's been an effort to correct.

So the writer is bullshitting if he's making a big stink about it in modern day. However, it does still exist to a degree, and you're bullshitting if you're denying it.

so what ? whites are treated 'with less trust' in every other position .. why don't you bring that up ? and why are we discussing this when about 70% of players in the nfl are black ? if anything, we should be discussing why aren't there MORE white players in the nfl
I think the Rooney rule needs to extend to quarterbacks. Blatant racism is still being practiced at that position in the nfl.
While I don't agree with the article I have always wondered why guys like Vince Young, Robert Griffin, Colin Kaepernik are not given another chance.

I tend to believe that due to the competitive nature of pro football teams usually start the best QB. He could be green, if he can throw TD's they would start him
Don't know about the other, but Colin Kaepernick is being stonewalled for a very simple reason. His performance is not worth the political drama he brings to a team. Sure, he's somewhat slightly above average in terms of record, but nothing spectacular. He's known to be locker room poison even before the whole kneeling thing. Now with his little kneeling crusade and his gf accusing owners of racism on twitter, nobody will want to touch him.

This is a classic example of a guy burning his own bridge, then blames everybody else but himself that the bridge is on fire.
^liked +100 ... forgot about the gf thing .. you go around shitting on the owners and doing things like that but cry when no one wants to give you a chance smh ..

if kaepernick was an elite qb, he would be playing somewhere because it would be worth it to overlook the distraction .. winning cures everything .. but he sucks so what's the point of having that distraction on the team when it brings nothing to the team's success ?
so what ? whites are treated 'with less trust' in every other position .. why don't you bring that up ? and why are we discussing this when about 70% of players in the nfl are black ? if anything, we should be discussing why aren't there MORE white players in the nfl

Respect, whatever other word satisfies your silliness.

And whites being treated worse in all other positions is simple horseshit.

The reasons there aren't more whites in the NFL have zero to do with anything unjust or unfair, so that's nothing but a horseshit whataboutism.

So you need to find someone willing to play in horseshit with you, cause I'm not interested.
If a guy is athletic and runs, anytime he runs people think about how he will develop as a pocket passer. Throwing an incompletion is probably better in some eyes than running for a few yards. White nonathletic guys know they have to read defenses and people give them longer shots because they assume they will at some point be able to read defenses. The reality is that not many qb's period can read defenses, black or white. White QB's probably feed on their own stereotype of being unathletic and study harder from that. A self prophetic beleif.
Respect, whatever other word satisfies your silliness.

And whites being treated worse in all other positions is simple horseshit.

The reasons there aren't more whites in the NFL have zero to do with anything unjust or unfair, so that's nothing but a horseshit whataboutism.

So you need to find someone willing to play in horseshit with you, cause I'm not interested.

it's cool I won't play either since your perspective is itself horseshit .. carry on
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lol anciano is a troll .. all the posts from that account are troll posts .. I would say it's crazy that it hasn't been banned but the mods here are trump hating (some racist) liberals so it's not surprising they allow that
I know. I was playing along. :)
It's been obvious to the naked eye that black quarterbacks are treated with less trust than white ones.

Way better in 2017 than 2000. There's been an effort to correct.

So the writer is bullshitting if he's making a big stink about it in modern day. However, it does still exist to a degree, and you're bullshitting if you're denying it.
The biggest discrimination by far is by height. Russell Wilson is way better than Cam Newton, but Cam is 6'5" so he's the #1 pick. Wilson slides down to the 3rd round. But if anything, white QB's out-perform their draft number. Cousins turned out to be better than Griffin, but because Griffin's Combine numbers were so off the charts, he's the top pick. Brady languishes into the 6th round because of below average Combine numbers. But turns out it's about what you have in your head and your heart, not your feet and your legs.
I care so little about football anymore.
So much white privilege that the NFL is about 70% black.

I wonder why this guy isn't so quick to jump on the fact that like 90% of wide receivers and running backs are black. Clearly this is because the NFL is racist against whites.

Well that's because they are simply more athletic in those positions. QB is the least athletic position in the league besides the kickers lol.
Vince got picked up by eagles and was horrid.
Griffin went Cleveland after wash and was horrid.
Kap is avg. But why sign an average guy that will be a distraction. No one cares what the backup QB has to say and that's how it should be. that's not how it would be.

Same thing with Tim Tebow average Quarterback... big distraction. teams went away from him too. Of course he didn't sue anyone... he moved on with his life, like Kaepernick needs to do

I'm glad kap spoke about injustice to the people honestly. To many group of certain people think that what minorities go through with the law is not true. I'm glad we have video evidence of mistreatment by law officials.
We've seen a lot of black QB's who seem to have the right physical traits and stats get drafted high and then have immediate success out of college, but then defenses figure them out and they can't adjust and they're never the same. Being a NFL QB is a lot more about your brain and your heart than your arms and your legs.

Whereas with white QB's they tend to underwhelm during their rookie years, but they study hard and eventually they master the position. I think it's passe to say that black QB's aren't being given a fair shot. They are, but it honestly seems like a lot of them regress as players at the same time that conventional wisdom would tell you they would progress.

Such bullsquat

White qb's are smart blacks are dumb

Please you are as bad as the op article
Cam Newton and Russell Wilson called, and wanted me to let everyone know that ability wins super bowls and MVPs, no matter what race you are.
While I don't agree with the article I have always wondered why guys like Vince Young, Robert Griffin, Colin Kaepernik are not given another chance.

I tend to believe that due to the competitive nature of pro football teams usually start the best QB. He could be green, if he can throw TD's they would start him

Vince Young gained like 40 lbs and couldn't even shuffle. Robert Griffin's owner fired his coach to have him start. Colin Kaepernick was a product of Harbaugh being a genius, building an offense around giving the ball to Frank Gore and only making CK do 1 read and run and the defense being amazing. Once CK went vegan he couldn't run well and he couldn't take a hit that's REALLY bad for a QB who's 2nd option after the first look is to run.
Lol McCown winning games. Tough competitor.

Same for Fitzpatrick. He also went to Harvard. Yeah, white privledge is why he’s in the NFL.

Wonder if anyone ever challenges these cucks in real life regarding their awful views. Dude is auditioning to blow Kaep and Talcum X.
I think what is actually happening with a lot of black QBs in the NFL is they get onto college teams because they have a great arm and can run. Their college coach doesn't care about improving their ability to read defenses and stay in the pocket. They want to check the first receiver if he's not open they run and get 8-10 yards. They look like worldbeaters because college LBs are generally big and slow and can't cover very well.

Then they get to the NFL suddenly all the LBs are as fast as the DBs were in college and that check down receiver is always covered and he can't get the 8-10 yards by running. He gets make 1 or 2 or sacked.

Meanwhile the QBs who were recruited into college for their accuracy and NOT their athletic ability know their only chance is to get better at reading defenses and become a proficient pocket passer.

It's NOT just black QB's this happens to. Look at Johnny Manziel. He was exactly the same.
so what ? whites are treated 'with less trust' in every other position .. why don't you bring that up ? and why are we discussing this when about 70% of players in the nfl are black ? if anything, we should be discussing why aren't there MORE white players in the nfl

I think it is legit to bring up that white players tend to get overlooked because "they are unathletic" for athletic positions. Maybe, there are physiological differences or maybe this is just stereotyping. I don't know.

This gif right here for non football fans is probably a HUGE reason for Kaepernick not being signed:

Stevie Wonder could probably see that dude was open and he's fucking legitimately blind.


I am from Europe but I love to watch some football from time to time. While I understand the rules, player positions and their roles, I am unfamilliar with the tactics and more advanced stuff.

If I understood corectlly, he had an open WR but he gave the ball to his RB that was already being tackled?

Please be gentle and don't attack me cause of my (possible) ignorance...

Also, IIRC, Tebow was also critised for his lack of tactical finesse. Maybe I am wrong but I don't remember the outrage when he didn't get a chance at NFL football after he got sacked by NJ Jets
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