Social Why do right-wingers refer to Blaire White with She/Her pronouns?

probably because she is part of the sphere within which the "right wingers", whatever that is, can have what is according to them a civil dialogue on matters they care about with somebody that traditionally would represent the "other side", whatever that is, side from which they are accustomed to receive nothing but mocking and ridicule.

when the mockery and ridicule do not happen, and they are engaged in dialogue with somebody that, even though does not fit the traditional "right winger" image, they are inclined to offer that person the generosity of validation, in this case - calling her "her", even if they do not believe she is a real woman and i don't think Blair is naive enough to think anyone sincerely would believe her to be a real woman.

it's a social designation. why don't they apply the same generosity to other trans? why would they if they are not engaged within the parameters mentioned, with a certain respect and openness towards real dialogue, not successive monologues, and usually only get dumbass "you racist, you transphobe" crap from that?
Well said.
So where did you get me supporting trump from? What makes it appropriate to you?

I don't think that the fact your view Trump as a better president for USA than any current democrat is incorrect.
what about Trace?


The feet don't lie.


So..... Does Blaire still have a dick? Or did she cut off her dick?

And learning who Blaire was led me to learn that legendary powerlifter Matt Kroc is now a woman named Janae?


I'm just so fucking confused. Janae spent like 35 years as a man, twice married to women.... produced multiple kids as a man fucking his wife... And years abusing steroids to an insane degree.... Then decides he's really a woman and starts cutting his body apart to look more like a biological woman.

Could this mental illness not be a byproduct of decades of hard steroid abuse?

I'd argue that a good percentage of body builders have some type of body dysphoria in the first place. So it doesn't seem that strange that they would still be unhappy with their body after reaching "peak" size and frame.
Because the country is moving socially left towards respecting trans people. It wasn't that long ago the mainstream right position was that gays were evil disgusting sinners.
I have no idea who anybody involved in this story is, but people are generally polite to people who are polite to them.

Most people respond more kindly to polite requests than angry demands. I'll tell people they're good at sports when they really aren't, tell kids their halloween costumes are scary, I'll tell my wife or anybody else the dinner they made tastes great whether it does or not or that I had fun doing some stupid shit that I really found boring.

I would do none of those if it was some linebacker with clown makeup shouting demands at everyone and kicking over display cases or threatening people.


If Transgender is all bullshit and chopping your dick off doesn't make you a woman,
This sentence is the foundation of any good debate.


It's a legitimate question. This isn't just her own fans in the comments, every time Blaire white pops up as a feature in a conservative video, they refer to Blaire as 'she'.

This popped up to me when I saw Brandom Tatum reviewing Tom MacDonald's music video that featured Blaire White in the video.

At 2:10 he says this was a man, now she's a girl.

The only 'right wingers' who I've seen call Blaire White a guy is Candace Owens and Lauren Witzke and they both got massive shit for it in the comments. Ben Shapiro doesn't use any pronouns and just says 'Blaire White'.

But where's the consistency here? If Transgender is all bullshit and chopping your dick off doesn't make you a woman, why is Blaire White *constantly* referred to as she by the right wing audiences.

Don't dance around it, answer directly please.

How would you like her to be referred?
what about Trace?





Did Trace get her dick cut off? If there's no hog down there, I'm all about it.

I'd argue that a good percentage of body builders have some type of body dysphoria in the first place. So it doesn't seem that strange that they would still be unhappy with their body after reaching "peak" size and frame.

True, but there's definitely a huge difference between thinking what you have isn't the best it could be and thinking you have the entirely wrong set of parts entirely. It's the difference between thinking your car needs a better engine and thinking your car should actually be a boat.
True, but there's definitely a huge difference between thinking what you have isn't the best it could be and thinking you have the entirely wrong set of parts entirely. It's the difference between thinking your car needs a better engine and thinking your car should actually be a boat.

I didn't say it was rational; only that I could see it.
Because the country is moving socially left towards respecting trans people. It wasn't that long ago the mainstream right position was that gays were evil disgusting sinners.

Has that changed? There's just more of us that accept aren't supposed to judge and that we cant force our morals on to others.
No one knows who the fuck this is, why make a thread?
No idea who any of these people are. With the right wing obsession with everything trans I really wonder what kind of advertisements the algorithm is feeding y'all.
Did Trace get her dick cut off? If there's no hog down there, I'm all about it.

From what I can tell by the lack of buldge in the bikini bottoms I do indeed think that Trace has had the snip.

But look at the conversation we are having!

You're a proud, right wing, Trump supporting, 'heterosexual' male and you're talking about how you want to nail a dude who's had surgery to turn his hog into a fuckhole. Hopefully @gluehuffer1776 @Iroh and @nostradumbass can see where I'm coming from with this thread.
Why do you guys even know who she is?
It's a legitimate question. This isn't just her own fans in the comments, every time Blaire white pops up as a feature in a conservative video, they refer to Blaire as 'she'.

This popped up to me when I saw Brandom Tatum reviewing Tom MacDonald's music video that featured Blaire White in the video.

At 2:10 he says this was a man, now she's a girl.

The only 'right wingers' who I've seen call Blaire White a guy is Candace Owens and Lauren Witzke and they both got massive shit for it in the comments. Ben Shapiro doesn't use any pronouns and just says 'Blaire White'.

But where's the consistency here? If Transgender is all bullshit and chopping your dick off doesn't make you a woman, why is Blaire White *constantly* referred to as she by the right wing audiences.

Don't dance around it, answer directly please.

I don't think calling someone a different name or using he or she pronouns is that big of a deal. If some confused fool wants me to refer to him as her and she, then I can live with that.

I think most people on the Right take issue with the They/Them and the ridiculous made up pronouns. I have even seen someone demand they be called We/Us. It is ridiculous that some mentally ill people demand that others change the language just for them and it takes a lot of nerve to make up some bullshit pronoun and then act offended when someone refuses to use that word.

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