Why I Quit BJJ

I was kinda shocked by how "lax" bjj classes are. I have a sense of humor and am quite the smartass myself, but when I'm on the mat I view it like I'm at school. I stay quite, listen to the instructors, and raise my hands to ask questions. Countless times I've seen guys chat away, while a technique is being shown. Even worse, we even have a guy at my gym that loves to show his own techniques to his "clique" of buddies, while the instructor is doing his thing in front of the whole class. Several times while drilling take downs, they just ignored what they were just shown and drilled deep-half stuff instead.

While I would like to say that the coaches are only to blame for not enforcing a strict code of conduct, but they actually partake in it sometimes as well. All that being said, I love my club, but when/if I ever get the chance to instruct I'm going to run my classes in a much different manner.

This varies a lot between BJJ schools. Some are very informal. Others have totally different cultures. I was startled by the difference in culture between my last school and my current one. One had a vibe like a bunch of friends hanging out at a bar, the other is more like cadets at a military academy. One is more fun to spend time at, the other is more effective for learning BJJ.
clearly a troll post but I'l bite. So you took a new guy down and did nothing but hold him and when he gets annoyed, it's his fault? yeah fuck bjj :icon_neut

New PURPLES. So, the guy had to have had at least a few years of BJJ under his belt. BJJ is great for the submission game, and I'm not trying to bash it as a sport/MA. I was trying to share the experience I had had over a period of a couple of years at a pair of schools. Obviously, I didn't go too much into detail, but I'll humor you, if you're interested.
But he was taking him down over and over, right? That's where Judo is effective. Akiyama sucks at keeping guys down mostly because he gasses, but watch any of his fights, he can always choose where the fight takes place and that's the reason guys with good TDs do so well. Besides, most TDs in MMA come from the clinch, which is where Judo excels. Just watch any Jon Jones fight to see the effectiveness of clinch throwing in MMA.

Akiyama was not gassed, hes problem was the throws do not have great body control, while a double leg willk land you right over your opponent controlling him, a throw will not. A double or single is much more effective. Jones and clinch work are great, but for thats what wrestling is for, you cannot tell me that the habbit of depending on the gi does not take away a huge deal of expertice once the gi is off.

By the way, akiyama defended well a couple of tds, but finally ended up holding the fence for dear life to stop jake dragging him to the ground.

Also, while is true that judo guys exhibit great balance, its also true that its much easir to defend a double or single with the gi, and lets not even consider that leg attacks have been banned from judo competition...

And the biggest problem with judo guys making it to mma is that the best athletes are mad training for one thing, olympics, they have to train in a very specific way in orther to succeed, and ijf judo gives horrible habits in terms of transitioning to mma... Bjj guys train gi no gi and mma is very attached to the bjj culture, which is not the case for judokas
There are a lot of sanctimonious wannabe samurai kicking around Judo dojos, and there are a fair number of black belts who aren't really that good but really like the militaristic hierarchical structure of Japanese martial arts because it allows them to wield some power regardless of ability.

Ohhhhhh yeah. In fact, you can make that statement even more truthful by including pretty much any TMA place. The more katas, the bigger the draw for this crowd.
To be more constructive TS, do you think maybe that's just how you interpret these people? Much like the Romans called people from outside Rome "barbarians" and categorized them as uncivilized animals that just went "bar bar bar" even though some of these other cultures were advanced?

As an aside, "barbaian" originated with the Greeks, and may have likely referred to their beards (or "barba"), which were damn popular among the people they were calling uncivilized, but less common (and more subtle) among the Greeks. In other words . . . "Barbarians" may have simply been the earliest known hipsters.
Akiyama was not gassed, hes problem was the throws do not have great body control, while a double leg willk land you right over your opponent controlling him, a throw will not. A double or single is much more effective. Jones and clinch work are great, but for thats what wrestling is for, you cannot tell me that the habbit of depending on the gi does not take away a huge deal of expertice once the gi is off.

By the way, akiyama defended well a couple of tds, but finally ended up holding the fence for dear life to stop jake dragging him to the ground.

Also, while is true that judo guys exhibit great balance, its also true that its much easir to defend a double or single with the gi, and lets not even consider that leg attacks have been banned from judo competition...

And the biggest problem with judo guys making it to mma is that the best athletes are mad training for one thing, olympics, they have to train in a very specific way in orther to succeed, and ijf judo gives horrible habits in terms of transitioning to mma... Bjj guys train gi no gi and mma is very attached to the bjj culture, which is not the case for judokas

Ok bro, we get it, you don't like Judo.
LOL at guys who say they have NEVER encountered guys like he's describing. If you can't spot them you are one of them.
I've never encountered a native american indian before, therefore I am one.
This thread is funny until Onq and BJJ_Rage took a huge shit on it.

Fuck you both BRO!
So what you're saying is bjj> judo?

aw yea now shits getting real!
Wow, this thread really changed my perspective on training. When people called me "bro" in the past, I thought it was a way of expressing familiarity and acceptance. But now I know the truth.

When my training partners said it to me tonight, I told them that I wasn't their "bro" and that they should address me with the respect I deserved.

Later, my instructor said, "Hey! How are you?" I promptly informed him that "hay is for horses."

Anybody know where a guy can get some CIVILIZED training?
keep dreaming? you are telling me that out of 10000 judo black belts and master of the sport they have every year, they all go to the mob? ooookaaay.... im the one dreaming.

So basically this is your "idea" of the sport.

Best Judo black betls-------> MOB
Best Master of the Sport----->MOB
sucky judo black belt -------->MMA
sucky Master of the Sport------>MMA


Yeah I dont really get this.
If I was in the mob and needed a guy I rather go for a ex military or Vympel guys that actually knows how to handle weapons than some MA guy.
Also its not that hard for the eastern mob to get the ex elite forces to join, you know better pay and all.
At this point it really doesnt matter if the TS is a troll or not.
A few people, whos opinions in F12 I respect, have stated in this thread that they have encountered similar problems as TS.
And then bunch of white and blue belts with BJJ or Jiujitsu in their name, jump on the thread, screaming "Blasphemy".
Unfortunately, from the days I use to train BJJ until now, things have turned a lot worst.
Judo, wrestling, sambo practitioners dont care about other sports and just focus on their stuff.
Hell, I think 90% of the judo guys in the world dont know who Akiyama is.
But BJJ guys HAVE to act like dicks toward other MA.
Go and watch again the video of the brothers explaining why BJJ have a bad rep in Brasil.
Lots of the practitioners around the world have picked up that attitude as well and as weird as it is, you can see favela behaviour by chinese guy in a Tapout tshirt.
But BJJ guys HAVE to act like dicks toward other MA.

I just don't see this. I mean, as far as other grappling arts go, every BJJ guy I've met loves to work takedowns and throws. In fact, at our academy we have a very accomplished high school wrestler and our BB lets him take over class sometimes and he teaches us some wrestling. I love BJJ most out of all the grappling arts, but I highly respect the other arts. Judo, wrestling and sambo are all fantastic!

The only time I've seen BJJ guys act like dicks towards other martial arts is towards martial arts such as karate and kung fu, etc. And they usually respect their kicking and punching, but make fun of their horses stances and ridiculous self-defense scenarios.

The fact of the matter is this: a hasty generalization is a logical fallacy. Just because you've met a couple of d-bags in BJJ doesn't mean that everyone in BJJ is a d-bag. It doesn't even mean that a majority of BJJ guys are d-bags. And if everyone at your academy is a d-bag, that also doesn't mean that all the guys at other academies are d-bags.

I've met plenty of new whitebelts that are d-bags, but they either leave or by the time they get to blue they have shaped up.

I just don't see it.
At this pont it really doesnt matter if the TS is a troll or not.
A few people, whos opinions in F12 I respect, have stated in this thread that they have encountered similar problems as TS.
And then bunch of white and blue belts with BJJ or Jiujitsu in their name, jump on the thread, screaming "Blasphemy".
Unfortunately, from the days I use to train BJJ until now, things have turned a lot worst.
Judo, wrestling, sambo practitioners dont care about other sports and just focus on their stuff.
Hell, I think 90% of the judo guys in the world dont know who Akiyama is.
But BJJ guys HAVE to act like dicks toward other MA.
Go and watch again the video of the brothers explaining why BJJ have a bad rep in Brasil.
Lots of the practitioners around the world have picked up that attitude as well and as weird as it is, you can see favela behaviour by chinese guy in a Tapout tshirt.

I jumped on this thread to shit on your ridiculous view that top judokas and sambo dudes rather go to the mob than to make a living of "fighting in a cage" as it was a more honorable thing to work for some ganster than doing mma...

On topic, i didnt say squad, its more than obvius you will find a lot of tap out attitude dudes in a bjj gym, bjj is very close related to mma, lots of bjj guys at least want to try his hands on mma and a lot even start bjj with mma in his minds, plus bjj is huge in america, where is the mecca of mma, judo not so much, neither is sambo, no shit you find this kind of guys in a bjj gym. The same can be said about snoobist asian lovers in a judo gym.
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