Why is playing video games so frowned upon?

The fact that you are posting about it here is a red flag.

If you genuinely didnt have a problem you wouldnt care what they said.

Adults can play video games, but nowhere near the same capacity as a child. Competitive energy should be geared towards health/ fitness and income generation as an adult.

Video games generally violate both of these norms.

Video games can turn adults into pathetic individuals just as junk food and drugs can, if you dont have a reasonable rebuttal to your family you should take their advice and start benchin teh 275
About 30 years ago they were frowned upon, not really anymore.
think it really depends who you talk to. i think there is increasing acceptance of video game playing at all ages.

when i was in grade school, playing anything other than the most main stream games meant you were a nerd. but i think in that age group, games are far more celebrated and socially acceptable now than theyve ever been.

i stopped really playing games after finishing my undergraduate studies, but ive been considering picking it up again once
1. my life hopefully stabilizes a bit in the next few months
2. the motha fuckin semiconductor supply chain is functional and gpus arent at a 200%+ mark up from msrp

the business model of free-to-play yet not pay-to-win but profit from things like cosmetic sales seems to be fairly successful with quite a few games which makes me want to try things out again
How old are you in. In grade school, I remember pretty much everyone played but then again, I'm not sure what you meant by the mainstream ones
I'm in my late 30s and still love to play video games like Battlefield, Gran Turismo etc...but my friends and family always give me a bunch of crap when they come over. The gf usually brings it up which gets followed by "how old are you?" "What a total waste of time" or some other smart ass comment. No one bats an eye when they talk about binging the real housewives for 8 hours straight though.

End rant

Tldr: Got teased on Thanksgiving for playing videogames in my 30s.
It's seen as being a sign of kidulthood.
There's nothing necessarily wrong there but you have to know of course you could be doing something greater with your time but I agree the stigma isn't there for brainless television.
It's seen as being a sign of kidulthood.
There's nothing necessarily wrong there but you have to know of course you could be doing something greater with your time but I agree the stigma isn't there for brainless television.
the same ppl would prolly act fake incredulous if you told them you didnt have a social media account
Because it’s a colossal waste of time….except for the select few that can make an ACTUAL living off of it.
I play video games but it's pretty much only late on Saturday/Sunday night with my friends/brothers. I also understand why it's viewed as a negative because three of the friends who I play with are divorcees, and were never willing to stop playing, and give that time doing things together with their ex-wives instead.
If your like my coworker whos whole life revolves around gaming every weekend you might have a problem
For a while, my Friday nights used to revolve around playing Red Dead 2 online with my friends. But I’m married, so it’s not like I’m going out to score girls. And also, my friends don’t exactly live nearby, so it’s a great way to shoot the shit with them.
Must be some unaware Normo bastards.
I would say
'hey, you spend your time on social media, on your phone. Getting the same satisfaction and from dopamine as well. It happens when you eat processed foods that were perfected for our taste by scientists. There are architects of pleasure for any of our senses. Say When you watch the real housewives for hours on end. You can pretend that you're not part of this modern nightmare by looking down on me But you are. The majority of people in this room will die of heart disease or Cancer most likely related to our consumption of vegetable oils which also have a detrimental effects on our cognition. Let's try to enjoy the time we have together and try not to judge each as much when we're part of the same nightmare together.'

This is like the dumb shit I say to get people off my back.
I been playing games since I was a young kid. I don't think I'm ever gonna stop, although I've had long breaks here and there. I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. To me its no worse than watching tv or a movie.
I'll throw on some GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Silent Hill or Resident Evil every so often but I just never understood the whole online gaming thing. I want to escape into my own world when I play a game, not talk to or interact with others.

I have and will always prefer single player gaming over multiplayer. With the occasional online or local multiplayer with friends and family. But I also like to get lost in the game, especially after having an edible. I got lost in RDR2 one time for like 15-20 mins just trying to shoot a rabbit and I kept missing over and over, lol. I had fun tho.
Video games a toy my generation will never give up on. The problem with it is, they are definitely for kids, and of course adults can enjoy them too. Like any toy.

I love games. But if you’re doing what you did as a kid in your free time today and it isn’t a sport, you have to ask what you might be passing along. Is it good to stay in and not move? Probably not; although it’s peaceful IMO. Almost like mediating

Plenty of games are made for kids, but the vast majority of games aren't designed for kids at all.

Why would a sport be better thing to do than play games? If you're into games and not sport, then gaming is the thing that's going to make you happy, not sport. You can still get al the exercise you need without playing sport.
I'm in my late 30s and still love to play video games like Battlefield, Gran Turismo etc...but my friends and family always give me a bunch of crap when they come over. The gf usually brings it up which gets followed by "how old are you?" "What a total waste of time" or some other smart ass comment. No one bats an eye when they talk about binging the real housewives for 8 hours straight though.

End rant

Tldr: Got teased on Thanksgiving for playing videogames in my 30s.

Well...it is a waste of time if you spend more than 30 min or more.
Dunno... not a gamer or my thing.
I do think if done in excess it can fuck up your dopamine levels, but I'm sure anything in excess can fuck up your dopamine levels.

Only thing frowned upon i had as a kid was when playing tecmo bowl and they used barry sanders or bo and make me look stupid.
Better to play video games then to watch 12 hrs of Netflix n other TV a day. At least you think a little in video games