"Why is there a war with Mexico and not North Dakota?" - Joe Rogan

Did I say they didn't? I was speaking specifically about SS. Are you feeling ok?
You pluralized "nets" and there are many programs referred to as "safety nets" from which illegals do benefit.
I only read through a handful of replies, but so far, everyone was missing his point.

He was just notating how arbitrary borders can seem when you can walk to Mexico (from where his studio is located) but, for instance, Maine is thousands of miles away.
You pluralized "nets" and there are many programs referred to as "safety nets" from which illegals do benefit.

Well, I consider unemployment benefits a safety net and welfare as well. I'm sure it's possible to commit fraud and get these benefits if you are illegal but they most likely would not try for fear of getting deported.
It's funny how some people think Bravo is crazier than Rogan, yet on today's podcast he said we must abolish the idea of countries.

Even Bravo thought he was a total moron.

Rogan was criticizing Trump for saying Mexican crime is out of control. Bravo said, "It is."

Is Rogan right? Would America be better to just let anyone enter illegally?

Joe is very idealistic in many of his concepts. He loves guns for example and is a hunter but doesn’t know if gun control works. Moron confirmed
Joe rogan lives in a gated community filled with multi million dollar houses in West Hills. He has a security post border guard securing his neighborhood and he's talking about open borders? That's the problem with these liberal scum morons they are nothing but hypocrites that use poor people and immigrants as foot stools for their delusional ideas to keep the weak stupid and corrupt at the top manipulating the majority which is the dumb people.
It's funny how some people think Bravo is crazier than Rogan, yet on today's podcast he said we must abolish the idea of countries.

Even Bravo thought he was a total moron.

Rogan was criticizing Trump for saying Mexican crime is out of control. Bravo said, "It is."

Is Rogan right? Would America be better to just let anyone enter illegally?
You're completely strawmanning his point.

He never said we must abolish borders. He said it's a natural evolution that will happen as the world becomes more globalized and more integrated. His point also stands that because of Mexico's proximity to so cal the people there have more in common with Californians than people thousands of miles away on the other side of the country.
Absolutely not. But something needs to be done to incent those who are going to immigrate here to go through the legal process. We have a problem in this country with social security. We are running out of money because there is a huge population of baby boomers retiring and taking it. And we have a bunch of people here illegally, not paying into the system. So the solution seems obvious. All the people who want to come over and work can do so and pay into social security.

You're running out of money because you spend more money on your military than the next 20 countries combined <NoneOfMy>
I'll link it when I get home. They qualify for WIC, SNAP, head start, "emergency" medicaid, and 40% of illegals live with a dependent child who is a citizen, or "anchor baby", so the numbers are very different when looking at individual vs household support. 1.3% of k-12 students are illegal themselves, but the number of anchor babies is like another 6% of students. That's the workaround to receive benefits as an illegal, not counting fraud.
They've run the numbers, and illegals pay much more into it then they take out. They're a net positive for social funding.
Destroy all borders. Nationalism is a scam. Free movement for all who mean no harm!
You're running out of money because you spend more money on your military than the next 20 countries combined <NoneOfMy>

That’s not how social security works. It is funded by people who work paying into it. The people who are retired get that money. As far as I know, none of it goes to the budget for anything else.
Rogan is a good guy but his policy ideas don't seem too well-developed. He mostly just says what "feels" good at the time. Another day he might say the complete opposite.