World of Warcraft: The Battle for Azeroth


Professional Fighter
Jul 5, 2017
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So I've just returned to Warcraft after about 6 months of not playing it since Legion came out. I've been playing since Vanilla and have played through every expansion (except Cata I skipped that entire one) Does anyone else play? Or plan to return for the new Xpac?
I play off and on, not sure what to expect from the expansion. Feels like a big step down in scale from Legion,
If I had to list the xpacs in order of quality

1. BC
2. Wrath
3. Legion
4. MOP
5. WOD
6. Cata

I'm hoping BFA will bring PVP back to being a viable option because I've always been a PVP player and now I'm stuck having to raid and shit to be able to win in PVP
I'm hoping BFA will bring PVP back to being a viable option because I've always been a PVP player and now I'm stuck having to raid and shit to be able to win in PVP
raiding to be good in PVP was part of the earlier expansions too. I often PVP'ed in full PVE gear because the increase in stats was worth the loss of resilience at that time, at least for Hunters :cool: I stopped playing during Mists of Pandaria because certain classes were given too big an advantage in regards to their gear, but I heard they killed off Hunters in Legion anyway so I don't really miss it and probably won't be back unless I hear world PVP is awesome again and Hunters can be successful in arena. I doubt world PVP will ever be how it was because of their stupid server phasing crap.
raiding to be good in PVP was part of the earlier expansions too. I often PVP'ed in full PVE gear because the increase in stats was worth the loss of resilience at that time, at least for Hunters :cool: I stopped playing during Mists of Pandaria because certain classes were given too big an advantage in regards to their gear, but I heard they killed off Hunters in Legion anyway so I don't really miss it and probably won't be back unless I hear world PVP is awesome again and Hunters can be successful in arena. I doubt world PVP will ever be how it was because of their stupid server phasing crap.

That's because Hunters have had their dicks sucked off by Bliz since vanilla. Now that I'm geared my Assassination Rogue can just now shred hunters that 5 ilvls ago were rolling me like I was a cheap dice. My Warlock in WOD was so overpowered I'd play games on my phone and just press buttons on my keyboard while PVPing and still top the DPS chart. Blizzard always cycle which class is going to be elite, and Hunters have always been in that, don't get me started on what they did to my poor Warrior after vanilla and he got a bit of a step up in MOP then back to the corner after it. Hunters in Legion were still dominant. They can heal faster than most classes can DPS its bullshit, just like Demon Hunters, we had 4 fully geared players on attacking a fully geared demon hunter and he just laughed and healed for 5 minutes.
That's because Hunters have had their dicks sucked off by Bliz since vanilla. Now that I'm geared my Assassination Rogue can just now shred hunters that 5 ilvls ago were rolling me like I was a cheap dice. My Warlock in WOD was so overpowered I'd play games on my phone and just press buttons on my keyboard while PVPing and still top the DPS chart. Blizzard always cycle which class is going to be elite, and Hunters have always been in that, don't get me started on what they did to my poor Warrior after vanilla and he got a bit of a step up in MOP then back to the corner after it. Hunters in Legion were still dominant. They can heal faster than most classes can DPS its bullshit, just like Demon Hunters, we had 4 fully geared players on attacking a fully geared demon hunter and he just laughed and healed for 5 minutes.
Hunters vs Warrs in Cataclysm <45><45><45><45><45>

They'd come running up and poof you're gone, they're stuck and taking periodic damage, pet damage, heavy ranged damage, and then any damage from nearby allies (hordies). It seemed unfair but you can't be playing around with them at melee range lol rather laugh in their face and use every skill you need.

I don't remember hunters being good at all in vanilla, at least compared to the ridiculously OP rogues. I played warrior back then. Throughout the games history caster classes have had the higher skill ceiling and therefore are the better range classes. Lock, Priest or Mage. Hunters always fall behind in the arena even if they have huge advantages in battlegrounds.
Lock gets blasted out in Arenas, Priest and Mage can both get shredded by a rogue quite easily, but hunters are cunts. Even if they don't win they waste your time.
Lock gets blasted out in Arenas, Priest and Mage can both get shredded by a rogue quite easily, but hunters are cunts. Even if they don't win they waste your time.
rogues have stealth, it often guarantees them the opening blow that can instantly swing the fight in their favour. I'd be surprised if other classes don't have to gimp their builds still just to give them a chance against teams with rogues. Mages are still considered a top 3 arena class according to the websites I'm looking at, but 2v2 is completely different to 3v3 and rogues don't seem to feature very much in the latter.
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I haven't played since Lich King and was seriously pondering getting back into the game. I couldn't quite justify it given the age of the game and how it's still priced (clearly people are still willing to pay so good for Blizzard).

At this point I just keep hoping they'll come out with a new MMO because WoW is the only one that I've ever actually liked and played for an extended period. I put a fair amount of time into SWTOR but really disliked it towards the end.
I haven't played since Lich King and was seriously pondering getting back into the game. I couldn't quite justify it given the age of the game and how it's still priced (clearly people are still willing to pay so good for Blizzard).

At this point I just keep hoping they'll come out with a new MMO because WoW is the only one that I've ever actually liked and played for an extended period. I put a fair amount of time into SWTOR but really disliked it towards the end.
Blizz say "this is the last expansion and WoW 2 will be next" then they release another expansion, then another, and another, and now another <45> I knew once they started selling items ingame that they would never close WoW down, it's a guaranteed earner year in year out.
Blizzard fucked with my play style one too many times for me to bother going back.

I'm done adapting to their unbalanced changes and constant meddling.

That aside, I hands down still got the GOAT transmogs for the Rogue, Priest, and Warrior classes. If Azeroth had a fashion show, I'd wreck shop. :cool:
I came in here hoping it was another Warcraft game, as in Warcraft 4. Then i read "World."

Kindly, crying my way out...
Blizzard fucked with my play style one too many times for me to bother going back.

I'm done adapting to their unbalanced changes and constant meddling.

That aside, I hands down still got the GOAT transmogs for the Rogue, Priest, and Warrior classes. If Azeroth had a fashion show, I'd wreck shop. :cool:
They actually do hav a fashion show type deal now.
They actually do hav a fashion show type deal now.

Lol really? /shrug


Either way, I'd dominate.

Aside from PvP, which was my main focus, running old content for mog drops was one of my favorite things to do. You're looking at your character while you play, so being able to customize was an improvement I give Blizz props for.
Lol really? /shrug


Either way, I'd dominate.

Aside from PvP, which was my main focus, running old content for mog drops was one of my favorite things to do. You're looking at your character while you play, so being able to customize was an improvement I give Blizz props for.
I paid for almost a year just to get the Ashes of Al'ar mount.
Blizzard fucked with my play style one too many times for me to bother going back.

I'm done adapting to their unbalanced changes and constant meddling.

That aside, I hands down still got the GOAT transmogs for the Rogue, Priest, and Warrior classes. If Azeroth had a fashion show, I'd wreck shop. :cool:

I've been playing since Vanilla, I've got a lot of transmogs. once a week I run almost every raid from vanilla to WOD, Last week I even got the Blades of Azzinoth to drop or whatever Illidan used. Unfortunately they dropped on my rogue.
I've been playing since Vanilla, I've got a lot of transmogs. once a week I run almost every raid from vanilla to WOD, Last week I even got the Blades of Azzinoth to drop or whatever Illidan used. Unfortunately they dropped on my rogue.

Damn, that's a tough beat. My brother still plays. He's been trying to get those to mog for his DH. No dice. Took me a while running BT to get the Cursed Vision and the Bulwark (for my war).

My illest/luckiest run was nailing the Zulian Tiger on my first go. Couldn't believe it.
I'm not sure you can even mog legendaries. I did manage to get a 1% drop for my DK last night about an hour after I boosted him and did a legion raid. I was pretty stoked because I really wanted those shoulders.
BFA is way better than Legion holy shit. Best xpac in a longgg time.