would you let your 9 year old use an mp3 player on the bus to school?


Black Belt
Feb 11, 2006
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My daughter has some issues as school because she doesn't want to grow up and act like a teenager like the other kids her age. She just wants to be a kid. Because of this she gets picked on by kids for not being cool enough. She gets teased on the bus a lot so I let her take an old phone (galaxy s2) that has no data, no play store, no games, nothing. All it can do is play music.

Well apparently this has caused an uproar with some of the neighborhood parents cause their kids are not allowed to bring a phone to school. Even though I've explained what my kid is using has no capability as a phone they are still upset at me because their kids are upset.

I pretty much got lectured today that I'm being irrsponsible for letting her bring electronics to school at 9 years old. It's funny too because she used to have a little tiny mp3 player she would bring and no one said shit about it but now it looks like a phone we get berated about it.

I could go get her a real mp3 player but why should I spend on that to appease nosey folks in the neighborhood.

I'm 41 and when I was in school we all brought out walkmans with us. It was never a problem. I believe music is a positive (we control what songs she can bring) in people's lives. Has this changed just because of kids being around electronics too much?

The wife and I are going to discuss this tonight but I'm hessitant about giving into pressure.

Am I wrong? What does sherdog think. I'm open to changing my philosophies. I'm not always right and I don't always consider outside perspectives but I just hate the idea of taking her music away because of nosey parents getting upset.
It sounds to me like those parents should mind their own fucking business.
Doesn't seem like your problem TBH. Although your daughter might want to keep the phone tucked away and just listen to the music. If the other kids are upset with her having a device, her having it out isn't going to help, especially if she's already getting picked on.
Look after your own kid. That is your responsibility. If other weak parents are getting upset at you because they don't know how to deal with their own kids then so be it. Parents need to sack up and learn how to raise their kids.
This just pissed me off - LOL.
Tell them to FUCK OFF!
You don't have to explain yourself to them.
Also - grow some balls.
This just pissed me off - LOL.
Tell them to FUCK OFF!
You don't have to explain yourself to them.
Also - grow some balls.
LOL I told them off in a nice way today. I think I've got the right amount of balls going on. Having big balls wouldn't stop others from menial complaints. That'll happen regardless but I've still got to balance those big balls with a bit of consideration for others as well. I doubt I'll stop her from bringing the device but I'll probably take @Medulla Omoplata advise and make sure she keeps it tucked away.
Fuck'em. That's your kid, they need to worry about their own.

Parenting is all about doing what YOU feel is right, and raising your child the best way YOU can. If you give your child an old phone and she takes it to school, but doesn't use it inappropriately in class and such, then good on her and you. If she was listening to death metal during class and drawing pentagrams on shit the whole time and gets called to the principal's office everyday, THEN you have a problem.

Other parents piss me off as much as other drivers. Stay in your lane, fuck them.
9 year old act like teenager now? What
To hell with these losers that want to tell you what your kid can bring on the bus. It's not like they're out the money if she loses it.
They are upset that she has a device that can't be used to receive calls, data or sms? Only used as a device to listen to music?

How is this even an issue among parents?

I've seen kids hooked up to their NDS like it's a life line at bus stops, what's the difference?
My daughter has some issues as school because she doesn't want to grow up and act like a teenager like the other kids her age. She just wants to be a kid. Because of this she gets picked on by kids for not being cool enough. She gets teased on the bus a lot so I let her take an old phone (galaxy s2) that has no data, no play store, no games, nothing. All it can do is play music.

Well apparently this has caused an uproar with some of the neighborhood parents cause their kids are not allowed to bring a phone to school. Even though I've explained what my kid is using has no capability as a phone they are still upset at me because their kids are upset.

I pretty much got lectured today that I'm being irrsponsible for letting her bring electronics to school at 9 years old. It's funny too because she used to have a little tiny mp3 player she would bring and no one said shit about it but now it looks like a phone we get berated about it.

I could go get her a real mp3 player but why should I spend on that to appease nosey folks in the neighborhood.

I'm 41 and when I was in school we all brought out walkmans with us. It was never a problem. I believe music is a positive (we control what songs she can bring) in people's lives. Has this changed just because of kids being around electronics too much?

The wife and I are going to discuss this tonight but I'm hessitant about giving into pressure.

Am I wrong? What does sherdog think. I'm open to changing my philosophies. I'm not always right and I don't always consider outside perspectives but I just hate the idea of taking her music away because of nosey parents getting upset.

I am a fairly new parent and it seems like everyone throws in their unwanted .02 cents.

I see nothing wrong with giving a kid a cell phone to listen to music. I remember my friends and I were always listenting to out walkmans together listening to eachothers songs and stuff. It also gives her some responsability having to make sure she doesnt break it, lose it etc. People who complain are people who dont want to deal with their kids asking for one.
They are upset that she has a device that can't be used to receive calls, data or sms? Only used as a device to listen to music?

How is this even an issue among parents?

I've seen kids hooked up to their NDS like it's a life line at bus stops, what's the difference?

Its because there are a lot of parents who stay home and have nothing better to do with their time than gossip and get into other peoples business.
To save your daughter any more hassle than it sounds like shes getting .. Go and buy her a mp3 player you fucking lunk head

Ps its not the kids getting upset here it immature adults ..
LOL! Fuck those stupid cunts. Nosey people should be hung.
This is one of those moments where I think "I don't know if I wanna have kids"
Just buy her a proper / new iPod / Mp3 player?
Go shit on their lawn in the middle of the night.