Wtf is everyone's obsession with Incel?

Incel seems to have came about when people on the right realized that calling people snowflakes when they (ironically) couldnt handle any criticism of trump demanded a change of insults, and cuck wasnt sufficient.
I think it's of interest, broadly, because having large numbers of young men without access to women has historically lead to war and civil war.

A new theory re the vikings was that they were largely motivated to raid for the wives that they could gain. The Scandinavian society of the time was polygamous and more wealthy men had multiple top notch women. Poor men could raid to get a fine philly.
It's not different than snowflake, cuck, soyboy, etc. A year from now no one will be saying it.

All of those are awful. I stopped going to the war room because pretty much all the posters (right and left) only respond with saying "you're cucked", "no you are NPC snowflake", "yea, no stfu soy boy". All of them are beyond pathetic.
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yeah people are starting to get scared of being shot dead by some sexless weirdo its becoming the new n word.

I think it is not any more common than people are making it...

Like the "omg, people are eating tide pods!" Thing.
Incel seems to have came about when people on the right realized that calling people snowflakes when they (ironically) couldnt handle any criticism of trump demanded a change of insults, and cuck wasnt sufficient.

That is actually incorrect. Incel is more of a pejorative aimed at conservatives since their beliefs tend to align more with those of incels than any liberal’s would. Incels are racist and hate women. I mean, which political ideology fits that like a glove?
I’m sure that is lost on them though, so they probably do use it.
annoys the shit out of me. it is the "cuck" of 2018. people think it makes them sound smart, but it makes them sound like they are trying to be cool by using a new word they just learned. jump the shark is in there too
Jumped the shark when it hit mass media, which was about six months ago.

Its use as a generic insult seems to bear little relation to its origins.... it’s as though it’s intended to be synonymous with ‘Alt-right,’ which also became a generic pejorative once it became popular in mass media.
I'd bet money a good chunk of the ones who call people that are in fact one themselves.

Durrrrr you don't believe in the wage gap you're an incel, haha I sure showed you.
I think it's of interest, broadly, because having large numbers of young men without access to women has historically lead to war and civil war.

A new theory re the vikings was that they were largely motivated to raid for the wives that they could gain. The Scandinavian society of the time was polygamous and more wealthy men had multiple top notch women. Poor men could raid to get a fine philly.
Ironically you have taught me a new word.
NPC I actually find really amusing because their made-up definition of it is what 99% of "politics" in this country has been about for at least the last 20 years. Both sides are guilty of it, and if any side is more guilty of it than the other it's the Conservative Right with the Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Drudge Report, Bill O'Reilly echo chamber that has been spewing stupidity all over the country since Bill Clinton got his dick sucked in the Oval Office. The fact that they're bleating "NPC, NPC!" over and over again without a hint of irony tells you just how much self-awareness they possess.

Wait.... What does NPC stand for?
Wait.... What does NPC stand for?
Non Playable Character or something along those lines. Reference to video game characters that are computer controlled, but is used to describe people who dont have free thought. It's the hip new insult used by the basement dwelling crowd.
Non Playable Character or something along those lines. Reference to video game characters that are computer controlled, but is used to describe people who dont have free thought. It's the hip new insult used by the basement dwelling crowd.

Damn. Need to keep up with these "insults" in case a basement type tries to get sassy. I need to know when to fill their immediate vicinity with uppercuts.
I'd bet money a good chunk of the ones who call people that are in fact one themselves.

Durrrrr you don't believe in the wage gap you're an incel, haha I sure showed you.

This as fuck!
I've never heard someone audibly say that word out loud tbh

it's exclusively a SM/Sherdog thing
NPC is for videos games and that's it. I have no idea what Incel means nor do I care because it sounds stupid. Also anyone that uses the word Bae should be tied to the back of a moving vehicle.