You're John Kavanagh, how do you prepare Conor for the Khabib rematch?

Tell him to talk about Khabib's religion a bit more.
There are no changes that Conor could make that will lead to him beating Khabib. As Conor fans liked to say before the fight "there's levels to this" and Conor is not on Khabib's level.

That said, based on Kavanaughs interview on Rohan's podcast, he said they accepted that he'd be taken down and the plan was to survive, that's pretty dumb because being on the bottom of a grappling exchange(unless your a guard player in a bjj match) is tiring. I'd have brought in every high level wrestler that I could afford, and made Conor defend takedowns whether he wanted to or not.

Still don't think that would be enough, but I think that's the best strategy
Send him to a camp that trains people how to grapple. Seriously though, Connor needs to figure out how to stay on his feet or he's going to become a has been pretty quickly.
Remember when margarito put plaster in his glove wraps? I'd start there and put capsaicin under my finger nails and try to touch Khabib eye. Just dirty shit because he ain't winning clean lol
None of us are world class coaches so our opinion is worth nothing.

With that being said, I'd sit Conor down and tell him in the boss and he should do as I say. McGregor needs to be isolated from his business ventures, negative influences and family life. They need to bring in people who are trustworthy but will take McGregor out of his comfort zone. I have a feeling his training partners at SBG aren't pushing him to his maximum capacity, but I'm just stipulating.
I would take Conor to the desert. No mobile phones, no laptop computers, no food. He eats what he catches under the moonlight. Lizards, mice, dung beetles, etc. He gets water, but only after earning it. How does Conor earn water? By not getting taken down. No water.

Conor McGregor needs to re-learn how to fight as if his very life depends on it. He needs to be stripped of everything. He needs to be broken and rebuilt, strengthened by the scabs and callouses that cover the spots rubbed raw through flagellation.

After all of this, will Conor beat Khabib? No, that's a ridiculous notion...but he will be at peace with it.
Conor's core is thin, so id have him bulk to to a proper 180+ ish with a focus on core strength while doing nothing but wrestling, and attacking/escaping wrestlers who are just spamming TDs and attempting to clench while using their striking to set it up. Dont even worry about fighting strikers. Polish that up during the cut right before the fight

He's got striking in the bag, so im talking about a pretty much sole focus on the grappling. Get a 200lb 6'6" steel pipe at home, let it 'lay' on him, and practice moving that thing around from his back whenever he cant sleep. Like something Ferg would do. Get mentally comfortable there and develop the strength needed to exploit more opportunities to power out.

Have wrestlers specifically attempt to wrap up his legs like Khabib did.

When all else fails...

On serious note_?- in first round, rush and unload as many shots as possible, hoping to ko or wobble Khabib. If DNT work out, then just pray for survival

Khabib not only improved striking but also understand KOeable and auckward in head moves.
There is nothing he can do really except train more wrestling with sambo top level H.W. guys
Why is this rematch even being considered, it wasn't even close, not compelling at all.
Talk him into fighting nate instead. Maybe a little less money, but he can't train enough in the years he has left to catch up with khabibs grappling.. Chad took him down at will as well and he had a very long time between Chad and khabib to train his tdd. Even vs Eddie who is called a wrestler even tho he is more of a brawler, there was a td threat im sure he trained some for. He is good enough to survive on the ground with 145ers, but vs khabib its hard for anyone to not look bad. His best bet is forget the belt at 155, do big money fights, retire.
... please tell me how you would prepare him

id tell him fk the money, fk the fame, fk everything that isn't the love for martial arts.
i believe he got to where he was because of the love of the game, but then the money corrupted him.