Zookeeper Gabe's Animal Thread V7.0

A scuba diver in Japan helped nurse a fish back to health and has been visiting it almost every day for the past 25 years

It's actually a different fish everytime. It just looks the same.
I'm back in the Leopard Gecko game, expensive suckers now.

I'm back in the Leopard Gecko game, expensive suckers now.

Yeah, the morphs have gotten out of control. That's why I love the gargoyles so much, naturally polymorphic. Don't need to inbreed to see cool things.
Yeah, the morphs have gotten out of control. That's why I love the gargoyles so much, naturally polymorphic. Don't need to inbreed to see cool things.

true, Pure is the best. But like Bearded Dragons i do like spectacular colors on the Leopard Geckos and also Size.. Some of them are monsters and i really want a Tremper Giant. Godzillas son. Ron Tremper is the man.

@Zookeeper Gabe ever heard of anyone ever having Northern Alligator Lizards as pets or in zoo's? It's one of the the few Lizards found in the PNW, and they can actually get pretty decent size. I used to catch them as a kid, and they were always pretty docile. Some would bite initially and I also had one scare the crap out of me, by dropping its tail.


Alligator lizards tend to be on the less than pleasant side of things often. I'm sure people do keep them as pets, but they spend a lot of time hiding and when out aren't very flashy.
Chalice coral collected from the Java Sea. When frags of this are available, it's going to set records.

I don't know about you guys, but Bears scare the hell out of me. Looks like they're on the rise, hopefully too many people dont shoot too many out of retaliation.

Almost ran over a bear yesterday, in Alaska! It was a yearling, about 100lbs, and looks like it hurts its leg,because its was limping. Im in SE AK, but I am noticing the bears are looking skinny this year. The berries and flora is blooming late this year, due to so much rain this winter.
See because of all our rain stuff is blooming earlier. Hope that bear is ok
Decided to play with this male jumping spider a bit. They are super aware spiders and he was game to chase. I rewarded him with a pinhead cricket.

Looks like a tan jumping spider? I've had a zebra that's been hanging out on the screen in my bathroom. I saw him this afternoon and he had caught a tiny fly of some variety.
Looks like a tan jumping spider? I've had a zebra that's been hanging out on the screen in my bathroom. I saw him this afternoon and he had caught a tiny fly of some variety.
My friends who are better at iding them compared to me said Maevia inclemens. I actually got it to eat a cricket off my thumb this afternoon.
My friends who are better at iding them compared to me said Maevia inclemens. I actually got it to eat a cricket off my thumb this afternoon.
I'm no spider expert so I'd definitely take their spider id-ing over mine. I wasn't familiar with that species and looked up more info, it's interesting that the males have two distinct color morphs. The grey morph looks like a good match for your picture (the chevrons on the abdomen are a good match where the tan jumping spider's are a bit different).
See because of all our rain stuff is blooming earlier. Hope that bear is ok
Yeah they get around 20' of rain a year here, but this year has been bad. I've been up here since May and it has rained all but 2 days, and hasn't gotten much above 60 degrees.
Yeah, the morphs have gotten out of control. That's why I love the gargoyles so much, naturally polymorphic. Don't need to inbreed to see cool things.

speaking of morphs, most of the morphs of the crested geckos im into are cheap. Everyone wants the same damned boring one.
Mine is still an A-hole, doesn't like to be held longer than 5-10s. Bio-Vivarium with plants is set up an in 3 weeks will add the gecko.
Only issue i have is keeping humidity below 75 despite good ventilation.

Park employee David Roseman, who took the video, told National Geographic this is the first time he’s seen a mother bear ferrying her cubs in the water in the 21 years he’s worked there. He said she was swimming about 400 yards from a small island in the middle of the lake to the shore.