Question For The Pro-Choice crowd

This seems like a question for the Pro-Life crowd, i.e. if you ban a woman from safely and legally terminating her pregnancy, don't you risk mutant offspring from parents taking the Drain-O and coat hanger approaches.

The Pro-Choice answer is fairly obvious: make safe and responsible abortions accessible.

Just because something is legal does not necessarily mean it is right. I am personally against abortion, but I am for making safe and responsible abortions accessible. If a woman wants to get an abortion, then I am not going to judge. It is between her and God.
I mean i know it's illegal to do drugs and that she has the choice to abort but should there be some form of legal intervention here?
No. No legal intervention other than what might already be considered illegal for her area. However, it would be perfectly understandable for her to be considered a social and moral pariah.
Just a disclaimer here but i do tend to lean more towards pro-life side of the debate but im not so rigid that i cannot be somewhat fluid on the topic, that aside i saw a video this morning on world star that was deeply disturbing to me and i would like to ask a question to the pro-choicers of the board and to see what they feel about the situation

Im not so sure im able to post the video so im just going to post the description as it is laid out on the site and if you want to see it than just go there and watch it yourself, its one of the first videos at the top

So there it is. A 21 year old girl doing hard core drugs daily while being 6 months pregnant in an attempt to kill her unborn child. Truth be told i have no clue how true that objective is but either way this bitch is clearly damaging her baby.

Question(s): What do you do in a case like this? Should someone intervene? Is this child abuse? Thoughts?

i dont believe that a fetus is a person, but i also dont believe that it is just inanimate goo. imo, thats what makes the abortion debate so contentious....most on both sides refuse to acknowledge the inherent gray area here.

maybe she should be given an abortion, and then be billed for it.
I know males are evil and disposable, especially if they are white, but what if the child she is trying to kill is a female? Doesn't the baby have a right to live? What about her body and her rights?

its never been conscious before whether it is male or female. it will not be upset that it "didnt get to live."
its never been conscious before whether it is male or female. it will not be upset that it "didnt get to live."

A high level of self-awareness is not considered when it comes to the pro-life argument. The issue with abortion stems from the very reasonable belief that life begins at conception.
A high level of self-awareness is not considered when it comes to the pro-life argument. The issue with abortion stems from the very reasonable belief that life begins at conception.

i realize that this is not considered. im saying that it should be.

if a fetus is wont know or care. no one that knows it will know or care, because no one does.

if its carried to term though, it will be raised by a mother/family that did not want it. may not have the means to care for it. now, over time both of those things can change, but we've all likely seen many cases where they do not. such a gift you pro-lifers have given them....
I mean i know it's illegal to do drugs and that she has the choice to abort but should there be some form of legal intervention here?
Lock her up til the baby is born and then put it up for adoption if I had my way
No. No legal intervention other than what might already be considered illegal for her area. However, it would be perfectly understandable for her to be considered a social and moral pariah.

If the baby survives, should the state take it away upon it being born?
Just a disclaimer here but i do tend to lean more towards pro-life side of the debate but im not so rigid that i cannot be somewhat fluid on the topic, that aside i saw a video this morning on world star that was deeply disturbing to me and i would like to ask a question to the pro-choicers of the board and to see what they feel about the situation

Im not so sure im able to post the video so im just going to post the description as it is laid out on the site and if you want to see it than just go there and watch it yourself, its one of the first videos at the top

So there it is. A 21 year old girl doing hard core drugs daily while being 6 months pregnant in an attempt to kill her unborn child. Truth be told i have no clue how true that objective is but either way this bitch is clearly damaging her baby.

Question(s): What do you do in a case like this? Should someone intervene? Is this child abuse? Thoughts?
Someone definitely should of intervened. If I knew someone that was doing that to kill there baby I would drag them kicking and screaming down to the abortion clinic. Why didn't she just have an abortion instead of doing what she did? Cost? convenience?
Either way if you make it harder for women to get birth control and access abortion clinics then these cases are going to increase.
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We can't even take care of each other. Unborn = cargo. Yup, the old viability justification. If the history of this country has taught us anything, it's that no one has a right to live. We are still in the predatory phase of human development. Predators have prey. It is a struggle to live, to survive the competition...never cooperation or solidarity...those are dirty words today. If the fetus does not make it out of the gate, that's a shame. The rest of us carry on.

I noticed the example of a drug addicted woman trying to kill her baby through excessive drug use as a petard upon which the life of the innocent is hoisted. The right wing low grade human sees that jaded example and wants to punish the woman. That's the easy and facile answer for these thuggish brutes. And, as expected, it is glaringly incorrect. Punishment is the answer to many problems for the typical right wing authoritarian sado-masochist.

How did she get to that point? I won't press the matter any further except to note that we are our brother's keeper....and sisters too. How do people get to a state of despair where the deflection of life through drugs makes one want to kill one's own child? That is not natural. For those right wingers still picking their fuckng noses trying desperately to think up a snazzy insult, save it, I won't read it. The obvious implication of this post is that the complexities of the matter are not subject to reductionist bans or punishment. Come on, you can think, you can do it.
I don't see why people who are pro-life aren't also pro-gun. Remember, my trigger finger is MY body. I can do whatever I want with it.
If the baby survives, should the state take it away upon it being born?
Yes. She's shown a complete disregard for the welfare of the child and complete lack of parental connection to the infant. I have absolutely no problem with the infant being taken from her...none.
Did I miss something? You said she was still pregnant, right? Then why are we talking about child abuse if there is no child yet?
This girl is trying to murder her unborn child by doing drugs. Whether or not they can punish her legally, I think most people recognize that this is highly immoral to kill your unborn child just because you want to. Except maybe some on the far left that celebrate their abortions.

You cant murder someone who isnt born. The best thing for her to do is just go to the clinic.

If the child is born....its going to be the tax payer paying the bill for the childs health problems and welfare....

Of pro lifers have no problem with this......:);):)
A high level of self-awareness is not considered when it comes to the pro-life argument. The issue with abortion stems from the very reasonable belief that life begins at conception.
This religious hooplah is about as radical as islam and the virgin prize after fighting for allah.

Life begins when the vital organs are developed.
Just a disclaimer here but i do tend to lean more towards pro-life side of the debate but im not so rigid that i cannot be somewhat fluid on the topic, that aside i saw a video this morning on world star that was deeply disturbing to me and i would like to ask a question to the pro-choicers of the board and to see what they feel about the situation

Im not so sure im able to post the video so im just going to post the description as it is laid out on the site and if you want to see it than just go there and watch it yourself, its one of the first videos at the top

So there it is. A 21 year old girl doing hard core drugs daily while being 6 months pregnant in an attempt to kill her unborn child. Truth be told i have no clue how true that objective is but either way this bitch is clearly damaging her baby.

Question(s): What do you do in a case like this? Should someone intervene? Is this child abuse? Thoughts?
This is a fucked up situation whether you're pro life or choice. Based on the description, if this baby is born, it probably will have disabilities. It's a good example of when an abortion would be a wise choice.

This seems to be more of an addiction issue than anything else. Waiting 6 months and then trying to poison a fetus should land her in prison.
How is this different from chain-smoking or drinking pregnant women? And what does this have to do with pro-choice?

She is irresponsible and unfit to be a parent, she should have had an abortion early in her pregnancy to spare her future child from a myriad of problems it's going to have as the result of her behavior.

If anything, this just shows the future hardcore pro-lifers want. There is literally zero benefit that would be gained by anyone if abortion became illegal.
Of course, i don't beleive the pro-choice crowd would ever condone something like this vs a safe medical alternative but i think this really humanizes the fetus when we see someone who is willfully destroying her child like that. What makes me really curious to know is what would you do in this case? I mean that baby is either going to die, become severely deformed OR be born a crack baby. surely we can go past the "its her body" argument in this particular instance?
You're correct but this really isn't a good example to debate whether abortion should be legal or not. This is more an issue of the drug epidemic in our country.