My gf calls me daddy

I hear it massively used in nyc but it's usually a riff on sugar daddy not biological daddy

We call our son daddy and our daughter momma, iz normal in Hispanic culture. Also call them gordo/gorda. Daddy/poppi is used in the bedroom or in jest not regularly
If your gf having daddy issues concerns you then yes it's a problem.
only if you are.
Yeah it's weird man. I really only hear ghetto chicks talk like that -it's a turn off though... similar to a chick if she's cursing left and right. Not lady like imo

It's cultural, I understand it seeming weird if you're not Hispanic. For us it's normal
Spanish girls say this a lot.

I don't wanna be called daddy or say ma, to a girl. That makes me think of my parents. Gross.

Ah, dude. Yeah, can you imagine a chick doing that and then you start calling her mom during sex? She would be more grossed out than you probably. That's some Mike Pence shit.
You got reported? For what?

I know for sure that gif of the girl getting slapped. Got reported for some other shit too but didn't get the info on that. Was slapped on the wrists and told to be gud
I know for sure that gif of the girl getting slapped. Got reported for some other shit too but didn't get the info on that. Was slapped on the wrists and told to be gud

No wonder that thread didn't make any sense. They removed the gif. I couldn't figure out wtf was going on.

Same reason we like beans, rice, tortillas and chile. Same reason English like tea and crumpets. I don't know why they like that shit but it's part of their culture. I have no idea where it originated from or how it came to be that's just always how it's been since I was born. When I was young they called me either daddy, poppa or gordo. Iz normal
Sounds like your girl might have been acquainted with a few urban gentlemen who drove caddys and wore fur

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