Michael Flynn charged with lying to the FBI

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't this guilty plea exactly for the instance Sally Yates warned the WH about? And if so, this was the reason given as to why Trump fired Flynn, that he lied to Pence.

If this is the same than it's Flynn admitting he lied about the Kislyak meeting he took AFTER the election where he told Russia to not worry about the new sanctions. This is big news because was Flynn going rogue and meeting with Kislyak on his own volition or was he acting as a Trump surrogate and carrying a message from Trump? And if he was acting as an official surrogate at behest of Trump than he had ZERO reason to lie to Pence about this meeting. Flynn lied to the FBI about it - was he ordered to do so by Trump/Pence? Also Pence claimed on television interview that Flynn never met with Kislyak nor discussed sanctions - and when Yates memo leaked Pence was caught with his dick hanging out and either Flynn lied to him or he lied to American people. Trump then fired Flynn to protect Pence by claiming Flynn lied to Pence. BUT if Flynn was acting on behalf of Trump Transition Team when he met with Kislyak it means Pence knew all along, as did Trump. Which means Pence knowingly lied, which will go to obstruction of justice for making false public statements.

Mueller has a shitload of charges for which he could have had Flynn plead guilty to - that fact that he chose this one is telling. He's sending a message to Trump again.

Also... if this is all Flynn was guilty of couldn't Donald have just pardoned him already?
The narrative changes by the Trump bots is amusing. It's gone from "there will never be charges" to "these charges don't count!"
The tone has changed from these guys. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking bout
Not from me it hasn't, I said from the start , there probably isn't anything there (regarding Russia) but it needs to be investigated and not longer after that I said lying to investigators would probably be worse than anything they are being investigated for

I think I was right on the money
The narrative changes by the Trump bots is amusing. It's gone from "there will never be charges" to "these charges don't count!"

Exactly. "Well these aren't the charges we THOUGHT we were getting" haha
Trumpers seem to have no problem with any of this.
That's true, they seem thrilled at the idea of executive crimes. It's a lot harder to collude and hide things now though. I didn't mean to suggest that our character is somehow a lot better.
He only picks the best right? So the only thing that will get you to realize your president is an idiot is if HE HIMSELF is arrested? What if his son is charged? Or Kushner? Would you still just make that same useless post, "This is it"? Or would you actually use your brain and think, wow, maybe this guy I worship has some pretty bad judgment?
Calm down. Jesus.

Congratulations on winning our sig bet really fucking quickly. That's 2 indictments of key people at the top of the administration. I am humbled, mumbled, and de-feeted. You own my feet.

I shall await my new signature.
When bomb shells like this drop, i like to go to right wing sites and see how they are covering it



Looks like they are quite literally "bu...but her emails!"

And even if the "contact" was just "Hey, we want to really work with you guys" that is giving Russia a HUGE motivation to help Trump win.

But outside of even that - Trump has flatly DENIED everything regarding any connections or contact with Russia and now Flynn will testify he was ordered by Trump to make contacts with Russia DURING THE CAMPAIGN.

And Trump wanted Comey to go easy on Flynn once he was fired. And even after he was fires Trump went out of his way to praise Flynn and said he regretted firing him etc. Trying to send messages through the media to keep him loyal.
And to think, good guy Obama and Sally Yates tried to save Trump from all of this. Even though Trump had so much irrational hate for Obama, Barry still tried to help.

Thanks Obama.