Michael Flynn charged with lying to the FBI

Over/Under on one month until OG Kush is indicted? I'm think that's coming in the next 6 months for sure.
I'm pretty sure from this point forward, the answers will already be known when questions are put to any witness.
they tried to abolish obamacare without any debate , admitting they were voting for a hastily cobbled together bill they hadnt read,that would screw millions out of healthcare,
and are in the process of doing the same with taxes,
and they are actively trying to elect a child abuser to public office
i dont think damage control is high on their list of priorities

Don't forget these idiots putting people in place to do away with Net Neutrality. Bunch of fucking clowns.
serious ?, for those that hope this actually continues to grow merit

Let's say Trump goes, let's say he gets impeached or more likely resigns if impeached....

Do people then hope Pence is incriminated too?

Or do you actually prefer a country being led by Pence?

Honestly, not everyone is as fanatically political as you are. Keeping Trump in office (and letting Trumpcare and the Trump tax bill pass) is what's best politically for Democrats, but it's not what's best for the country.
Honestly, not everyone is as fanatically political as you are. Keeping Trump in office (and letting Trumpcare and the Trump tax bill pass) is what's best politically for Democrats, but it's not what's best for the country.

I'm not registered as either a Republican or Democrat, haven't voted for President (ever) and i'm fanatical?

you misunderstand trolling and apathy for fanaticism...

I didn't even know that was humanly possible
And why go to Comey directly to try and get him off Flynn? TheComebackKid earns a gold medal for mental gymnastics.

He's got to pick up the slack from his fallen comrades.
I think you'll win. Trump has managed his whole life to get away with one thing after another. Dodging the draft, working with mafia, stiffing contractors, etc so I don't see that run ending now.

Trump is the Teflon Don;)
And why go to Comey directly to try and get him off Flynn? TheComebackKid earns a gold medal for mental gymnastics.

One person's basic logic is another person's mental gymnastics. Guess it depends on iq level.
Nah, he gets caught in this lie and it drastically alters public perception of him.

That's just the truth. You can play the internet game, but that much is true. Not every one in America is a War Room Trump scholar such as yourself.

What are you talking about? Flynn lied at some point and his word is meaningless. We all agree on that.
Trump campaing HQ in NY. Eric Schneiderman is AG there. Trump can't pardon State level offences. Mueller and Schneiderman can work together. This plea VERY likely takes potential state level charges off the table as well. Trump can't do that.

Flynn went rogue at a time when Mueller and the Obama administration were in power, and could've retaliated and done anything to him and his family with impunity. Now that he actually has the president on his side, it seems rather unlikely that he'd turn back when the odds are more in his favor. Being a general, he'd also be accustomed with the mentality of self-sacrifice and putting his life on the line for what he'd consider the greater good; he surely knew what he was up against when he decided to back the Trump admin. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
haven't voted for President (ever)

> Has never voted for president.
> Tries to discuss politics.

One person's basic logic is another person's mental gymnastics. Guess it depends on iq level.

You literally know nothing about me and chose not to reply to my point about Donny talking to Comey. You're the one doing mental gymnastics, everyone here sees it but you.
Over/Under on one month until OG Kush is indicted? I'm think that's coming in the next 6 months for sure.
I'm not even sure Kushner has done anything illegal, aside from taking three tries to get his foreign disclosures right (but that's not uncommon as we've seen). There was some sketchy debt-forgiveness w/China. What else?

It may be to his credit that he left the meeting w/the Russian lawyer. It feels like he was not cool with that whole business, like he might actually have some basic sense of ethics- for a slumlord, anyway.
I'm not even sure Kushner has done anything illegal, aside from taking three tries to get his foreign disclosures right (but that's not uncommon as we've seen). There was some sketchy debt-forgiveness w/China. What else?

It may be to his credit that he left the meeting w/the Russian lawyer. It feels like he was not cool with that whole business, like he might actually have some basic sense of ethics- for a slumlord, anyway.

You're confusing ethics with "oh shit, I shouldn't be seen here."
I'm not even sure Kushner has done anything illegal, aside from taking three tries to get his foreign disclosures right (but that's not uncommon as we've seen). There was some sketchy debt-forgiveness w/China. What else?

It may be to his credit that he left the meeting w/the Russian lawyer. It feels like he was not cool with that whole business, like he might actually have some basic sense of ethics- for a slumlord, anyway.

Kushner seems to be a little brighter than Beavis and Butt-Head.

That is what Obama told Trump
But no one wanted to listen to him.


Imagine if Obama knew that Trump would do the exact opposite of what was suggested because Obama knew Trump had it in for him since day one, reversing his legacy bit by bit? This was a total setup on his part, knowing Flynn was a double agent. That would be some 4D level Chess.

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