Trump's cult is dangerous for democracy.

Just wondering at what point in the election you came up for air. It certainly wasn't democrats being attacked or getting their rallies shut down.
Well, I don't remember that, but I'm glad you're helping me prove my point.
He never did what you're accusing him of. You're tring way to hard to sling shit at someone that by your own admission doesn't give a shit about you.

Right. He just has nearly a dozen accusers, an upcoming trial,and talks about grabbing women by the pussy.

Now go ahead and bring up Hillary and try to deflect.
No, he said "When you're rich and powerful women let you walk up and start kissing them. You can even grab them by the pussy". That's only sexual assault if the woman grabbed says it is, none did until coerced to by politicians well past the statute of limitations.
From the actual transcript:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
No, he said "When you're rich and powerful women let you walk up and start kissing them. You can even grab them by the pussy". That's only sexual assault if the woman grabbed says it is, none did until coerced to by politicians well past the statute of limitations.

Which politicians coerced these ladies to come forward?
Well, I don't remember that


Sounds like sessions. Prepping for presidency eh homer?

but I'm glad you're helping me prove my point.

So you agree that the political violence you speak of was mostly coming from the "I'm with her"/Bernie bro crowd?
Just listen to the actual uncensored recording. It's not just locker room talk.
It's more the fact that most people's lives are the same, if not better, than they were prior to him being elected

oh no, don't tax me less. Please

Please, my retirement account can only take so much winning

Wait, I don't have to pay for HC I don't need any longer? travesty!

plus, he didn't actually defend neo-Nazis, that's a lie. People don't take others serious when all they do is hyperbolize everything

Sounds like sessions. Prepping for presidency eh homer?

So you agree that the political violence you speak of was mostly coming from the "I'm with her"/Bernie bro crowd?
No. I don't agree. I misread your earlier post.
No. I don't agree. I misread your earlier post.

Oh okay. So you only started paying attention after the year and a half of YouTube videos showing trump supporters being attacked? Or after his Chicago rally was shut down?
Right. He just has nearly a dozen accusers, an upcoming trial,and talks about grabbing women by the pussy.

Now go ahead and bring up Hillary and try to deflect.
The accusers have almost all disappeared and there's no upcoming trial.
Oh okay. So you only started paying attention after the year and a half of YouTube videos showing trump supporters being attacked? Or after his Chicago rally was shut down?
Make a thread about that if you wish. All that crap was discussed ad nauseam during the campaign, and the last fucking entire year.

This thread is about Trump's army of Deplorabots, and what level(if any) of danger they pose to our Democracy.
From the actual transcript:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
Thank you, none of that is assault unless the person being grabbed and kissed says it is.
Homer isn't the kind of president you need war room
Vote @irish_thug
Thank you, none of that is assault unless the person being grabbed and kissed says it is.
First of all, that's bullshit. Second of all, a lot of people from his past have come forward and said that he assaulted them. At least half a dozen, in fact. So, even by your own standard, Trump has sexually assaulted a half dozen women.

Protip: It's way more than that. Your hero is a disgusting, subhuman piece of shit.
Make a thread about that if you wish. All that crap was discussed ad nauseam during the campaign, and the last fucking entire year.

This thread is about Trump's army of Deplorabots, and what level(if any) of danger they pose to our Democracy.
The answer is none. We are a constitutional republic with a smidge of democracy in a few areas. Those areas are not being threatened by anyone other than the left trying to push democracy where it doesn't belong.
Make a thread about that if you wish. All that crap was discussed ad nauseam during the campaign, and the last fucking entire year.

This thread is about Trump's army of Deplorabots, and what level(if any) of danger they pose to our Democracy.

So in a discussion about political violence in America, examples of political violence in America aren't applicable because they're on your side?

Vote @irish_thug
The answer is none. We are a constitutional republic with a smidge of democracy in a few areas. Those areas are not being threatened by anyone other than the left trying to push democracy where it doesn't belong.
The scientific answer is about 12%. You idiots post about a 12% danger to our Democracy. As events unfold, however, that number may need to be adjusted. I'm still fiddling with my modeling.
The answer is none. We are a constitutional republic with a smidge of democracy in a few areas. Those areas are not being threatened by anyone other than the left trying to push democracy where it doesn't belong.
Yeah we all do, but in what world should someone be saying those things even in private? It clearly wasn't a joke on his end.

Look he said "let me". I'm not going to assume that he sexually assaulted someone. If he did it is not defensible and certainly shouldn't be bragged about in any setting. But nobody knows what happened or who he was talking about and I don't think a single credible complaint has come forward so I'm not going to say he assaulted someone.
So in a discussion about political violence in America, examples of political violence in America aren't applicable because they're on your side?

Vote @irish_thug
No, it's a thread about the Deplorabots, and how dangerous they are to Democracy.

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