Routinely inconsistent

I'd use weightlifting shoes, or a plank under my heels or something, for those front squats if I were you.

Or at least try to keep your knees more forward and/or cut the depth short.

I see what you mean. When I go all the way down I pretty much sit on my heels, leaning back. Thank you for the tip!
Well I've been doing these exercises to help with my elbow pain for the past few days, and I'm already feeling better.


Over the next few weeks it's going to be brutal getting to the gym. So I'll just be trying to maintain strength over that stretch.

Today just did some squats and military press. Felt good! Rushed my last set of presses and missed the reps. Ah well.

45lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
185lbs x 5
225lbs x 2 x 5
245lbs x 3

Military press
45lbs x 5
95lbs x 5
105lbs x 2 x 5
105lbs x 3
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Mother fuck. Elbows and ankle felt good. Played some basketball with my roommate one on one, kicked the shit out of him. Still felt good. Followed his bro split workout (chest and shoulders today), as I had only brought my basketball shoes today.

When we finished, he wanted to shoot around a little more, so we did. Then some guys showed up and wanted to play 3 on 3. My ankle felt good before, so I figured, ya why not. We were playing for about 10 minutes, annnndddd I fucked my ankle again. This time it tweaked my knee pretty good too.

This all happened about an hour ago, and I've had ice on it since then. So the swelling isn't so bad yet. Can barely walk on it though.

Will update with picture later.
So I lied about the picture thing. It's not that gruesome.

But I came back from the doctors, and I have a partial medial tendon tear. Greeaaattt.

Doc says to rest it until I can do normal things, then begin rehabbing it. Soooo there goes my 2017.

Hopefully 2018 has a lot less injuries in it.
I still don't have full mobility in my ankle, but fuck it. The only thing I can't do is move my foot in a smooth circle.

After a week and a half off due to the injury, filled with shitty foods and copious amounts of alcohol, I got back in the gym today. Good news is, ankle didn't bother me, and neither did my elbows. Managed to unrack the bar for bench press pain free and go through a full range of motion. Rushed my squats, and didn't rest very long between sets, but I'm happy with my outing.

45lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
185lbs x 5
225lbs x 5
225lbs x 4
225lbs x 3

45lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
185lbs x 3 x 5

Now off for an overnight shift, and fuck the new year gym crowd.
I've been neglecting my stretching for the past little while, which may or may not contribute to all my injuries. So I've been debating doing yoga to help sort that out. I found a YouTube channel that offers a shit ton of free 30ish minute sessions. The instructor is pretty damn cute too. Gave it a try today, and i feel great.

I think this is something that I see myself doing for a while. My girlfriend even thought it was a good idea and she's going to start doing it too.

Today's session:

Day 2 of yoga. My legs/upper body are super tight from my last lifting session, because it's been awhile. Yoga definitely helped though. I already feel a lot more loose.

Back in the gym this morning (morning for normal people, night time for me). Another lighter day at the gym to get back in the swing of things. Front squats, press, and deadlifts were all smooth and I'm pretty happy with the workout overall. Not a whole lot to say about it.

Front squats
45lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
155lbs x 3 x 5

Military press
45lbs x 5
95lbs x 3 x 5

135lbs x 5
225lbs x 5
275lbs x 5
Went for a workout at 3:40am today. Body was not ready for that. The workout was poop. But I had the gym to myself, and didn't feel self conscious about filling myself, and realized how low my squat was and tried to bring it up. I made a thread about it here:

I was missing a shit ton of energy today. I felt like passing out after my warm up set of 185, but tried to push through it.

Bench was just as shitty. Struggling to get weight up, elbows were flailing all over the place. I should have stopped after the first working set, but I continued on. My left elbow is a little tender, but a good night's sleep should help that.

45lbs x 5
185lbs x 5
225lbs x 4
225lbs x 2
135lbs x 5

45lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
190lbs x 3 x 5

Now doing day three of yoga. Hopefully stretch everything out and get me nice and ready for bed.

Went in tonight to work on squat form. Fixed a bracing issue, my depth issue, but still gotta work more on keeping my chest up at heavier weights and pushing my head back into the bar, which should help the former.

Body weight 3 x 5
45lbs x 5
135lbs x 7 x 5
185lbs x 2 x 3
225lbs x 2
225lbs x 1

May or may not do yoga before bed. Either I do it now and meal prep before work, or vise versa.
After having fixed my bracing and depth issues, got back in the gym today to resume regular work loads. Decided on 225lbs for 3 x 5, to make sure technique stayed crisp. Well, after having finished those I was still feeling kind of good, so I decided to see how much I could squat. Got up to my old PR of 275lbs, then stopped.

This is all after working a 12 hour overnight shift with no meal before the gym (and after working sets) so I know I have more in the tank. I'm super pumped that just fixing two things in my squat has made drastic improvements. Can't wait to see where I can go now!


Now I'm just chillin at work. First hour on the job, busted a shitrat for carrying drugs. Today's going to be a great day.

Oh, you're on that snitching time.

I'm out lol.
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I wanted to go to the gym at night. But my roommate blocked my car in and left to his girlfriend's for the night, with his keys. He eventually came home this morning, but I was fucking pooped. Went anyways and got a very light workout in. Trying the proper bracing technique with my front squat and press. What a difference!

Front squats (although light) were going up very smoothly. With the press, the weight was flying up. I can only imagine how much stronger I'd be right now if I did it the right way from the start.

Also did some ez bar bicep curls. From what I've read, it's suppose to ease the pain in my bicep/elbow. So far it feels the same. My biceps are weak as fuck though.

Front squat
45lbs x 5
135lbs x 3 x 5

Military press
45lbs x 5
105lbs x 3 x 5

Bicep curls
25lbs x 5
45lbs x 3 x 4

Tonight will be a regular work out again. Can't wait!
Finally got back in after about a month off. After the last session, I got really sick for a couple of weeks, and then I was travelling back to Ottawa every time I had a couple of days off. It was tough to find time/motivation to go to the gym.

Going in today, even if it was lighter weights, was fantastic. I can't remember feeling this good before. I also have 0 injuries right now, so I'm pretty stoked about that.

45lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
185lbs x 3 x 5
225lbs x 3

45lbs x 5
135lbs x 3 x 5

Bent over row
45lbs x 5
95lbs x 3 x 5

BW x 2 x 5
Wanted to get a good workout in before work/before a small 2 day hiatus. When I got there, it was so crowded I could hardly see the faux king floor haha. Managed to get some pressing and deadlifting in though.

At first I felt guilty about not being able to go to the gym for so long, but it really did my body some good. Another solid session. My body doesn't feel as tight, I don't feel lethargic or light headed during or after my workouts. It's not my diet either, because I've been eating like shit. Ah well.

45lbs x 5
95lbs x 3 x 5

135lbs x 5
225lbs x 5
275lbs x 5

Deadlifts felt good. Even my grip wasn't slipping.
2 hours of hockey today. No subs. I was sore from my workouts before starting. I'm now immobile. It was an ok skate though. I wish I wasn't so tight!
Overslept after my last night shift. Had to rush to the gym before it closed. Got some squats and benching in. Didn't eat before going, so I felt a little weak, but got all the weight up fine. Still really tight/sore from my workouts on Tuesday/Wednesday. Stupid DOMS.

45lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
185lbs x 5
205lbs x 3 x 5

45lbs x 10
135lbs x 5
155lbs x 2 x 5
155lbs x 8
Gonna start doing yoga again. First session back was nice and easy. Holy balls I lost a lot of flexibility. I feel better already though.

Gym sesh was decent. I figured out my lower back is what's lacking since my hiatus. Ah well. Can only go up from here!

45lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
185lbs x 5
205lbs x 5
225lbs x 3 x 5

45lbs x 8
105lbs x 3 x 5

135lbs x 5
225lbs x 5
295lbs x 5

Might do some yoga before bed.

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