NINTENDO SWITCH Official Discussion v3: Still noobs at online gaming

Arrogant Nintendo is worst Nintendo. Sell card board for 70usd?. No thanks.
You know if Apple did it, fuckers would be lining up.

I still don't get what the hell this is and I love my Switch. I wanna see it live in action. If you can make a piano I'm sold.

I'm envisioning a cardboard arcade cabinet to play arcade-version, emulated eShop games. I'd be sold then since I can't afford original Double Dragon, final fight or TMNT in my home
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This Labo stuff is neat, just don't think it's for me. I could see Switch owners with kids loving it though. I'll need to see more of it to really get a good opinion on it.

Still hoping we get a Nintendo Direct soon.
Saw the video and thought it was legit fucking dope, but I'd need to see if the price is in my wheelhouse before anything else, but if it's in the $30-40 I could see myself dropping some coin on this, but not for the $70 someone mentioned earlier.
LABO camera?

Got back into Splatoon after a VERY long hiatus and HOLY FUCK is Clam Blitz Cancer, AIDS, Ebola, and Smallpox all rolled into one. Like I've read a few posts about it from here, but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST did I find it insufferable. It's EVERY frustration I have about this game rolled into one single amalgamation.
do you get all those cardboards cutouts for $70 or is each one $70??? what's the pricing?
do you get all those cardboards cutouts for $70 or is each one $70??? what's the pricing?

It's basically $60 for the game and $10 for all of the included cutouts.
It's basically $60 for the game and $10 for all of the included cutouts.

all of them? that sounds like a pretty decent deal.

If they can provide editing software I can see people create their own cardboard box inventions to do different shit. sounds cool!

that's what I love about Nintendo.. always think outside the box. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but at least they try!
Almost done with Mario O. Not sure what to move on from here. I'm thinking I might wait for Bayonetta. I'm really in the mood to play a game like that.
I think I'm done with Xeoblade Chronicles. I really wanted to love this game and have a deep RPG on the go, but I'm at the point were playing it almost feels like a chore. I'm about 20 hours in and made it Chapter 5 and the story is fine, I love the battle mechanics and world exploration, but every enemy seems to be a ridiculous damage sponge where the battles stretch out way longer than they need to. Even though I love the mechaincs of the battles, they feel like a chore with the absurd amount of hit points the enemies have and I started just avoiding battles all together to get to the next location. Boss battles I can see have a huge HP pool that stretches out, but a field bunny has no business having like 20,000 HP's that can absorb multiple high damage output attack strings. As I started to level up more, the battles started to feel more and more lopsided. My party was set up with Tora as a Tank, Rex as ATK and Nia as a healer and I never felt like I was in danger of dying as I was able pretty much keep my HP topped off with potions, but the battles took so long that it felt so unbalanced.

I don't feel like they did a very good job balancing enemy damage output and HP's. I think battle would have flowed better if enemies had less HP's with higher damage output. I feel like RPG's with similar real time battle mechincs like FFXII and Ni No Kuni had a much better flow of battle, where XC2 just feels so uneven.
Just picked up a switch with Mario, Zelda and XC2. Hopefully it’ll be a good travel companion.

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