water fasting, anyone tried it?

Well if you look at a bunch of the comments people seem to think you need some sort of nutrients going into your body or that water fasting is unhealthy. People have fasted since the beginning of time, but when you're brainwashed with "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" your entire life, it's tough to break through that. Couple that with the propaganda that most of us have been raised with in the last 20-25 years of "you should eat every two to three hours" to keep your metabolism going, is it any wonder why people think nothing but the purest substance, that accounts for over 80 percent of our body would be "unhealthy?"

Your own body fat is feeding you and as I mentioned in an earlier post, every cell in your body retains nutrients in the event of a fast or a famine. Additionally, your body attacks diseased cells in your body (i.e. tumors) and eliminates dead cells more aggressively than a juice fast.

Our bodies are equipped to handle water fasting.

There is nothing wrong with a juice fast, but you are eating into your muscles more that way over the long-term. If someone were to do a juice fast for a three day weekend, they'd be fine. I have a book from about 1981 or 82 that has a collection of Muscle and Fitness' "best" articles at the time and one of the body builders (or ghost-written) came down hard on steroids and the health benefits of fasting for a quick detox while maintaining workouts.

There's a growing movement of people doing intermittent fasting, which is fasting - although many are adding coffee to the fast which activates your liver, which does NOT make it fasting. With water fasting, you can look at it as the same way as I.F. with the exception you are extending your fasting window.

A good PDF to check out of various studies on fasting and fitness (I imagine most people into health are into fitness) is "Eat. Stop. Eat" by Brad Pilon.

For all those that are on the fence with water fasting, the only expense you have to put out is having something other than tap water. That's it. You dont' need to get you colon cleaned or get nutrient supplementation or even take your own collection of pill if you are a normal functional individual. The purest water you can get. That's it. Do your own research or check out someone like Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Jason Fung or some other doctor who can give them more information on fasting.

theres so many benefits to fasting,
you lose weight even quicker with dry fasting apparently
Bingo! Exactly! There was some quote, I think by Socrates or something, that stated 'we only need one quarter the amount of food that we take in on a daily basis. The other three quarters is to keep the doctor in business'.

What I have found is not only in dieting world, but in the medical world as well, much of it is a money making sham. Doctors just pumping out idiot things to do, pills to pop, which just makes the person sicker, weaker and dependent on the doctors bunk propaganda knowledge.

Also, people evolved to only eat one big meal a day, as historic ancestors were hunting gathering all day and only ate at night which is now called "the caveman diet". When you do this, your brain produces more serotonin, has more keen alertness and you feel much better. By eating three meals a day, you are moderately dumbed down, not thinking as much and are kind of in a perpetualwaking sleep state. Humans need incredibly little to actually survive and are so brainwashed about everything.

I actually had my third eye chakra open when I was fasting and meditating for three days. Once your pineal gland opens, your whole life changes and you realize tngsbthat are unable to be communicated. I think this is another reason why the powers get be try to dumb us down, because when your third eye opens, you realize that there is just so much BS in this world and most everyone ate akin to rats running on a treadmill. If everyone's third eye opened, people would just go live in the woods and eat berries and nuts again and the whole money agenda sham would disintegrate.

how did you open your third eye chakra?
Yes I've done intermittent fasting, it helped me lose weight quickly when I felt like I was getting out of control. People do it differently as far as how long or how often. Me, I did it every other day. One day eating, one day just water. The trick is to just eat regular on the eating days, don't gorge yourself or go crazy because you missed food. It definitely works though, it's basic math. You are putting way less weight into your body. For me, doing it every other day means it was literally half as much per week. And of course you should exercise as well, even if it's just something basic like going for a walk.
how did you open your third eye chakra?
That's a great question, man. I really don't exactly know, as if I could repeat it every second of the day, I would. It opened for only three days, with it being super intense for the first 36 hours and then kind of faded away. Obviously there are easier ways to open it than meditating for long intervals of time, like taking Ayahuasca or D.M.T., but the way I did it was going vegan for a while, drinking lots of purified water (basically detoxing and decalcifying the pineal gland), positive thought, meditating on things like compassion/forgiveness/love, spending great periods of time in isolation, listening to lots of ancient choral music tuned to 432 Hz (getting that frequency and vibration up) and lots of meditating.

To be honest, it was actually kind of overwhelming and terrifying when it first happened, as you essentially inherit another sense and your sense of reality greatly changed. It almost felt like I was tripping on mushrooms or something, that is how greatly reality differed. You realize that you have incredible powers, that the law of attraction is real, that you have the capacity to heal yourself and do tremendous things, that telepathy is real, that all life is one and that you are responsible for everything in you ur reality. When mine finally opened, I just had tears pouring down my face and it was the most intensely beautiful moment ever - interestingly, I had no idea about Kundalini Meditation, but this crying phenomenon is something that nearly every Yogi reports when their 3rd Eye Opens.

The easiest way to do it naturally would probably be to take up Kundalini Meditation. In Kundalini, they call the Third Eye openinga 'Kundalini Awakening', as it is the one form of meditation that's primary aim is to open the third eye. But beware, as they will tell you with 'Kundalini Awakenings' that if you are emotionally and mentally not ready for it, you can feel like you are going insane. Many people that accidentally or prematurely open their third eyes think the Apocolypse is happening, that they are dying or being attacked by demons, because you essentially are able to see another dimension and if you are not in a good frame of mind, do not understand what is going on, it can snowball and seem 'demonic' or end you up in the hospital with a panic attack. Here is one such story:

Ralph Smart, aka Infinite Waters on YT, has some great info on how to do it and was a great help to me when I was moderately freaking out after my Third Eye opened. This is his channel

Another thing people report that have their third eye open is that they will feel incredibly lonely, as you basically realize that everything that is going on earth wise is just a fraudulent rat race. It becomes hard to relate to people and finding other people that understand your condition ------ I guess all just as a caveat if anyone is out there and wants to try a d do it do it but does not know the risks. It is certainly not for everybody, but if you want to know more about reality, experience something truly magical, it is worth it.
Staying hydrated is better. Food fasting can be very good.
That's a great question, man. I really don't exactly know, as if I could repeat it every second of the day, I would. It opened for only three days, with it being super intense for the first 36 hours and then kind of faded away. Obviously there are easier ways to open it than meditating for long intervals of time, like taking Ayahuasca or D.M.T., but the way I did it was going vegan for a while, drinking lots of purified water (basically detoxing and decalcifying the pineal gland), positive thought, meditating on things like compassion/forgiveness/love, spending great periods of time in isolation, listening to lots of ancient choral music tuned to 432 Hz (getting that frequency and vibration up) and lots of meditating.

To be honest, it was actually kind of overwhelming and terrifying when it first happened, as you essentially inherit another sense and your sense of reality greatly changed. It almost felt like I was tripping on mushrooms or something, that is how greatly reality differed. You realize that you have incredible powers, that the law of attraction is real, that you have the capacity to heal yourself and do tremendous things, that telepathy is real, that all life is one and that you are responsible for everything in you ur reality. When mine finally opened, I just had tears pouring down my face and it was the most intensely beautiful moment ever - interestingly, I had no idea about Kundalini Meditation, but this crying phenomenon is something that nearly every Yogi reports when their 3rd Eye Opens.

The easiest way to do it naturally would probably be to take up Kundalini Meditation. In Kundalini, they call the Third Eye openinga 'Kundalini Awakening', as it is the one form of meditation that's primary aim is to open the third eye. But beware, as they will tell you with 'Kundalini Awakenings' that if you are emotionally and mentally not ready for it, you can feel like you are going insane. Many people that accidentally or prematurely open their third eyes think the Apocolypse is happening, that they are dying or being attacked by demons, because you essentially are able to see another dimension and if you are not in a good frame of mind, do not understand what is going on, it can snowball and seem 'demonic' or end you up in the hospital with a panic attack. Here is one such story:

Ralph Smart, aka Infinite Waters on YT, has some great info on how to do it and was a great help to me when I was moderately freaking out after my Third Eye opened. This is his channel

Another thing people report that have their third eye open is that they will feel incredibly lonely, as you basically realize that everything that is going on earth wise is just a fraudulent rat race. It becomes hard to relate to people and finding other people that understand your condition ------ I guess all just as a caveat if anyone is out there and wants to try a d do it do it but does not know the risks. It is certainly not for everybody, but if you want to know more about reality, experience something truly magical, it is worth it.

yea ive heard of infinite waters,
ill check out the vids

so if your third eye chakra still open?
Another thing people report that have their third eye open is that they will feel incredibly lonely, as you basically realize that everything that is going on earth wise is just a fraudulent rat race. It becomes hard to relate to people and finding other people that understand your condition ------ I guess all just as a caveat if anyone is out there and wants to try a d do it do it but does not know the risks. It is certainly not for everybody, but if you want to know more about reality, experience something truly magical, it is worth it.

I think my third eye has been open for some time then.

Yes I've done intermittent fasting, it helped me lose weight quickly when I felt like I was getting out of control. People do it differently as far as how long or how often. Me, I did it every other day. One day eating, one day just water. The trick is to just eat regular on the eating days, don't gorge yourself or go crazy because you missed food. It definitely works though, it's basic math. You are putting way less weight into your body. For me, doing it every other day means it was literally half as much per week. And of course you should exercise as well, even if it's just something basic like going for a walk.

That sounds like the best and healthiest way to do it.
Yes I've done intermittent fasting, it helped me lose weight quickly when I felt like I was getting out of control. People do it differently as far as how long or how often. Me, I did it every other day. One day eating, one day just water. The trick is to just eat regular on the eating days, don't gorge yourself or go crazy because you missed food. It definitely works though, it's basic math. You are putting way less weight into your body. For me, doing it every other day means it was literally half as much per week. And of course you should exercise as well, even if it's just something basic like going for a walk.

This is the best method IMO. It fits with my personal experiences with the different ways of managing my eating habits that I've tried, it doesn't require depleting your body of any nutrients for more than a single day at a time, and yes moderate exercise is essential, don't overdo it. I'm going to do this again right now, in fact.
I cant do a water fast, I cant stand Hunger Pangs, and the growling of the stomach, ill go mad, heck I get lightheaded when I skip breakfast.
I love food too much to ever commit to fasting.

But shout out to all you peeps that are able to do so.
This is the best method IMO. It fits with my personal experiences with the different ways of managing my eating habits that I've tried, it doesn't require depleting your body of any nutrients for more than a single day at a time, and yes moderate exercise is essential, don't overdo it. I'm going to do this again right now, in fact.

im going to attempt to do this starting from today, wish me luck guys
I'm surprised nobody pointed out to the TS that's what he's proposing sounds like something a poor person would do, in turn making them sound like one...

Real talk, did this for 2 days way back like 8 years ago, wasn't great. I have heard of people who do this intermittently and intermittent fasting is actually a common topic in gym forums, and I plan on doing it at some point, just not at the moment. I just started a ten day reduced carb diet, before I go back to carb cycling, and it's as shitty as it sounds.
just eat less, fasting sounds radical and will probably make you lose just as much muscle as fat.
I only fast during Yom Kippur, it's just one day but enough to make me feel like shit.