Why a thick neck is alpha

My god she has horrible skin.

I hope this isn't fighter bashing, but there is almost no doubt in my mind that Holly Holmes has used steroids at some point in her athletic career. She exhibits all the classic symptoms of viralization - people knock Cyborg for looking manly, but between the two of them, I would argue Cyborg looks more feminine .
Photography, the most alpha of careers, so long as you keep to a standard strap around the neck and don't use any wussy bold holders to take the weight, no womanly mirrorless cameras or designer rangefinders either.

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I don’t know about this alpha beta nonsense but I do admit that it looks really weird seeing some jacked dude at the gym with a pencil neck that looks as it barely holds his head up.
wtf is going with these closet homosexual threads lately
I guess Cannibal Corpse is the most alpha band of all time given Corpsegrinder's neck.
I’ve got no neck syndrome and no I’m not fat like most of you
she looks so . . . manly x:
weird. ive seen a lot of guys talk about being attracted to her, ive not seen her really before. starting to wonder if dem guys be gay.

for the last time

Her face has a shit ton of scar tissue on it tho and dont look good. Maybe if she didnt have that it would be a good face i dunno