Number one fight you wish had a different outcome?

Nog vs Mir 2 is first to come to mind

Then there's fights like Jones vs Rua but fights like that weren't even close
As a massive CC fan, that was horrible seeing him go out like that, but that being said, no way Cro Cop would have done well in the UFC during that time. Like Josh Barnett said: all the Pride guys thought that they had to get off the juice, while the UFC guys knew they could keep on juicing and thus had success. I mean, just imagine Schwab being UFC champ? It'd never happen, and that is a testament to what a shell UFC CC was. Put CC on an even playing field and let him juice and he does very well tho.
Tbh...This "opening" loss might have some deeper roots... linked to the Jungle Fight bout btw Doom & Napão...

I know I know...
I'm not a fan really of either, but I imagine the mental torment Aldo fans must have went thru with all Conor's preflight antics and trolling must have been unbearable. From the world tour, to Conor's insults, touching, teasing, name calling, stealing his belt, making Aldo have a practical mental breakdown, using his face as a dart board, the Aldo botched drug test, #RibGate and then for it to end in one punch like that, have Aldo mercilessly crying, must have been the worst thing ever. When we have karma in this sport, it usually comes in the way of uppity bitches like Ronda getting humbled, or troll Sonnen getting KO'd by Silvia, and rarely do we see the roles so wildly reversed.

Both to make the empire last one more fiight but also because Fedor performed stupid in a pretty winnable fight

Oh well, he will have lost anyway the next one, the decline t this point was there
Actually he def Arlovski, Sylvia and Rogers while on decline, so whatever, can't ask more


Jon-DC 2
Don't forget his WEC title. He would have been the only other fighter other than frank shamrock to win ufc,wec, and sf titles. Beating prime gsp to get there would probably have people arguing him as the #2 ww all time over hughes.
Thank you, good eye bro. That'd make Nick the triple champ :D The Champ Champ Champ! Hahaha Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, McNuggets!

Both to make the empire last one more fiight but also because Fedor performed stupid in a pretty winnable fight

Oh well, he will have lost anyway the next one, the decline t this point was there
Actually he def Arlovski, Sylvia and Rogers while on decline, so whatever, can't ask more


Jon-DC 2
Crocop-Gonzaga - Now there's a good one. I still haven't figured out exactly what happened there. I mean, that kick just comes out of nowhere, I know Crocop didn't see it coming. But dang. Would he have lost a rematch you think?
Crocop-Gonzaga - Now there's a good one. I still haven't figured out exactly what happened there. I mean, that kick just comes out of nowhere, I know Crocop didn't see it coming. But dang. Would he have lost a rematch you think?
Crocop didn't train for the cage and elbows at all. He was dazed from the elbows on the ground by the time the head kick happened. He was used to using wrist control to stop gnp in pride, and he had amazing wrist control.

But it just doesn't work against elbows. His own fault for not training specifically for the ufc, but it definitely cost him that fight. Then he fell horribly on his leg while KOed and fucked his leg up too. That was definitely a winnable fight for him, he just came to the ufc injured, worn out, and complacent. It really sucks.
Crocop didn't train for the cage and elbows at all. He was dazed from the elbows on the ground by the time the head kick happened. He was used to using wrist control to stop gnp in pride, and he had amazing wrist control.

But it just doesn't work against elbows. His own fault for not training specifically for the ufc, but it definitely cost him that fight. Then he fell horribly on his leg while KOed and fucked his leg up too. That was definitely a winnable fight for him, he just came to the ufc injured, worn out, and complacent. It really sucks.
Crocop is still fighting and winning isn't he? Meanwhile, they just flew Gonzaga into Russia to feed Aleksander Emilianenko a couple months ago. Reminded me of an old-school human sacrifice
Crocop is still fighting and winning isn't he? Meanwhile, they just flew Gonzaga into Russia to feed Aleksander Emilianenko a couple months ago. Reminded me of an old-school human sacrifice
Crocops longevity is amazing. Realistically should have retired in 2006 after the GP win. He was already weathered then. At least he avenged that Gonzaga loss. And with brutal elbows too.
Cruz vs Cody , Mousasi vs Hall 1 , Mousasi vs Machida

Also hendrix vs gsp. Georges nut huggers know who won and it would have been nice to finally stamp him out of the GOAT talk. It's JBJ or Spider. No exceptions
Dont put steroid users in the name of goat , but well i see you have another drug cheat in your av
Crocops longevity is amazing. Realistically should have retired in 2006 after the GP win. He was already weathered then. At least he avenged that Gonzaga loss. And with brutal elbows too.
Holy shit that was in 2015! Where was I?? I didn't even realize they had a rematch, and so recently too. Crazy
So I was re-watching the UFC 100 greatest fights boxset, and it got me thinking of how many close fights I wish ended differently, or fights where I really liked both guys so I hoped for a draw more than anything.

My pick would have to be Rampage vs Hendo. With all his accolades Hendo never got that ufc title. Getting the UFC LHW belt and unifying it with the pride belt would have been huge. My second choice is Nog vs Mir 2. One of the few fights where I was legit angry at the outcome. Got up and punched my chair in rage when he snapped Nogs arm out of nowhere. Was pissed off at Herb Dean for some time after that one.

What are yours?
Maybe Ronin vs Hendo, or Ronin vs Hughes... Ronin perhaps would be more respected these days...

Hendo vs BS-Ping 2 too ...
JBJ is imo the goat fighter(peds or not), but testing positive twice tarnished his legacy in the minds of many. There's a reason why they strip olympic gold medals from those who test positive.
They strip medals because you never should have won if you cheated. You can't consider yourself the best at anything if you have to cheat to perform at that level. You're lying to yourself and the viewing public, and cheating your fellow competitors out of their chance of victory.
Crocop-Gonzaga - Now there's a good one. I still haven't figured out exactly what happened there. I mean, that kick just comes out of nowhere, I know Crocop didn't see it coming. But dang. Would he have lost a rematch you think?

Well he actually won the rematch, even if too much after

Btw i remember an interview, Mirko said he took some hard shots to the head and was dazzed (vision too) by these before the kick arrived

Wich is'ntt crazy if you think he has been under punch/elbow GnP for a while, then the ref made them stand up but Mirko looked done.
We are used to see the gif as if came out during some striking battle but reality Mirko got battered the whole round by GnP, then when stand up the first and only real strike thrown was Gabriel's kick some seconds later
Well, it's between Ronda-Holly and Ronda-Nunes.

I'm gonna go for Ronda-Nunes, that would have been a glorious comeback.
Jones and DC or even further back Jones and Shogun so Jones couldn’t go on to constantly let us fans down
Also hendrix vs gsp. Georges nut huggers know who won and it would have been nice to finally stamp him out of the GOAT talk. It's JBJ or Spider. No exceptions
Lol 2 cheaters.

GSP is the GOAT. Deal with it.