International Dalai Lama says 'Europe belongs to Europeans'

He should be more clear. With Muslims does he mean all Muslims, converts, Asian Muslims, European Muslims, etc., or only Arab Muslims? If he means all Muslims where is home for a European who converted to Islam? If he can stay then why can't other Muslims stay? What about Shiite Muslims? Or progressive Muslims? And so on...
He was discussing the European mass immigration disaster.
What percentage of Europeans that converted to Islam do you think makes up the Muslim population? Probably less than 1%. Your argument is disingenuous and stupid.
Ok so he is not referring to Europeans who converted to Islam, he is only referring to born Muslims? Why the discrimination? What is the basis for the discrimination?

Also, how do you know he doesn't refer to all Muslims, European or not?
ill take this one

“My indoctrination states, very clearly, that immigration is unquestionably good, in any of its forms, therefore, this man must be insulted. I observe that he is not white, therefore i am not allowed to call him a racist or a nazi. I will now pick the first McInsult out of my leftist bag of garbage.”
I'll wait on his response, but in the meanwhile I'll just say he's usually a reasonable fella. Well, except for election night when he voiced his concern about what Trump would do to him and his fellow Muslims once in office. o_O
lol Dalai Lama literally lives his life like the everything a liberal wishes they were, but then he says 1 thing they disagree with and he's just a dude wearing a bed sheet.
Your only response is to point fingers and say I’m a leftist. You political fanatics sure are dumb. You think the entire world lives in your fake war. It’s a sickness you have. The reality is most people don’t vote because they are smart enough to not hand over their individual thinking for blind servitude to a party.
Your only response is to point fingers and say I’m a leftist. You political fanatics sure are dumb. You think the entire world lives in your fake war. The reality is most people don’t vote because they are smart enough to not hand over their individual thinking for blind servitude to a party.
So basically you're too dumb to vote
I just love how liberals will instantly begin mocking someone’s appearance or culture the second they disagree with them. Lmao the tolerant left
This is how the left and the right pull everyone into their vortex of stupidity. They just pretend like everyone has to fall in those cagegories. These are the fools that are leading the country. Simple minded retards.

If Europe is for Europeans then, how will we become one?
All of theses posts deserve a 3 piece with soda. Mas bless
Have you ever taken an IQ test?
Amazing that you can multi-quote so many people saying different things and reach one moronic conclusion involving physical violence lol.
I'd stay away from cops in costco if I were you.
You left out an important part: "The Europeans should give them education and training."

If you red-pill morons are down for that, then I think it's fine.
That's actually in the OP
This is how the left and the right pull everyone into their vortex of stupidity. They just pretend like everyone has to fall in those cagegories. These are the fools that are leading the country. Simple minded retards.

Ascended Fence sitter itt
Have you ever taken an IQ test?
Amazing that you can multi-quote so many people saying different things and reach one moronic conclusion involving physical violence lol.
I'd stay away from cops in costco if I were you.

Your are a very special person sir
Textbook triggered response. You didn’t address anything I said. Just reacting to your own insecurities. Like a weak bitch.

Look who is really "triggered". So beyond your empty post that only contained a logical fallacy which was exposed; all you have here is an ad hominem attack.... another logical fallacy.

Come on back when you offer some substance, until then you're just a troll with nothing.
Look who is really "triggered". So beyond your empty post that only contained a logical fallacy which was exposed; all you have here is an ad hominem attack.... another logical fallacy.

Come on back when you offer some substance, until then you're just a troll with nothing.
You initiated the response and I JUST told you you didn’t address anything said. Now you’re repeating this accusation to me like a retard or psychopath. Why do you even bother? You communicate like a snake.
You initiated the response and I JUST told you you didn’t address anything said. Now you’re repeating this accusation to me like a retard or psychopath. Why do you even bother? You communicate like a snake.

Let us all know when you finally decide to offer some on topic content. Until then.... words words words... the ones you offer are meaningless. But stay woke!

Ascended Fence sitter itt
This is the same retard that accuses people on the left of using dismissive labels. It’s never shocking how dumb these partisan losers are. Among the biggest hypocrites in the country.
This is the same retard that accuses people on the left of using dismissive labels. It’s never shocking how dumb these partisan losers are. Among the biggest hypocrites in the country.
Labeling is fine as long as you’re consistent with how you assign them.