Media Rose dumps American flag for Lithuanian one

I couldn't care less about flags, but I'll admit that Rose triggers me and I hope that Weili smashes her.

I wonder if it is because America is so diverse that there is really no commonality to anchor your natural desire for ancestry or roots to
Americans don’t support their own the same way foreign fans do so I don’t blame her. It’s weird. Brazilians, Mexicans, Africans, Russians, brits, Irish, etc all mad patriotic for their fighters. Considering America is an extremely patriotic country it’s always surprised me that doesn’t translate to MMA or boxing.

Brazilians are only patriotic with the winners they shit all over once fighters lose. I think americans are more forgiving to fighters, but Sherdog is filled with selfhating liberal cucks and simps giving impression that Americans are shit fans.
Rose went from being generally well liked by most mma fans to being hated overnight. Its kinda hilarious

Everybody is rooting for zhang to smash her
I can guarantee you that the UFC pressured her into doing this. The UFC is really big on broadening the brand's global appeal, if they see anything about you that makes you stand out from just being a regular boring American person they'll try to market it

If this is the case, the Reebok and Venum apparel deals make even less sense.
I can guarantee you that the UFC pressured her into doing this. The UFC is really big on broadening the brand's global appeal, if they see anything about you that makes you stand out from just being a regular boring American person they'll try to market it

UFC campaigning hard for that 2.7 million Lithuanian demographic
I think the Olympics are the only time people cheer for the US. As far as fighting I always cheer for the guys I find entertaining. I don't really care what country they're from.
Yeah I am not saying you’re wrong for this, I’m the same. The British & the Brazilians etc don’t seem to think like that though. They just root for their own irregardless of how entertaining they are. Even Leon Edwards, a guy with next to no charisma & basically no name outside of MMA, has British fans behind him.
Borders Russia (; . Also lol at this of course she can do whatever she wants but it's such a dumb dendecy that Americans have to desperately cling to their past heritage . Like I'm sorry your not Irish or Italian if you where born in the US and speak American English . You just another boring white American get over it . I swear I bet Rose dosnt know shit about Lithuania and what it's like today
White American to me means settlement roots. If your parents immigrated I don't really view them in the same light (both white but there is a difference)

Americans don’t support their own the same way foreign fans do so I don’t blame her. It’s weird. Brazilians, Mexicans, Africans, Russians, brits, Irish, etc all mad patriotic for their fighters. Considering America is an extremely patriotic country it’s always surprised me that doesn’t translate to MMA or boxing.
Jon Jones is patriotic.
I wonder if it is because America is so diverse that there is really no commonality to anchor your natural desire for ancestry or roots to

I don't think so. The USA used to be top tier at having people from all over the world calling themselves proud americans even with broken English. Their children too were super proud to be American, so I think traditionally the USA were the GOAT melting pot.

No, I attribute this trend to the increasing self-loathe and guilt that is instilled in Western countries, and the USA are leading this trend. Everything associated with "traditionalism" is seen as morally wrong by an increasing number of young people, from the traditional family, traditional gender roles, authority, structure and of course one's sense of nationalism. So that young people confused about their national identity will cling on to anything they have to dissociate themselves with what they actually are.
I wonder if it is because America is so diverse that there is really no commonality to anchor your natural desire for ancestry or roots to
Nothing wrong with having both,
especially if you're born in the US, then again IDGAF

There is new rule about holding/carrying two flags....Muradov apologized for not carrying Czech flag, but he simply could not because UFC implented some new rule which says that u cant walkout or photo with two flags.....pure bullshit from UFC !
Depending on your belief system, we all trace back to Western Asian/Middle East, Northern Africa, or outer space.

Whatever that means to you.
How many of you outraged patriots fought for Murcia? Your pappies and uncles don't count, sport.

Oh look the anchor baby wants to talk shit about the country he refuses to leave.
How much time do you reckon Rose has actually spent in Lithuania?