Media Rose dumps American flag for Lithuanian one

wow you’re so edgy

I don't think so. The USA used to be top tier at having people from all over the world calling themselves proud americans even with broken English. Their children too were super proud to be American, so I think traditionally the USA were the GOAT melting pot.

No, I attribute this trend to the increasing self-loathe and guilt that is instilled in Western countries, and the USA are leading this trend. Everything associated with "traditionalism" is seen as morally wrong by an increasing number of young people, from the traditional family, traditional gender roles, authority, structure and of course one's sense of nationalism. So that young people confused about their national identity will cling on to anything they have to dissociate themselves with what they actually are.

Well honestly I have to say (from experience) that I think that all that immigrant being proud to be American is just media playing it up. It’s like stuff you hear only during Congressional testimony. It’s just that America’s such a melting pot for struggling immigrants that you’re not really thinking of high ideals when you’re struggling to survive in one of America’s many gutters.

I agree that the second part is probably a factor for white Americans. I also think it is that in America it is so hard to find a sense of belonging because things are so fragmented, diverse, and competitive. If you want to feel proud, you gotta at least first feel like you belong. It’s also hard to feel like you belong when you’re in the gutter.
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I dont see what the problem with the american flag is i love the multiple colors, it's almost like im looking at a rainbow everytime i salute it
She is a fucking weirdo. She doesn't deserve USSR.
Rose is a weirdo so I’m not even surprised. I could see her moving to Lithuanian and leaving in a modern treehouse
I'm old enough to remember when Rose was popular on Sherdog. But that was before she criticised communism.
