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It’s not Roman winning I have a problem with it’s how he won. Lazy story writing

It's a family business. Always has been. When the family falls apart, so does Roman.
It’s not Roman winning I have a problem with it’s how he won. Lazy story writing
How is it lazy story writing? Literally the whole story of the last year is that the bloodline has been winning largely based on strength of numbers and family. The stories going into mania from the last several months have been about Sami/ko/Cody needing to come together to overcome those numbers and that they are better working together. All those stories told in the last several months converged into this match, including solo losing to Cody and getting revenge. Maybe you don’t like the way it was booked, but in no way was it lazy writing. It was perfectly logical writing that was well told over this last year and culminated in one match.
Still my pick for especially after Brock restires to be the "opposing force" to threaten/claim a title at any given time. Tonight there was talk that Gunther was boring, but really he/Imperium are amongst the most believable. They could be successful in any "era" the last 30+ years working the exact same gimmick.

When I was a kid I cried when Yoko beat Bret. But then Hulkster came out and all was right with the world. #TheBusiness

I cried when Yoko beat Bret too then cried even more when Hulk came out to get in his grandstanding and hot dogging.
Still my pick for especially after Brock restires to be the "opposing force" to threaten/claim a title at any given time. Tonight there was talk that Gunther was boring, but really he/Imperium are amongst the most believable. They could be successful in any "era" the last 30+ years working the exact same gimmick.

I’m dying to see him and Brock
I cried when Austin beat HBk at 14, I was already 12 or 13 at the time but fuck that still hurt
How is it lazy story writing? Literally the whole story of the last year is that the bloodline has been winning largely based on strength of numbers and family. The stories going into mania from the last several months have been about Sami/ko/Cody needing to come together to overcome those numbers and that they are better working together. All those stories told in the last several months converged into this match, including solo losing to Cody and getting revenge. Maybe you don’t like the way it was booked, but in no way was it lazy writing. It was perfectly logical writing that was well told over this last year and culminated in one match.
I was specifically talking about the finish. Everything Cody overcame in the match to lose to the thumb poke of doom
Still my pick for especially after Brock restires to be the "opposing force" to threaten/claim a title at any given time. Tonight there was talk that Gunther was boring, but really he/Imperium are amongst the most believable. They could be successful in any "era" the last 30+ years working the exact same gimmick.


They have been looking for a "Gunther" for a loong time: Kozlov, Rusev, Cesaro but they finally found the best version of the technical, powerful stoic European killer.
Watching the WM 38 doc. Rick Boogs talking about how you need to ignore that voice in your head that limits how much you lift before you hurt yourself is hilarious timing.

I guess Boogs has instructional videos on YouTube about lifting? I was talking to my younger brother recently who is far more intense on working out, and mentioned Mania. He doesn't watch wrestling but knew everything about the injury spot ,Nakamura, and the narrative around the Boogs character.
Are you really happy with that finish?
I was. And again I understand if it’s not the finish you wanted but I’m specifically responding to you saying it’s lazy writing when I would counter that it was very well booked and good writing. When Sami and ko came out I think everyone thought it was over yet. And it was the spike, which is solo finisher, that was the final blow.
I guess Boogs has instructional videos on YouTube about lifting? I was talking to my younger brother recently who is far more intense on working out, and mentioned Mania. He doesn't watch wrestling but knew everything about the injury spot ,Nakamura, and the narrative around the Boogs character.

Yeah he is known for his stupid lift videos. Just funny how the day of wm 38 he's talking about how you ignore that voice and then blows his knee out doing a stupid lift
I hope Cody doesn't get an immediate rematch. Build it up. Do Cody vs Solo or a 6 man (Cody/KO/Sami vs Usos and Roman or Solo)
Cody definitely needs to get some revenge on Solo. I could see him doing that program for a bit to raise him up the card some. Then I’d have Cody win MITB and cash in for a rematch at Summerslam
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