Opinion All the major republican policies pass, now what?

What? Like I said, follow the news. See what the mayors of the sanctuary cities are complaining about. I'm not going to google for you.

You can't even defend your nonsensical "vibes" theory the first time some one questions it. You should probably just stick to calling republicans Disney villains.
Still waiting on the numbers showing just how detrimental those damn illegals are to our economy.
I'm sure it has an effect but it would be foolish to act as if that's the root of all our problems.
Also a huge portion of illegals enter the country on a plane. Walls don't work against those.
ahh yes, team lesser evil wants to lecture everyone on how horrible things could be if we allow team evil to gain power over team lesser evil, just in time for the elections

ahh yes, team lesser evil wants to lecture everyone on how horrible things could be if we allow team evil to gain power over team lesser evil, just in time for the elections

Don't take the coward's way out. What is the result if either the republicans or democrats somehow assume control of the government with a large enough majority to pass what they want?
Don't take the coward's way out. What is the result if either the republicans or democrats somehow assume control of the government with a large enough majority to pass what they want?
These guys operate on vibes not policy
What? Like I said, follow the news. See what the mayors of the sanctuary cities are complaining about. I'm not going to google for you.

You can't even defend your nonsensical "vibes" theory the first time some one questions it. You should probably just stick to calling republicans Disney villains.
Lol @ follow the news . You mean fox news, the media that when consumed results in people being less informed than people who don't consume any news media?

Answer my questions from earlier.
The better question would be what their policies would be if there was nothing to react/fight against. Do they have their own value system?

What type of world would they build if Democrats/Liberals didn't exist?
So the wall gets built, social security gets dissolved, taxes are cut and abortions are illegal.
More police and less environmental regulations.

Oh and book bans and trans rights are taken away.

Im sure I'm missing a few but these are the main ones right?

Realistically how much better off is the country?

Edit: repealing child labor laws and stopping free school lunches as well.
Republicans want to flush the good down to their swamp......


Next comes.....
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What is the result if either the republicans or democrats somehow assume control of the government with a large enough majority to pass what they want?
The rich get richer, the poor continues thinking there's actually a middle class but there's gonna be hope with the next election season if they can just figure out which of the 2 "electable" political parties are the lesser of 2 evils and anyone who isn't loyal to team lesser evil is in fact, evil
"Vibes" like "diversity is good, so lets open the border and tell anyone complaining about not having the resources to deal with millions of illegal immigrants to go fuck themselves"...?

Those kind of "vibes"?
I mean the same guy just said yesterday that CEOs work 10 hours/week and spend most of them "banging whores at country clubs". The guy's not all there.

Still waiting on the numbers showing just how detrimental those damn illegals are to our economy.
I'm sure it has an effect but it would be foolish to act as if that's the root of all our problems.
Also a huge portion of illegals enter the country on a plane. Walls don't work against those.
You could have looked it up yourself instead of asking everyone else to spoon feed you, but here you go.

Maybe you should try to follow current events. The resources they are consuming are our social programs, infrastructure, and tax revenue. What evidence do you have that mass illegal immigration is a good thing? Sounds like the best you can come up with is they can be our slave underclass.
"Mass illegal immigration" is a strawman. No one supports illegal immigration at all, almost by definition (i.e., if they did, they'd support changing laws so it's not illegal). And for the record, throwing out crazy shit like by the CIS, most research on the issue shows that even illegal immigration is a net benefit to the treasury, and obviously a larger benefit to the economy as a whole.
"Mass illegal immigration" is a strawman. No one supports illegal immigration at all, almost by definition (i.e., if they did, they'd support changing laws so it's not illegal). And for the record, throwing out crazy shit like by the CIS, most research on the issue shows that even illegal immigration is a net benefit to the treasury, and obviously a larger benefit to the economy as a whole.
Liberals and leftists don’t support illegal immigration, they just oppose every measure to crack down on it. (In other words, they are supporting it, even if they never articulate it in plain English and nominally oppose it in polls)

Oh, I guess they bring up the “we should be fining corporations for hiring them” which is just as genuine as conservatives saying that we should not support Ukraine because the money should go to American’s.
"Mass illegal immigration" is a strawman. No one supports illegal immigration at all, almost by definition (i.e., if they did, they'd support changing laws so it's not illegal).
The facts don't support this opinion. We've already been down this road many times. I bring up the numerous examples of Democrat leaders calling for the border to be surged, as well as, advocating for policy geared toward making it easier for illegals, and you dismiss it.

And for the record, throwing out crazy shit like by the CIS, most research on the issue shows that even illegal immigration is a net benefit to the treasury, and obviously a larger benefit to the economy as a whole.
This is debatable, but the original remark was about resources. Anyone paying attention knows the influx of illegals is putting a strain on our infrastructure. I'm sure you saw the thread about how the NY highschool was shut down to provide shelter for them.

This whole thing got started with a silly opinion that republicans go off of "vibes" and democrats use facts and logic. Using mass illegal immigration to argue against this was just one of the pieces of low hanging fruit. There are others: defund the police, school equity programs (removing accelerated programs, standards for math, etc), green energy mandates that aren't sustainable, etc.
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Liberals and leftists don’t support illegal immigration, they just oppose every measure to crack down on it. (In other words, they are supporting it, even if they never articulate it in plain English and nominally oppose it in polls)

Oh, I guess they bring up the “we should be fining corporations for hiring them” which is just as genuine as conservatives saying that we should not support Ukraine because the money should go to American’s.
Every measure? You're thinking of a wall only, right? And that was opposed on the grounds that adding more wall was wasteful, ineffective, and just a symbolic gesture. Other than that, they've fought for more funding and more effective action. There isn't a large difference in approaches to border security by the two parties. Biden opposed some "be assholes to asylum seekers" stuff that Trump did, but it's mostly the same beyond that. Also note that the unauthorized immigrant population fell during Obama's eight years in office.

The facts don't support this opinion. We've already been down this road many times. I bring up the numerous examples of Democrat leaders calling for the border to be surged, as well as, advocating for policy geared toward making it easier for illegals, and you dismiss it.
You think Democratic leaders have called for the border to be surged? Why?

This whole thing got started with a silly opinion that republicans go off of "vibes" and democrats use facts and logic. Using mass illegal immigration to argue against this was just one of the pieces of low hanging fruit. There are others: defund the police, school equity programs (removing accelerated programs, standards for math, etc), green energy mandates that aren't sustainable, etc.
I think "defund the police" is another example of Republicans kind of operating off vibes. When it came to real-world proposals in the wake of the pandemic, Democrats were proposing federal aid to state and local and gov'ts that would reduce the need for funding cuts to police departments (among other programs), while Republicans were talking a lot about opposition to defunding and simultaneously opposing that support. I think in general, it's not an insult or controversial to say that Democrats tend to think problems have mechanical solutions (e.g., a lack of spending in the economy should be fixed with some combination of lower taxes, higher spending, and lower interest rates if possible) while Republicans tend to favor more spiritual solutions (e.g., the proposed solution to the lack of spending after the GFC was saying nice things about "job creators" so they'd feel good and spend more).
Every measure? You're thinking of a wall only, right? And that was opposed on the grounds that adding more wall was wasteful, ineffective, and just a symbolic gesture. Other than that, they've fought for more funding and more effective action. There isn't a large difference in approaches to border security by the two parties. Biden opposed some "be assholes to asylum seekers" stuff that Trump did, but it's mostly the same beyond that. Also note that the unauthorized immigrant population fell during Obama's eight years in office.

You think Democratic leaders have called for the border to be surged? Why?

I think "defund the police" is another example of Republicans kind of operating off vibes. When it came to real-world proposals in the wake of the pandemic, Democrats were proposing federal aid to state and local and gov'ts that would reduce the need for funding cuts to police departments (among other programs), while Republicans were talking a lot about opposition to defunding and simultaneously opposing that support. I think in general, it's not an insult or controversial to say that Democrats tend to think problems have mechanical solutions (e.g., a lack of spending in the economy should be fixed with some combination of lower taxes, higher spending, and lower interest rates if possible) while Republicans tend to favor more spiritual solutions (e.g., the proposed solution to the lack of spending after the GFC was saying nice things about "job creators" so they'd feel good and spend more).
Deportations? You ever heard of sanctuary cities, and the outrage at the suggestion of workplace raids & mass deportation?

Basically democrats agree with republicans on border security except for border security and deporting illegal aliens. In other words, we agree on everything except virtually everything.
Deportations? You ever heard of sanctuary cities, and the outrage at the suggestion of workplace raids & mass deportation?

Basically democrats agree with republicans on border security except for border security and deporting illegal aliens. In other words, we agree on everything except virtually everything.
I believe Obama deported more illegals than trump.
Deportations? You ever heard of sanctuary cities, and the outrage at the suggestion of workplace raids & mass deportation?
Removals fell under Trump and then have risen (both number and percentage under Biden). Again, whatever you think of the issue yourself, it's not true that Democrats support illegal immigration or oppose measures to fight it. "Sanctuary city" isn't an official term, but that's about helping law enforcement solve crimes (if witnesses or victims are afraid to talk to cops, policing gets a lot harder).
Removals fell under Trump and then have risen
Because the border was secure under Trump, and didn't have record breaking numbers of illegals entering the country every week, you dishonest hack. Democrats could do next to nothing, and still beat Trump on "removals" under their inept border policies, which is precisely the case.

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